Qualtrics_ID,MH_diagnosis,MH_diagnosis_depression,MH_diagnosis_anxiety,MH_diagnosis_OCD,MH_diagnosis_PTSD,MH_diagnosis_bipolar,MH_diagnosis_schizophrenia,Psych_treatment_current,Psych_treatment_previous,Cog_training,Age,Gender,Gender_other,Sex,Ethnicity,Ethnicity_other,DASS_21_1,DASS_21_2,DASS_21_3,DASS_21_4,DASS_21_5,DASS_21_6,DASS_21_7,DASS_21_8,DASS_21_9,DASS_21_10,DASS_21_11,DASS_21_12,DASS_21_13,DASS_21_14,DASS_21_15,DASS_21_16,DASS_21_17,DASS_21_18,DASS_21_19,DASS_21_20,DASS_21_21,PTQ_1,PTQ_2,PTQ_3,PTQ_4,PTQ_5,PTQ_6,PTQ_7,PTQ_8,PTQ_9,PTQ_10,PTQ_11,PTQ_12,PTQ_13,PTQ_14,PTQ_15,MAAS_1,MAAS_2,MAAS_3,MAAS_4,MAAS_5,MAAS_6,MAAS_7,MAAS_8,MAAS_9,MAAS_10,MAAS_11,MAAS_12,MAAS_13,MAAS_14,MAAS_15,MCQ_30_1,MCQ_30_2,MCQ_30_3,MCQ_30_4,MCQ_30_5,MCQ_30_6,MCQ_30_7,MCQ_30_8,MCQ_30_9,MCQ_30_10,MCQ_30_11,MCQ_30_12,MCQ_30_13,MCQ_30_14,MCQ_30_15,MCQ_30_16,MCQ_30_17,MCQ_30_18,MCQ_30_19,MCQ_30_20,MCQ_30_21,MCQ_30_22,MCQ_30_23,MCQ_30_24,MCQ_30_25,MCQ_30_26,MCQ_30_27,MCQ_30_28,MCQ_30_29,MCQ_30_30,DASS_total,DASS_stress,DASS_anxiety,DASS_depression,MAAS,MCQ_pos,MCQ_neg,MCQ_cc,MCQ_nc,MCQ_csc,PTQ_total,PTQ_core,PTQ_unproductiveness,PTQ_mental,SST_p_rs,SST_ssd,SST_ssrt_mean,SST_sr_rt,SST_ns_rt,SST_ns_hit,SST_miss,SST_z_score,SST_p_value,SST_p_rs_deviation,SST_race_model_violation,SST_nth,SST_nth_rt,SST_max_ns_rt,SST_ns_rts_total,SST_SSRT_integration,WCST_count_ColorBlocks,WCST_count_FormBlocks,WCST_count_NumberBlocks,WCST_colortrialcount,WCST_formtrialcount,WCST_numbertrialcount,WCST_trialCount,WCST_totalcorrect,WCST_number_Errors,WCST_Percent_Errors,WCST_number_pResponses,WCST_Percent_pResponses,WCST_number_pErrors,WCST_Percent_pErrors,WCST_number_OtherErrors,WCST_Percent_OtherErrors,WCST_completedcategories,WCST_Sum_FailureMaintainSet,WCST_trialscompletefirstcategory,WCST_percenterror_C1,WCST_percenterror_F1,WCST_percenterror_N1,WCST_percenterror_C2,WCST_percenterror_F2,WCST_percenterror_N2,WCST_Diff_C1F1,WCST_Diff_F1N1,WCST_Diff_N1C2,WCST_Diff_C2F2,WCST_Diff_F2N2,WCST_LearningToLearn,Nback_propCorrect,Nback_meanHit_RT,Nback_hitRate_overall,Nback_list.hits.itemcount,Nback_FArate_overall,Nback_list.commissions.itemcount,Nback_meanFA_RT,Nback_zhitrate_overall,Nback_zFArate_overall,Nback_dprime_overall,Nback_hitRate_N0,Nback_meanHit_RT_N0,Nback_FArate_N0,Nback_meanFA_RT_N0,Nback_zhitrate_N0,Nback_zFArate_N0,Nback_dprime_N0,Nback_hitRate_N1,Nback_meanHit_RT_N1,Nback_FArate_N1,Nback_meanFA_RT_N1,Nback_zhitrate_N1,Nback_zFArate_N1,Nback_dprime_N1,Nback_hitRate_N2,Nback_meanHit_RT_N2,Nback_FArate_N2,Nback_meanFA_RT_N2,Nback_zhitrate_N2,Nback_zFArate_N2,Nback_dprime_N2,Nback_hitRate_N3,Nback_meanHit_RT_N3,Nback_FArate_N3,Nback_meanFA_RT_N3,Nback_zhitrate_N3,Nback_zFArate_N3,Nback_dprime_N3,MCQ_total,Nback_RT_contrast_N2minusN1,Nback_RT_contrast_N2minusN0 R_081FISSmTjtM2A1,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Yes,39,Female, ,Female,Any other Asian background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,8,8,0,0,63,10,8,8,12,18,11,8,1,2,42.59259259,521.2962963,288.6718566,695.6956522,809.9681529,98.74213836,1.257861635,-1.088662108,0.138151459,0,0,69,776,1235,162,254.7037037,2,2,2,23,29,26,78,65,13,16.66666667,7,8.974358974,7,8.974358974,1,0.012820513,6,0,10,0,16.66666667,28.57142857,23.07692308,9.090909091,16.66666667,-16.66666667,-11.9047619,5.494505495,13.98601399,-7.575757576,-3.333333333,0.961111111,471.362069,0.966666667,60,0.041666667,120,495.2,1.833914593,-1.731664404,3.565578997,1,390.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,464.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,527,0.066666667,525,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,0.866666667,508.3846154,0.1,475.3333333,1.110771641,-1.281551555,2.392323196,56,62.13333333,136.8666667 R_0BWuSrlARBSMuuR,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,47,Male, ,Male,Arab, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,0,0,0,0,90,6,6,6,6,6,0,0,0,0,100,69.44444444,228.6813417,280.7777778,350.9180328,76.72955975,0,7.348469228,0,1,0,162,912,912,162,842.5555556,2,2,2,47,30,51,128,85,43,33.59375,25,19.53125,22,17.1875,4,0.03125,5,3,26,11.53846154,23.07692308,54.34782609,19.04761905,29.41176471,60,-11.53846154,-31.27090301,35.30020704,-10.36414566,-30.58823529,-9.692307692,0.883333333,728.6734694,0.816666667,60,0.083333333,120,761.5,0.902734771,-1.38299413,2.285728902,1,504.4,0.033333333,0,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.933333333,650.9285714,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.733333333,1010.454545,0.133333333,913.75,0.622925743,-1.110771641,1.733697385,0.6,879,0.166666667,792,0.253347114,-0.967421606,1.22076872,30,359.525974,506.0545455 