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Immunohistochemical studies of human endometrial stroma

Immunohistochemical studies of human endometrial stroma
Immunohistochemical studies of human endometrial stroma

A panel of antibodies has been used in an immunohistochemical examination of normal human endometrial stroma. Specimens were also examined from cases of infertility, menorrhagia and from women with an IUD in situ. All phases of the menstrual cycle were examined and also pre-menarchal, post-menopausal and pregnancy endometrium. Although stroma was the main area of study, the glandular component was included where relevant. Histological methods were also used when they added to immunohistochemical findings. Antibodies to leucocytes, the major immunoglobulin subclasses, J chain, secretory component, mast cells, HLA-DR and a proliferation-associated antigen were used in one part of the study. T lymphocytes and macrophages were the main types of leucocyte in stroma. They were found in basal aggregates, scattered through the stroma, in an intra-epithelial location and within gland lumina. B lymphocytes were rare, except in basal aggregates. Mast cells were very few. All immunoglobulins were seen in stroma but only IgA, secretory component and J chain were prsent in epithelial cells. The distribution of immunoglobulins and leucocytes suggests that endometrium possesses a mucosal imune system similar to other mucosal sites. Endometrial stromal granulocytes were shown to be T cells of an unusual phenotype, which proliferate in late secretory endometrium. Antibodies to the intermediate filaments desmin, vimentin and low molecular weight cytokeratins and to the antiproteases α1-antitrypsin and α1-antichymotrypsin were used on normal endometrium. Stromal fibroblasts expressed vimentin only, with desmin present in the media of arterioles. Vimentin and cytokeratins were present in epithelial cells. α1-antitrypsin and α1-antichymotrypsin were present in stromal fibroblasts throughout the cycle. Apoptotic bodies were seen mostly in epithelium. Most were of epithelial origin. They were phagocytosed mostly by other epithelial cells but also by macrophages. Apoptotic bodies were also seen in stroma; these and some apoptotic bodies in epithelium may be derived from stromal granulocytes.

University of Southampton
Marshall, Robert John
Marshall, Robert John

Marshall, Robert John (1990) Immunohistochemical studies of human endometrial stroma. University of Southampton, Doctoral Thesis.

Record type: Thesis (Doctoral)


A panel of antibodies has been used in an immunohistochemical examination of normal human endometrial stroma. Specimens were also examined from cases of infertility, menorrhagia and from women with an IUD in situ. All phases of the menstrual cycle were examined and also pre-menarchal, post-menopausal and pregnancy endometrium. Although stroma was the main area of study, the glandular component was included where relevant. Histological methods were also used when they added to immunohistochemical findings. Antibodies to leucocytes, the major immunoglobulin subclasses, J chain, secretory component, mast cells, HLA-DR and a proliferation-associated antigen were used in one part of the study. T lymphocytes and macrophages were the main types of leucocyte in stroma. They were found in basal aggregates, scattered through the stroma, in an intra-epithelial location and within gland lumina. B lymphocytes were rare, except in basal aggregates. Mast cells were very few. All immunoglobulins were seen in stroma but only IgA, secretory component and J chain were prsent in epithelial cells. The distribution of immunoglobulins and leucocytes suggests that endometrium possesses a mucosal imune system similar to other mucosal sites. Endometrial stromal granulocytes were shown to be T cells of an unusual phenotype, which proliferate in late secretory endometrium. Antibodies to the intermediate filaments desmin, vimentin and low molecular weight cytokeratins and to the antiproteases α1-antitrypsin and α1-antichymotrypsin were used on normal endometrium. Stromal fibroblasts expressed vimentin only, with desmin present in the media of arterioles. Vimentin and cytokeratins were present in epithelial cells. α1-antitrypsin and α1-antichymotrypsin were present in stromal fibroblasts throughout the cycle. Apoptotic bodies were seen mostly in epithelium. Most were of epithelial origin. They were phagocytosed mostly by other epithelial cells but also by macrophages. Apoptotic bodies were also seen in stroma; these and some apoptotic bodies in epithelium may be derived from stromal granulocytes.

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Published date: 1990


Local EPrints ID: 460660
PURE UUID: 871e2d23-cced-458f-8803-5e96fd4307b2

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Date deposited: 04 Jul 2022 18:26
Last modified: 04 Jul 2022 18:26

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Author: Robert John Marshall

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