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The Metapontine amphora assemblage : Greco-Italic, Metapontine and Baldacci Ic types

The Metapontine amphora assemblage : Greco-Italic, Metapontine and Baldacci Ic types
The Metapontine amphora assemblage : Greco-Italic, Metapontine and Baldacci Ic types

Following the petrological analysis of twenty-three different amphora rims belonging to the Greco-Italic and Metapontine Types recovered in the Metapontine territory (Basilicata, Italy), this thesis argues that these Roman Republican amphorae were produced in the Metapontine territory, probably at the ceramic production site of Pizzica Pantanello. Due to similarities found between the Metapontine Type and the Baldacci Ic Type, the latter were also petrologically analyzed in order to deduce if these two amphora types warrant separate type series. Also taken into consideration was the Classical/Hellenistic Greco-Italic amphorae (the Greco-Italic MGS III Subtype) and the Corinthian Type B, which is difficult to distinguish from the early Greco-Italic MGS Ilia Subgroup. Following the petrological analysis of thirty-two of these Classical/Hellenistic amphorae, this thesis maintains that they were also produced at or near the site of Pizzica Pantanello, indicating that the Roman Republican amphorae were a continuation of an existing tradition of amphora production in the Metapontine territory. Clay samples collected in the Metapontine territory and twenty-one comparative samples from grey ware, cooking ware and tiles thought to have been produced at Pizzica Pantanello (Carter 1983a; Van Burgers forthcoming; Gabrielli forthcoming) were also petrologically analyzed. Upon the completion of this research, the origin of these amphorae will become evident, resulting in the better understanding of the Metapontine assemblage, especially the Greco-Italic Type, which has been defined and redefined with little agreement over the years (see Chapter 2).

University of Southampton
Robbins, Marsha Louise
Robbins, Marsha Louise

Robbins, Marsha Louise (2008) The Metapontine amphora assemblage : Greco-Italic, Metapontine and Baldacci Ic types. University of Southampton, Doctoral Thesis.

Record type: Thesis (Doctoral)


Following the petrological analysis of twenty-three different amphora rims belonging to the Greco-Italic and Metapontine Types recovered in the Metapontine territory (Basilicata, Italy), this thesis argues that these Roman Republican amphorae were produced in the Metapontine territory, probably at the ceramic production site of Pizzica Pantanello. Due to similarities found between the Metapontine Type and the Baldacci Ic Type, the latter were also petrologically analyzed in order to deduce if these two amphora types warrant separate type series. Also taken into consideration was the Classical/Hellenistic Greco-Italic amphorae (the Greco-Italic MGS III Subtype) and the Corinthian Type B, which is difficult to distinguish from the early Greco-Italic MGS Ilia Subgroup. Following the petrological analysis of thirty-two of these Classical/Hellenistic amphorae, this thesis maintains that they were also produced at or near the site of Pizzica Pantanello, indicating that the Roman Republican amphorae were a continuation of an existing tradition of amphora production in the Metapontine territory. Clay samples collected in the Metapontine territory and twenty-one comparative samples from grey ware, cooking ware and tiles thought to have been produced at Pizzica Pantanello (Carter 1983a; Van Burgers forthcoming; Gabrielli forthcoming) were also petrologically analyzed. Upon the completion of this research, the origin of these amphorae will become evident, resulting in the better understanding of the Metapontine assemblage, especially the Greco-Italic Type, which has been defined and redefined with little agreement over the years (see Chapter 2).

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Published date: 2008


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PURE UUID: 2b880ae6-a448-4bb0-8807-31f7a01a3368

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Date deposited: 05 Jul 2022 05:38
Last modified: 16 Mar 2024 20:45

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Author: Marsha Louise Robbins

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