R_10B4Kxhb0rKk215,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,23,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,18,2,4,12,71,7,10,8,9,9,23,16,4,3,53.84615385,275.9615385,158.6098901,344,436.175,99.37888199,0,0.554700196,0.289549871,0,0,87,438,818,162,162.0384615,1,1,1,13,42,73,128,68,60,46.875,35,27.34375,30,23.4375,1,0.0078125,2,2,13,7.692307692,26.19047619,65.75342466, , , ,-18.4981685,-39.56294847, , , ,-29.03055848,0.961111111,464.0517241,0.966666667,60,0.041666667,120,467,1.833914593,-1.731664404,3.565578997,1,375.7333333,0.033333333,248,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,405,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,395,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,713.7692308,0.133333333,521.75,1.110771641,-1.110771641,2.221543282,43,-10,19.26666667 R_123esk5HkuNp7FJ,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,No,27,Female, ,Female,African, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,44,16,18,10,62,8,16,7,8,12,36,23,7,6,45.28301887,315.0943396,241.3931604,499.1666667,558.8917197,98.125,0,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,540,918,162,224.9056604,1,1,1,11,28,89,128,59,69,53.90625,52,40.625,44,34.375,2,0.015625,2,1,11,9.090909091,14.28571429,71.91011236, , , ,-5.194805195,-57.62439807, , , ,-31.40960163,0.733333333,456.8666667,0.25,60,0.025,120,1055,-0.674489781,-1.959964022,1.285474241,0.933333333,439,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0, ,0.033333333,1605,-2.575829342,-1.833914593,-0.741914749,0, ,0.033333333,947,-2.575829342,-1.833914593,-0.741914749,0.066666667,707,0.033333333,613,-1.501085982,-1.833914593,0.332828611,51, , R_12RO6a3UJr9ZEeL,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,50,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,4,4,0,0,87,6,9,6,11,16,17,11,4,2,48.14814815,428.7037037,243.6233403,618.5,672.327044,100,0,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,660,870,162,231.2962963,2,2,2,22,24,26,72,63,9,12.5,3,4.166666667,3,4.166666667,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,16.66666667,13.33333333,9.090909091,16.66666667,9.090909091,-7.575757576,3.333333333,4.242424242,-7.575757576,7.575757576,0,0.744444444,583.85,0.333333333,60,0.05,120,668.3333333,-0.430727318,-1.644853637,1.214126319,1,590.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.2,584.3333333,0.066666667,590,-0.841621265,-1.501085982,0.659464717,0.133333333,531.5,0.1,705,-1.110771641,-1.281551555,0.170779914,0, ,0.033333333,715,-2.575829342,-1.833914593,-0.741914749,48,-52.83333333,-59.23333333 R_1BWMasHeVy9AI7z,Yes,Depression, , , , , ,No,Yes,No,29,Female, ,Female,Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Rarely,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,38,20,4,14,51,16,21,12,15,11,34,22,6,6,48.14814815,602.7777778,274.1208709,708.4230769,876.8986486,93.08176101,6.918238994,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,906,1277,162,303.2222222,1,1,1,10,30,88,128,61,67,52.34375,31,24.21875,27,21.09375,3,0.0234375,2,1,10,0,20,69.31818182, , , ,-20,-49.31818182, , , ,-34.65909091,0.888888889,598.2407407,0.9,60,0.116666667,120,861.5,1.281551555,-1.191816196,2.473367751,0.933333333,456.5714286,0.066666667,1325.5,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,1,533.6666667,0.033333333,565,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.866666667,692.8461538,0.133333333,798.25,1.110771641,-1.110771641,2.221543282,0.8,741.75,0.233333333,807.4285714,0.841621265,-0.727913305,1.56953457,75,159.1794872,236.2747253 R_1BYsgr72W7Uz2P7,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,25,Female, ,Female,Irish, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,56,24,0,32,57,10,18,13,8,16,41,26,8,7,54.71698113,109.4339623,349.4222877,418.0689655,459.866242,98.125,0,0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,89,447,1008,162,337.5660377,2,2,2,21,28,41,90,74,16,17.77777778,7,7.777777778,7,7.777777778,0,0,6,1,10,0,16.66666667,37.5,9.090909091,18.75,16,-16.66666667,-20.83333333,28.40909091,-9.659090909,2.75,-3.2,0.9,849.2553191,0.783333333,60,0.041666667,120,1459.2,0.783500388,-1.731664404,2.515164793,0.933333333,535.6428571,0.033333333,1950,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.933333333,699.7142857,0.033333333,845,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.733333333,1140,0.066666667,1802,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,0.533333333,1260,0.033333333,897,0.083651707,-1.833914593,1.917566299,65,440.2857143,604.3571429 