Baker, David Paul (1981) Studies of magnetic critical phenomena in gadolinium. University of Southampton, Doctoral Thesis.
An automatic adiabatic calorimeter has been developed to measure the critical specific heat of gadolinium. A survey of different techniques for measuring heat capacities preceeds the description of the calorimeter and its automation using a PET minicomputer. Reviews of the theory of phase transitions and the results of experimental measurements on magnetic systems focus special attention on gadolinium, and the a (specific heat) exponent in particular. A detailed analysis of the measurements from these experiments on a single crystal of gadolinium has been carried out using a systematic approach based on the method of least squares. Satisfactory fits to the data can be obtained with the equation y e (A±/a)ItI + B± + Ct, where t is the reduced temperature, only when e + B7. A typical set of results is Tc a 293.46K, a - -0.26, A+ - 8.33/mole/K, A - 14.6 J/mole/K, B+ - 49 J/mole/K, 8 - 75 J/mole/K and C - -44 J/mole/K. This represents a significant departure from the theoretical, renormalization group, predictions; and is supported by the analysis of earlier specific heat and thermal expansion data. Various possible perturbations in gadolinium have been considered to see if they could cause crossover to a new fixed point. Finally, the results of measurements on a large polycrystalline sample are reported. They reveal a considerable smearing of the transition and the need to use good single crystals to investigate the critical region in gadolinium.
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