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An immunohistochemical study of the spatial organisation and differentiation of haemopoietic cells within bone marrow in reactive, dysplastic, and neoplastic myeloproliferative states

An immunohistochemical study of the spatial organisation and differentiation of haemopoietic cells within bone marrow in reactive, dysplastic, and neoplastic myeloproliferative states
An immunohistochemical study of the spatial organisation and differentiation of haemopoietic cells within bone marrow in reactive, dysplastic, and neoplastic myeloproliferative states

Bone marrow trephine biopsies were studied by immunohistochemistry using antibodies reactive with lineage and maturation related glycoproteins expressed by haemopoietic cells. In the granulocyte series, expression of neutrophil elastase was restricted to a well defined paratrabecular zone of promyelocytes and myelocytes, 1-3 cells thick, while calgranulin was expressed only by metamyelocytes and segmented neutrophils. CD68 was more strongly expressed by early than late granulocytes. Expression of cytoplasmic CD15 showed the reverse pattern. All recognisable erythroid cells expressed beta-sialoglycoprotein, butalpha-sialoglycoprotein was absent from early forms. Normal erythroid development occurred in a radial fashion within clusters distributed throughout marrow spaces but was absent from paratrabecular zones. Megakaryocytes expressed CD61 and Factor 8-related antigen and were scattered throughout marrow spaces. Cells of monocyte lineage were difficult to identify in normal marrow, but showed variable expression of calgranulin, CD68 and CD15. Biopsies of pathological marrow were also studied. Reactive conditions were characterised by exaggeration of the normal organisational patterns. In myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic disorders, abnormal patterns of marrow architecture were demonstrated. In chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia, monopoiesis occurred in a dispersed fashion. By analogy with granulopoiesis in chronic granulocytic leukaemia, this may represent an exaggeration of the normal pattern of monopoiesis. Immunophenotypes of acute leukaemias reflected expression of early antigens of different cell lineages and correlated well with FAB subtyping.

University of Southampton
Wilkins, Bridget Sally
Wilkins, Bridget Sally

Wilkins, Bridget Sally (1992) An immunohistochemical study of the spatial organisation and differentiation of haemopoietic cells within bone marrow in reactive, dysplastic, and neoplastic myeloproliferative states. University of Southampton, Doctoral Thesis.

Record type: Thesis (Doctoral)


Bone marrow trephine biopsies were studied by immunohistochemistry using antibodies reactive with lineage and maturation related glycoproteins expressed by haemopoietic cells. In the granulocyte series, expression of neutrophil elastase was restricted to a well defined paratrabecular zone of promyelocytes and myelocytes, 1-3 cells thick, while calgranulin was expressed only by metamyelocytes and segmented neutrophils. CD68 was more strongly expressed by early than late granulocytes. Expression of cytoplasmic CD15 showed the reverse pattern. All recognisable erythroid cells expressed beta-sialoglycoprotein, butalpha-sialoglycoprotein was absent from early forms. Normal erythroid development occurred in a radial fashion within clusters distributed throughout marrow spaces but was absent from paratrabecular zones. Megakaryocytes expressed CD61 and Factor 8-related antigen and were scattered throughout marrow spaces. Cells of monocyte lineage were difficult to identify in normal marrow, but showed variable expression of calgranulin, CD68 and CD15. Biopsies of pathological marrow were also studied. Reactive conditions were characterised by exaggeration of the normal organisational patterns. In myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic disorders, abnormal patterns of marrow architecture were demonstrated. In chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia, monopoiesis occurred in a dispersed fashion. By analogy with granulopoiesis in chronic granulocytic leukaemia, this may represent an exaggeration of the normal pattern of monopoiesis. Immunophenotypes of acute leukaemias reflected expression of early antigens of different cell lineages and correlated well with FAB subtyping.

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Published date: 1992


Local EPrints ID: 461695
PURE UUID: a385d483-50ba-49e4-8dce-72bbdc5f0121

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Date deposited: 04 Jul 2022 18:52
Last modified: 04 Jul 2022 18:52

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Author: Bridget Sally Wilkins

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