R_1Cr5OuDexfZKw0g,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,30,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost always,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,2,0,0,2,79,6,8,11,13,13,3,1,0,2,49.05660377,309.4339623,137.8972877,410.9230769,447.33125,100,0,-0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,79,428,671,162,118.5660377,2,2,2,21,28,26,75,67,8,10.66666667,4,5.333333333,4,5.333333333,0,0,6,0,10,0,13.33333333,16.66666667,9.090909091,15.38461538,7.142857143,-13.33333333,-3.333333333,7.575757576,-6.293706294,8.241758242,-1.428571429,0.933333333,578.7115385,0.866666667,60,0.033333333,120,719,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,1,457.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,640.1428571,0.033333333,975,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.933333333,572.5,0.033333333,519,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.6,695.2222222,0.066666667,691,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,51,-67.64285714,115.2333333 R_1DSSjhchiRX5A55,Yes, ,Anxiety, , , , ,No,No,No,59,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,2,2,0,0,73,7,8,6,6,7,5,4,1,0,45.28301887,407.5471698,262.1743492,463.7916667,671.5159236,98.125,1.25,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,663,1166,162,255.4528302,1,1,1,10,14,104,128,52,76,59.375,34,26.5625,31,24.21875,20,0.15625,2,0,10,0,21.42857143,70.19230769, , , ,-21.42857143,-48.76373626, , , ,-35.09615385,0.827777778,652.9210526,0.633333333,60,0.075,120,796.8888889,0.34069486,-1.439531431,1.78022629,0.8,549.25,0.066666667,621.5,0.841621265,-1.501085982,2.342707247,0.666666667,629.1,0.066666667,540,0.430727318,-1.501085982,1.9318133,0.8,669,0.033333333,784,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.266666667,975.25,0.133333333,1016.25,-0.622925743,-1.110771641,0.487845898,34,39.9,119.75 R_1EKecHQ8KCdIRTr,No, , , , , , ,Yes, ,No,32,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,48,18,20,10,59,12,8,7,11,11,15,9,4,2,70.37037037,87.96296296,389.9478651,466.0789474,477.6794872,98.11320755,1.257861635,2.993820797,0.001377538,0,0,114,529,1059,162,441.037037,2,1,1,38,12,78,128,59,69,53.90625,25,19.53125,23,17.96875,26,0.203125,3,1,11,9.090909091,16.66666667,62.82051282,62.96296296, , ,-7.575757576,-46.15384615,-0.142450142, , ,-17.95735129,0.855555556,511.7111111,0.75,60,0.091666667,120,567,0.674489781,-1.330561504,2.005051285,0.933333333,467.0714286,0.066666667,460.5,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,0.8,531.9166667,0.033333333,309,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.666666667,539.3,0.1,544.3333333,0.430727318,-1.281551555,1.712278873,0.6,523.5555556,0.166666667,674.8,0.253347114,-0.967421606,1.22076872,49,7.383333333,72.22857143 R_1ERJF7pYOiz4vHX,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,30,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Sometimes,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,20,10,6,4,59,11,7,10,10,15,12,7,1,4,49.05660377,177.3584906,257.7165094,381.3461538,437.4585987,98.125,0,-0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,79,409,1209,162,231.6415094,2,2,2,21,37,38,96,69,27,28.125,13,13.54166667,12,12.5,1,0.010416667,6,0,10,0,45.83333333,40,9.090909091,15.38461538,23.07692308,-45.83333333,5.833333333,30.90909091,-6.293706294,-7.692307692,-4.615384615,0.955555556,725.4181818,0.916666667,60,0.025,120,877.6666667,1.38299413,-1.959964022,3.342958152,1,485.3333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,658.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,862.4666667,0.066666667,961,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,0.666666667,980.9,0.033333333,711,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,53,204.3333333,377.1333333 R_1EWB0H0LtesMthz,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,Yes,29,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,26,16,4,6,63,15,15,6,12,16,40,26,7,7,47.16981132,266.0377358,125.5122642,342.96,391.55,100,0,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,370,689,162,103.9622642,2,2,2,28,32,26,86,72,14,16.27906977,4,4.651162791,4,4.651162791,1,0.011627907,6,1,17,17.64705882,14.28571429,28.57142857,9.090909091,16.66666667,8.333333333,3.361344538,-14.28571429,19.48051948,-7.575757576,8.333333333,1.862745098,0.966666667,438.1818182,0.916666667,60,0.008333333,120,773,1.38299413,-2.393979773,3.776973903,1,407.