READ ME File For 'Experimental observations on turbulent boundary layers subjected to a step-change in surface roughness' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2291 ReadMe Author: Melika GUl, University of Sheffield [ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5843-7895] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:Melika Gul, Bharathram Ganapathisubramani TITLE: Experimental observations on turbulent boundary layers subjected to a step-change in surface roughness JOURNAL: Journal of Fluid Mechanics PAPER DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2022.608 The data is presented for each figure containing important data in the paper (filenames are given accordingly). Using the data provided and normalisation parameters (where applicable), the plots in the paper could be reproduced. The quantities that are presented in the plots are explained in the �Definition� sheet of each data file. Further Information regarding the data files: 1. Common data for the data sets is provided in CommonData.xlsx. 2. Data for figure 2 is given in Fig2.xlsx. 3. Data for figure 3 is given in Fig3.xlsx. The subfigures are presented in separate sheets, while comparison of cases in each subfigure is presented in different columns in each sheet. 4. Data for figure 4 is given in Fig4.xlsx. The subfigures are presented in separate sheets, while comparison of cases in each subfigure is presented in different columns in each sheet. 5. Data for figure 5 is given in Fig5.xlsx. The subfigures are presented in separate sheets, while comparison of cases in each subfigure is presented in different columns in each sheet. 6. Data for figure 6 is given in Fig6.xlsx. The subfigures are presented in separate sheets, while comparison of cases in each subfigure is presented in different columns in each sheet. 7. Data for figure 7 is given in Fig7.xlsx. The subfigures are presented in separate sheets, while comparison of cases in each subfigure is presented in different columns in each sheet. 8. Data for figure 8 is given in Fig8.xlsx. The subfigures are presented in separate sheets, while comparison of cases in each subfigure is presented in different columns in each sheet. 9. Data for figure 9 is given in Fig9.xlsx. The subfigures are presented in separate sheets, while comparison of cases in each subfigure is presented in different columns in each sheet. 10. Data for figure 10 is given in Fig10.xlsx. The subfigures are presented in separate sheets, while comparison of cases in each subfigure is presented in different columns in each sheet. 11. Data for figure 11 is given in Fig11.xlsx. The subfigures are presented in separate sheets, while comparison of cases in each subfigure is presented in different columns or rows in each sheet. Date of data collection: 07/2019 Licence: CC BY Related projects:EP/P009638/1 and EP/R034370/1 Date that the file was created: 07, 2022