READ ME File For 'Research data - Fibre-reinforcement of railway ballast to reduce track settlement' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2271 ReadMe Author: Edgar Ferro, University of Trento [0000-0002-4511-7187] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: E. FERRO, L. LE PEN, A. ZERVOS, W. POWRIE TITLE: Fibre-reinforcement of railway ballast to reduce track settlement JOURNAL: Géotechnique PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: not yet avilable This dataset contains: Data behind the graphs shown in this publication The figures are as follows: Figure 1. Ballast grain size distribution and characteristics; grain specific gravity Gs; median grain size D50; coefficient of uniformity Cu = D60/D10; maximum and minimum void ratios for the unreinforced material emaxUR and eminUR Figure 6. Effect of the addition fibres on the void ratio; (a) long fibres of different widths (LN= 8.8, WN= 0.7, 2.9); (b) wide fibres of different lengths (WN= 2.9, LN= 4.4, 8.8) Figure 7. Effect of fibre dimensions on the packing; (a) loose conditions(De1%loose); (b) dense conditions (De1%dense); (c) compacting potential (De1%diff=De1%loose-De1%dense); the dots represent the data points used to generate the contours Figure 8. Effect of fibre width on the settlement; (a) settlement vs logarithm of the loading cycles – few markers are represented for clearer representation; (b) settlement at 3M cycles normalised with respect to the baseline test (C1) vs fibre width Figure 9. Effect of fibre content on the settlement; (a) settlement vs logarithm of the loading cycles – few markers are represented for clearer representation; (b) settlement at 3M cycles normalised with respect to the baseline test (C1) vs fibre volume ratio Figure 10. Effect of fibre length on the settlement; (a) settlement vs logarithm of the loading cycles; (b) settlement at 3M cycles vs fibre length Figure 11. Analysis of the effect of the packing of the grains on the settlement; (a) settlement vs initial density index; (b) settlement vs increase in range emax-emin relative to the unreinforced material Figure 12. Resilient displacements vs settlement; (a) middle of the sleeper – LVDTs 7 and 8; (b) sleeper ends, LVDTs 2 and 3; for each test the left marker corresponds to the 10th cycle, the right marker to the 3 millionth cycle Figure 13. Locked-in longitudinal (along the track) pressure vs settlement; (a) below the middle of the sleeper – plates 1 and 2; (b) below the end of the sleeper, plate 4; (c) difference between the sleeper-end and the middle pressures; the markers on the left corresponds to the 10th cycle, those on the right to the 3 millionth cycle: the lines in between are the actual data Figure 15. Sleeper/ballast contact area under the rails (Ac,r) vs sleeper settlement (a) and vs the resilient displacement at the sleeper ends (b) Date of data collection: from July 2014 to December 2015 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom Licence: Creative Commons Attribution Related projects: Track 21 (EP/H044949/1) Track to the Future (EP/M025276/1) Date that the file was created: June, 2022