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,410.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,459.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.666666667,494.3,0.033333333,773,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,64,49.46666667,52.2 R_1f7SyOaLCDpTGXj,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Not sure,24,Female, ,Female,African, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,38,14,18,6,73,19,15,14,13,17,25,15,6,4,42.59259259,536.1111111,287.1161616,668.5217391,823.2272727,96.85534591,3.144654088,-1.088662108,0.138151459,0,0,69,788,1247,162,251.8888889,2,1,1,41,16,71,128,72,56,43.75,42,32.8125,30,23.4375,3,0.0234375,3,2,13,7.692307692,18.75,61.97183099,28.57142857, , ,-11.05769231,-43.22183099,33.40040241, , ,-6.95970696,0.794444444,752.6538462,0.433333333,60,0.025,120,604.3333333,-0.167893991,-1.959964022,1.792070031,0.333333333,458.8,0, ,-0.430727318,-2.575829342,2.145102024,0.333333333,657.8,0.033333333,614,-0.430727318,-1.833914593,1.403187275,0.733333333,941.1818182,0.033333333,632,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.333333333,726.6,0.033333333,567,-0.430727318,-1.833914593,1.403187275,78,283.3818182,482.3818182 R_1fiRrDikW3YwooL,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,No,25,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,42,20,8,14,51,15,15,12,12,24,33,21,7,5,50.94339623,328.3018868,313.3793632,596.7037037,641.68125,100,0,0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,83,611,1243,162,282.6981132,2,2,2,21,23,33,77,66,11,14.28571429,4,5.194805195,4,5.194805195,1,0.012987013,6,1,10,0,9.090909091,23.80952381,9.090909091,16.66666667,16.66666667,-9.090909091,-14.71861472,14.71861472,-7.575757576,0,-3.333333333,0.938888889,555.7636364,0.916666667,60,0.05,120,925.1666667,1.38299413,-1.644853637,3.027847767,1,485.9333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,501.6,0.033333333,617,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.933333333,569.9285714,0.033333333,567,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.733333333,706.8181818,0.133333333,1091.75,0.622925743,-1.110771641,1.733697385,78,68.32857143,83.9952381 R_1FqBCNQwgLnbFTy,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Not sure,47,Female, ,Female,African, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,0,0,0,0,82,6,6,6,7,15,1,1,0,0,47.16981132,200,272.2125,423.16,473.5949367,98.75,0,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,425,1018,162,225,2,2,2,33,29,26,88,65,23,26.13636364,9,10.22727273,9,10.22727273,5,0.056818182,6,0,10,0,16.66666667,23.07692308,52.17391304,17.64705882,23.07692308,-16.66666667,-6.41025641,-29.09698997,34.52685422,-5.429864253,-4.615384615,0.85,678.3636364,0.733333333,60,0.091666667,120,622.4545455,0.622925743,-1.330561504,1.953487247,0.933333333,446.0714286,0.333333333,560.3,1.501085982,-0.430727318,1.9318133,0.933333333,659.9285714,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.6,929.2222222,0, ,0.253347114,-2.575829342,2.829176456,0.466666667,857.2857143,0.033333333,1244,-0.083651707,-1.833914593,1.750262886,40,269.2936508,483.1507937 R_1FzSGzaG3FbRnPI,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, ,Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), , ,No,Yes,Yes,19,Male, ,Male,Any other Asian background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,54,20,4,30,61,13,14,8,19,16,46,27,10,9,55.55555556,204.6296296,297.4210033,518.9,502.0506329,99.37106918,0.628930818,0.816496581,0.207108089,0,1,90,466,1251,162,261.3703704,2,2,2,33,49,26,108,78,30,27.77777778,17,15.74074074,15,13.88888889,1,0.009259259,6,1,14,21.42857143,48.64864865,16.66666667,10.52631579,16.66666667,21.42857143,-27.22007722,31.98198198,6.140350877,-6.140350877,-4.761904762,0,0.727777778,601.4705882,0.566666667,60,0.191666667,120,1150.086957,0.167893991,-0.871770993,1.039664984,0.8,518,0.066666667,685.5,0.841621265,-1.501085982,2.342707247,0.466666667,465.2857143,0.2,998.8333333,-0.083651707,-0.841621265,0.757969558,0.6,792.7777778,0.2,996.3333333,0.253347114,-0.841621265,1.094968379,0.4,640.3333333,0.3,1456.666667,-0.253347114,-0.524400517,0.271053404,70,327.4920635,274.7777778 