% Representation of DLD experiments with particles and vesicles clear;close all;clc %% Particles % Field-induced lateral displacement % 100 nm particles. 105mS/m KCl % P100nmVpp = [0 50 100 150 200 250 300]; % New aligned values P100nmVpp = [0 52 108 160 210 260 312]; P100nmLD = [0 -2.497852234 1.574017199 44.45597166 92.26546653 112.1966123... 209.0208087]; P100nmSTD = [70 69.61340206 67.03931204 70.91093117 86.77484787... 98.29331046 102.6210153]; % 200 nm particles. 105mS/m KCl P200nmVpp = [0 52 108 118 134 160 210 260 312]; P200nmLD = [0 6.311881188 40.78864417 48.02866854 61.31188119 111.2623762... 269.950495 540.1400628 834.2123073]; P200nmSTD = [61.85643564 60.59405941 62 60.89552239 59.33168317... 59.33168317 59.33168317 59.22764228 41.7721519]; % 500 nm particles. 105mS/m KCl P500nmVpp = [0 52 108 118 134 160 210 260 312]; P500nmLD = [0 40.31039136 338.3294519 504.467582 811.9736842 883.2163743... 878.0311891 880.6237817 875.4385965]; P500nmSTD = [47.06140351 43.58974359 47.47787611 51.69565217 43.24561404... 9.074074074 6.481481481 6.481481481 7.777777778]; %% Extruded Lipid Vesicles % 100 nm extruded vesicles. 690mS/m V100nmVpp = [0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350]; V100nmLD = [0 -1.981239968 37.35497198 -48.1891122 147.4681648... 375.9180482 433.8201461 501.4278963]; V100nmSTD = [150.4831461 103.8727679 93.58313817 93.8028169 154.5454545... 203.9160839 332.3076923 330.0894855]; % 400 nm extruded vesicles. 690mS/m V400nmVpp = [0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350]; V400nmLD = [0 11.81100629 66.70306122 270.0279087 566.3337838 812.6847305... 822.7423077 826.0359155]; V400nmSTD = [150.4831461 103.8727679 93.58313817 93.8028169 154.5454545... 203.9160839 332.3076923 330.0894855]; %% Vesicle deflection divided in area groups % Case of lipid vesicles extruded by 400 nm pores. Division of the % population in four area groups % Median of the groups for the applied voltages % 0 Vpp M0_1 = -6.7345; M0_2 = -9.6030; M0_3 = -10.8691; M0_4 = -9.6030; % 50 Vpp M50_1 = 1.1228; M50_2 = -0.3283; M50_3 = -0.8727; M50_4 = -1.6965; % 100 Vpp M100_1 = 41.7700; M100_2 = 47.9623; M100_3 = 56.8449; M100_4 = 86.0584; % 150 Vpp M150_1 = 197.4311; M150_2 = 222.7314; M150_3 = 263.0647; M150_4 = 299.7088; % 200 Vpp M200_1 = 310.5516; M200_2 = 320.4140; M200_3 = 424.9605; M200_4 = 638.8527; % 250 Vpp M250_1 = 379.0226; M250_2 = 542.7999; M250_3 = 637.5089; M250_4 = 801.0150; % 300 Vpp M300_1 = 584.7415; M300_2 = 751.9527; M300_3 = 801.4131; M300_4 = 807.1741; % 350 Vpp M350_1 = 736.7801; M350_2 = 800.1479; M350_3 = 803.5673; M350_4 = 805.3614; %% Figure Particles: Figure 5 figure('Name','Particles in 105 mS/m') hold on box on ax=gca; ax.FontSize = 20; ax.LineWidth=1; ax.FontName = 'Times New Roman'; colorR = [212 56 37]/255; colorO = [239 135 51]/255; colorY = [248 206 70]/255; colorG = [70 156 118]/255; colorB = [56 117 176]/255; h1=errorbar(P100nmVpp,P100nmLD,P100nmSTD,'og','MarkerSize',10,... 'Color',colorB,'MarkerFaceColor',colorB,'Linewidth',1.25); h2=errorbar(P200nmVpp,P200nmLD,P200nmSTD,'og','MarkerSize',10,... 'Color',colorG,'MarkerFaceColor',colorG,'Linewidth',1.25); h3=errorbar(P500nmVpp,P500nmLD,P500nmSTD,'og','MarkerSize',10,... 'Color',colorR,'MarkerFaceColor',colorR,'Linewidth',1.25); xlabel('Peak to Peak Voltage (V)') ylabel('Lateral Displacement (\mum)') legend([h3 h2 h1],'500 nm','200 nm','100 nm','Location','NW') %% Figure Extruded Lipid Vesicles: Figure 7 figure('Name','Vesicles in 690 mS/m') hold on box on ax=gca; ax.FontSize = 20; ax.LineWidth=1; ax.FontName = 'Times New Roman'; h1=errorbar(V100nmVpp,V100nmLD,V100nmSTD,'og','MarkerSize',10,... 'Color',colorY,'MarkerFaceColor',colorY,'Linewidth',1.25); h2=errorbar(V400nmVpp,V400nmLD,V400nmSTD,'og','MarkerSize',10,... 'Color',colorO,'MarkerFaceColor',colorO,'Linewidth',1.25); xlabel('Peak to Peak Voltage (V)') ylabel('Lateral Displacement (\mum)') legend([h2 h1],'400 nm','100 nm','Location','NW') %% Figure Area Group Division: Figure S1 figure hold on box on ax=gca; ax.FontSize = 20; ax.FontName = 'Times New Roman'; ax.LineWidth = 1.25; Vpp = [0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350]; G1 = [M0_1 M50_1 M100_1 M150_1 M200_1 M250_1 M300_1 M350_1]; G2 = [M0_2 M50_2 M100_2 M150_2 M200_2 M250_2 M300_2 M350_2]; G3 = [M0_3 M50_3 M100_3 M150_3 M200_3 M250_3 M300_3 M350_3]; G4 = [M0_4 M50_4 M100_4 M150_4 M200_4 M250_4 M300_4 M350_4]; plot(Vpp, G1, 'o','Color',colorB,'MarkerFaceColor',colorB,'MarkerSize',10) plot(Vpp, G2, 's','Color',colorO,'MarkerFaceColor',colorO,'MarkerSize',10) plot(Vpp, G3, '^','Color',colorG,'MarkerFaceColor',colorG,'MarkerSize',10) plot(Vpp, G4, 'v','Color',colorR,'MarkerFaceColor',colorR,'MarkerSize',10) xlabel('Peak to Peak Voltage (V)') ylabel('Lateral Displacement (\mum)') legend('Brightness Group 1','Brightness Group 2',... 'Brightness Group 3', 'Brightness Group 4')