READ ME File For `Otolith-derived field metabolic rates (C_resp values), experience temperatures and stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O)` Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2292 ReadMe Author: Sarah Alewijnse, University of Southampton ORCID ID 0000-0002-3479-2443 This dataset supports the thesis entitled Macroecological study of otolith-derived field metabolic rates of marine fishes AWARDED BY: University of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2022 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA Otolith-derived field metabolic rates, reported as C_resp values; the proportion of metabolic carbon in a fishes blood (see Chung et al. 2019 Mar. Freshw. Res.), and otolith-derived experienced temperatures in degrees Celcius. Also included are the δ13C and δ18O used to derive C_resp values and experienced temperature. This dataset contains: * species = the species' binomial scientific name * spp_code = a three-letter species code, usually compiled of the first letter of the Genus, and the first two letters of the species * c_resp_mean = the mean C_resp value estimated from δ13C of the otolith, using Bayesian methods * c_resp_sd = the standard deviation of the C_resp value estimated from δ13C of the otolith, using Bayesian methods * temp_mean = the mean experienced temperature (degrees Celcius) estimated from δ18O of the otolith, using Bayesian methods * temp_sd = the standard deviation of experienced temperature, estimated from δ18O of the otolith, using Bayesian methods * oto_d13c_mean = the δ13C value of the otolith * oto_d13c_sd = the uncertainty associated with oto_d13c_mean * oto_d18o_mean = the δ18O value of the otolith * oto_d18o_sd = the uncertainty associated with oto_d18o_mean * dic_d13c_mean = the estimated δ13C value of the dissolved inorganic carbon in the ambient water * dic_d13c_sd = the uncertainty associated with dic_d13c_mean * diet_d13c_mean = the estimated δ13C value of the fish's diet * diet_d13c_sd = the uncertainty associated with diet_d13c_mean * water_d18o_mean = the estimated δ18O value of the ambient water * water_d18o_sd = the uncertainty associated with water_d18o_sd * year = the year in which the fish's otolith was collected * lat = latitude of fish collection in decimal degrees (WGS84) * long = longitude of fish collection in decimal degrees (WGS84) * sample_type = whether the sample was taken from the otolith's outer surface (outer) or the whole otolith (whole) * n = number of otoliths within the sample * source = source institution of the otolith * SUMIE = Southampton University Marine Isotope Ecology Lab, University of Southampton * NHM = Natural History Museum London * Tristan = UK Government Blue Belt Program (Tristan da Cunha) * BAS = British Antarctic Survey * Ascencion = Ascencion Islands Government * IFREMER = Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer * Taiwan = National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan * Cefas = Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science * Israel = Tel Aviv University, Israel Licence: University of Southampton License: Copyright © and Moral Rights for this thesis and, where applicable, any accompanying data are retained by the author and/or other copyright owners. A copy can be downloaded for personal noncommercial research or study, without prior permission or charge. This thesis and the accompanying data cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the copyright holder/s. The content of the thesis and accompanying research data (where applicable) must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holder/s. When referring to this thesis and any accompanying data, full bibliographic details must be given Date that the file was created: June, 2022