R_1gchQ86no7sufqK,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,27,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,38,8,8,22,81,6,9,6,10,18,19,11,5,3,48.14814815,313.8888889,207.5639413,448.3076923,521.8535032,98.74213836,0,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,518,862,162,204.1111111,2,2,2,29,26,47,102,77,25,24.50980392,11,10.78431373,11,10.78431373,0,0,6,1,16,25,16.66666667,25,23.07692308,21.42857143,29.62962963,8.333333333,-8.333333333,1.923076923,1.648351648,-8.201058201,-0.925925926,0.927777778,605.8113208,0.883333333,60,0.05,120,1109.333333,1.191816196,-1.644853637,2.836669832,1,435.2,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,546,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,704.0714286,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.6,837,0.2,1109.333333,0.253347114,-0.841621265,1.094968379,49,158.0714286,268.8714286 R_1GP6Ycj6QsbmO8w,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,39,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,8,2,2,4,63,12,11,13,15,14,15,10,4,1,50,120.3703704,238.4409504,365.3333333,361.0849673,96.22641509,0,0,0.5,0,1,81,353,645,162,232.6296296,2,2,2,37,30,25,92,77,15,16.30434783,7,7.608695652,6,6.52173913,0,0,6,2,11,9.090909091,15.78947368,9.090909091,26.92307692,9.090909091,14.28571429,-6.698564593,6.698564593,-17.83216783,17.83216783,-5.194805195,-1.038961039,0.916666667,469.0851064,0.783333333,60,0.016666667,120,528.5,0.783500388,-2.128045276,2.911545664,1,431.9333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,481.4,0.033333333,353,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.8,499.3333333,0.033333333,704,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.333333333,471,0, ,-0.430727318,-2.575829342,2.145102024,65,17.93333333,67.4 R_1GTCCnCNmkoi9sl,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,31,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,48,8,16,24,63,7,14,11,12,20,35,21,7,7,43.39622642,305.6603774,253.3459119,439.2173913,559.0062893,99.375,0.625,-0.961523948,0.168144395,0,0,70,542,910,162,236.3396226,2,2,2,24,24,27,75,63,12,16,4,5.333333333,4,5.333333333,0,0,6,0,12,8.333333333,23.07692308,25,16.66666667,9.090909091,9.090909091,-14.74358974,-1.923076923,8.333333333,7.575757576,0,-0.151515152,0.761111111,479.1875,0.533333333,60,0.125,120,609.4,0.083651707,-1.150349423,1.23400113,1,434.3333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.6,457,0.233333333,599.5714286,0.253347114,-0.727913305,0.981260419,0.333333333,585.6,0.1,720.6666667,-0.430727318,-1.281551555,0.850824237,0.2,592.6666667,0.166666667,556.4,-0.841621265,-0.967421606,0.125800341,64,128.6,151.2666667 R_1HhIqDbqjxR1BwJ,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Not sure,49,Male, ,Male,"Any other ethnic group, please describe",latino,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Never,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,50,26,16,8,42,14,8,8,13,16,28,18,7,3,47.16981132,418.8679245,307.3009944,605.92,726.1689189,92.5,7.5,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,720,1258,162,301.1320755,2,2,2,24,22,25,71,62,9,12.67605634,6,8.450704225,6,8.450704225,0,0,6,0,12,8.333333333,9.090909091,15.38461538,16.66666667,9.090909091,16.66666667,-0.757575758,-6.293706294,-1.282051282,7.575757576,-7.575757576,-1.666666667,0.822222222,660.3255814,0.716666667,60,0.125,120,1084.533333,0.572967544,-1.150349423,1.723316967,1,529.2,0.033333333,573,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.6,661.5555556,0.233333333,1258.428571,0.253347114,-0.727913305,0.981260419,0.866666667,696.8461538,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,0.4,907.1666667,0.233333333,983.7142857,-0.253347114,-0.727913305,0.474566191,59,35.29059829,167.6461538 R_1IF4bWcxp6IsxQi,Yes,Depression, , , , , ,No,Yes,No,50,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,46,18,2,26,49,12,13,20,15,18,38,24,8,6,46.15384615,587.5,281.8782051,781.2916667,869.3782051,96.89440994,3.105590062,-0.554700196,0.289549871,0,0,75,855,1226,162,267.5,2,2,2,25,27,33,85,70,15,17.64705882,6,7.058823529,6,7.058823529,0,0,6,0,10,0,15.38461538,36.36363636,13.33333333,14.28571429,9.090909091,-15.38461538,-20.97902098,23.03030303,-0.952380952,5.194805195,-1.818181818,0.95,620.1454545,0.916666667,60,0.033333333,120,1367.25,1.38299413,-1.833914593,3.216908723,1,508.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,532.9333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,700.9230769,0.033333333,1303,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.8,781.75,0.1,1388.666667,0.841621265,-1.281551555,2.12317282,78,167.9897436,192.8564103 R_1ilhc0T1wjeCGkg,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,22,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,2,2,0,0,84,8,6,8,9,12,5,4,1,0,52.83018868,211.3207547,227.2604953,396.3571429,439.4465409,99.375,0,0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,86,422,766,162,210.6792453,2,2,2,27,40,33,100,75,25,25,11,11,10,10,2,0.02,6,0,13,15.38461538,25,40,28.57142857,16.66666667,15.38461538,-9.615384615,-15,11.42857143,11.9047619,1.282051282,3.55E-16,0.933333333,553,0.883333333,60,0.041666667,120,732.6,1.191816196,-1.731664404,2.9234806,1,448.9333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,497.2666667,0.033333333,614,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.933333333,601.7142857,0.066666667,806,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,0.6,743.5555556,0.066666667,718.5,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,43,104.447619,152.7809524 R_1INq9mHlXPMnzzq,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,32,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,0,0,0,0,85,11,8,8,10,21,15,10,2,3,53.7037037,148.1481481,213.9524808,363.7586207,361.2820513,98.11320755,0,0.544331054,0.293106841,0,1,87,364,616,162,215.8518519,2,2,2,26,28,25,79,69,10,12.65822785,5,6.329113924,5,6.329113924,0,0,6,1,12,16.66666667,9.090909091,9.090909091,14.28571429,11.76470588,14.28571429,7.575757576,0,-5.194805195,2.521008403,-2.521008403,0.476190476,0.933333333,634.22,0.833333333,60,0.016666667,120,1239.5,0.967421606,-2.128045276,3.095466882,1,463.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,559,0.033333333,917,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.933333333,635.6428571,0.033333333,1562,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.533333333,1073.375,0, ,0.083651707,-2.575829342,2.659481049,58,76.64285714,171.7761905 R_1Ioq00doUISHAGc,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,23,Female, ,Female,African, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Almost always,Sometimes,Almost always,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Almost never,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,44,16,6,22,39,13,14,19,12,12,40,21,7,12,48.14814815,258.3333333,248.4402516,436.8846154,508.0253165,99.37106918,0,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,492,865,162,233.6666667,2,2,2,24,24,35,83,65,18,21.68674699,6,7.228915663,6,7.228915663,1,0.012048193,6,0,10,0,15.38461538,40.90909091,21.42857143,9.090909091,23.07692308,-15.38461538,-25.52447552,19.48051948,12.33766234,-13.98601399,-4.615384615,0.933333333,622.3818182,0.916666667,60,0.058333333,120,815.4285714,1.38299413,-1.568919674,2.951913804,1,509.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,580.2142857,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.8,683.9166667,0.133333333,894.25,0.841621265,-1.110771641,1.952392906,0.933333333,732.5,0.1,710.3333333,1.501085982,-1.281551555,2.782637537,70,103.702381,174.1833333 R_1IXji959c6tgupS,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,38,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,54,20,14,20,44,17,19,15,19,18,42,26,8,8,50.94339623,315.0943396,243.5869104,515,558.68125,100,0,0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,83,531,1011,162,215.9056604,2,2,2,37,26,29,92,75,17,18.47826087,10,10.86956522,10,10.86956522,2,0.02173913,6,2,25,8,28.57142857,33.33333333,16.66666667,16.66666667,9.090909091,-20.57142857,-4.761904762,16.66666667,0,7.575757576,-0.218181818,0.933333333,699.0338983,0.983333333,60,0.091666667,120,921.0909091,2.128045276,-1.330561504,3.45860678,1,514.1333333,0.033333333,405,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,549.6666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,795.8,0.1,912.6666667,2.575829342,-1.281551555,3.857380897,0.933333333,953.5,0.233333333,998.4285714,1.501085982,-0.727913305,2.228999287,88,246.1333333,281.6666667 R_1IYQFSbumOdTKby,Yes,Depression, , , , , ,No,No,No,48,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Almost always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,50,16,10,24,54,7,14,11,12,18,41,25,10,6,51.85185185,201.8518519,237.5443746,411.5714286,440.6538462,98.11320755,0,0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,84,432,682,162,230.1481481,2,2,2,22,34,23,79,63,16,20.25316456,12,15.18987342,10,12.65822785,0,0,6,0,10,0,43.47826087,16.66666667,16.66666667,9.090909091,9.090909091,-43.47826087,26.8115942,0,7.575757576,0,-1.818181818,0.933333333,693.3333333,0.85,60,0.025,120,774,1.036433414,-1.959964022,2.996397436,1,441,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,601.4666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,928.6363636,0, ,0.622925743,-2.575829342,3.198755085,0.666666667,950.8,0.1,774,0.430727318,-1.281551555,1.712278873,62,327.169697,487.6363636 R_1jHuhoGoCg9nrpP,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,29,Male, ,Male,African, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,6,6,0,0,83,7,6,6,6,6,0,0,0,0,41.50943396,566.0377358,197.9838469,644.5,764.0215827,86.875,13.125,-1.236245076,0.10818374,0,0,67,697,1271,162,130.9622642,2,2,2,26,30,34,90,65,25,27.77777778,19,21.11111111,17,18.88888889,1,0.011111111,6,0,14,21.42857143,26.66666667,42.85714286,16.66666667,26.66666667,23.07692308,-5.238095238,-16.19047619,26.19047619,-10,3.58974359,-0.32967033,0.833333333,734.6129032,0.516666667,60,0.008333333,120,938,0.041789308,-2.393979773,2.435769081,1,737,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.466666667,772,0, ,-0.083651707,-2.575829342,2.492177635,0.4,682.6666667,0, ,-0.253347114,-2.575829342,2.322482228,0.2,739.3333333,0.033333333,938,-0.841621265,-1.833914593,0.992293328,31,-89.33333333,-54.33333333 R_1k2lDLsiOYFq1QB,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,35,Male, ,Male,Chinese, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,22,4,4,14,62,12,11,14,8,9,41,25,8,8,44.44444444,462.037037,179.862334,554.8333333,641.8993711,100,0,-0.816496581,0.207108089,0,0,72,616,1009,162,153.962963,2,2,2,33,32,36,101,80,21,20.79207921,13,12.87128713,12,11.88118812,0,0,6,1,19,26.31578947,27.77777778,14.28571429,14.28571429,21.42857143,18.18181818,-1.461988304,13.49206349,0,-7.142857143,3.246753247,1.626794258,0.977777778,522.3728814,0.983333333,60,0.025,120,693.6666667,2.128045276,-1.959964022,4.088009298,1,377.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,462.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,616.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,640.5,0.1,693.6666667,1.501085982,-1.281551555,2.782637537,54,154.4666667,238.8666667 R_1kH4BhiHi2yzsTx,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,21,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,8,2,0,6,74,7,9,10,9,7,16,11,3,2,48.14814815,162.037037,247.2334032,359.4615385,413.3594771,96.22641509,0,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,370,882,162,207.962963,2,2,2,38,58,32,128,98,30,23.4375,20,15.625,17,13.28125,0,0,5,5,10,0,20.83333333,54.54545455,21.42857143,11.76470588,30,-20.83333333,-33.71212121,33.11688312,9.663865546,-18.23529412,-6,0.916666667,500.9591837,0.816666667,60,0.033333333,120,890.25,0.902734771,-1.833914593,2.736649364,1,428.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,507.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,490.1818182,0.1,849.6666667,0.622925743,-1.281551555,1.904477298,0.533333333,640,0.033333333,1012,0.083651707,-1.833914593,1.917566299,42,-17.41818182,62.11515152 R_1kMOzr2FuSXCroq,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,36,Male, ,Male,White and Asian, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,6,4,0,2,89,14,10,7,10,8,9,9,0,0,53.7037037,93.51851852,228.1921733,314.3793103,321.9102564,98.11320755,0,0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,87,321,483,162,227.4814815,2,2,2,23,26,24,73,64,9,12.32876712,5,6.849315068,5,6.849315068,0,0,6,0,12,8.333333333,16.66666667,9.090909091,9.090909091,14.28571429,15.38461538,-8.333333333,7.575757576,0,-5.194805195,-1.098901099,-1.41025641,0.988888889,405.1724138,0.966666667,60,0,120, ,1.833914593,-2.575829342,4.409743935,1,409.2,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,426.3333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,354.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,434.5384615,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,49,-71.8,-54.66666667 R_1kRN6QCdPqq1VJn,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,26,Male, ,Male,White and Asian, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Almost always,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,24,6,6,12,22,9,12,10,12,13,18,13,2,3,42.30769231,679.8076923,56.48284823,645.4090909,739.2585034,91.30434783,8.074534161,-1.109400392,0.133628747,0,0,69,735,1178,162,55.19230769,2,2,2,22,23,60,105,90,15,14.28571429,7,6.666666667,7,6.666666667,3,0.028571429,6,2,10,0,9.090909091,17.39130435,8.333333333,16.66666667,18.91891892,-9.090909091,-8.300395257,9.057971014,-8.333333333,-2.252252252,-3.783783784,0.888888889,727.5555556,0.9,60,0.116666667,120,531.9285714,1.281551555,-1.191816196,2.473367751,1,545.5333333,0.066666667,377,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,1,596.6,0.066666667,693.5,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,0.8,948.4166667,0.166666667,409.6,0.841621265,-0.967421606,1.809042871,0.8,897.9166667,0.166666667,651.6,0.841621265,-0.967421606,1.809042871,56,351.8166667,402.8833333 R_1kYqMwIg7EDP6wG,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,No,53,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,28,12,12,4,73,6,10,7,8,8,24,18,3,3,37.73584906,652.8301887,288.1434955,923.15,940.9736842,71.25,28.75,-1.785687331,0.037074949,0,0,61,978,1237,162,325.1698113,2,1,1,42,72,14,128,85,43,33.59375,20,15.625,19,14.84375,0,0,3,4,33,33.33333333,34.72222222,28.57142857,33.33333333, , ,-1.388888889,6.150793651,-4.761904762, , ,0,0.866666667,648.6904762,0.7,60,0.05,120,716,0.524400517,-1.644853637,2.169254154,1,502.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,811.2727273,0.033333333,586,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.666666667,607.3,0.033333333,713,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,0.4,785,0.133333333,749.25,-0.253347114,-1.110771641,0.857424527,39,-203.9727273,104.7666667 R_1LYB6DZcZdidbNM,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Not sure,19,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,16,4,12,0,68,13,7,13,7,12,32,21,5,6,68.51851852,85.18518519,360.6599761,455.8918919,447.9473684,95.59748428,2.51572327,2.72165527,0.003247794,0,1,111,456,1270,162,370.8148148,2,2,2,27,33,61,121,78,43,35.53719008,21,17.3553719,19,15.70247934,1,0.008264463,6,1,10,0,23.07692308,61.53846154,41.17647059,30,13.63636364,-23.07692308,-38.46153846,20.36199095,11.17647059,16.36363636,-2.727272727,0.933333333,747.6785714,0.933333333,60,0.066666667,120,919.125,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,1,528.6666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,739.2,0.033333333,624,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.933333333,914,0.066666667,681,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,0.8,838,0.166666667,1073.4,0.841621265,-0.967421606,1.809042871,52,174.8,385.3333333 R_1mdOTBijyN8v1Ve,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,26,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,4,4,0,0,84,8,11,6,12,19,4,2,0,2,47.05882353,484.3137255,179.1583242,543.7083333,666.0875,98.7654321,0.617283951,-0.420084025,0.337212036,0,0,76,671,1143,162,186.6862745,2,2,1,58,29,41,128,71,57,44.53125,34,26.5625,32,25,2,0.015625,4,0,11,9.090909091,23.07692308,60.97560976,51.06382979,25, ,-13.98601399,-37.89868668,9.911779969,26.06382979, ,-3.977272727,0.988888889,597.3793103,0.966666667,60,0,120, ,1.833914593,-2.575829342,4.409743935,1,564.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,556.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,573.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,710,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,56,17.8,9.266666667 R_1MKh4mLI99zI2RT,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,No,30,Female, ,Female,"Any other ethnic group, please describe",hispanic,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Often,Often,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,34,16,6,12,34,20,13,20,19,21,46,30,8,8,44.44444444,549.0740741,187.2720798,670.3333333,736.5548387,97.48427673,1.886792453,-0.816496581,0.207108089,0,0,72,714,1221,162,164.9259259,2,2,2,23,24,23,70,61,9,12.85714286,3,4.285714286,3,4.285714286,0,0,6,0,10,0,16.66666667,9.090909091,15.38461538,16.66666667,16.66666667,-16.66666667,7.575757576,-6.293706294,-1.282051282,0,-3.333333333,0.933333333,573.6078431,0.85,60,0.025,120,993,1.036433414,-1.959964022,2.996397436,1,462.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,526.3076923,0.033333333,2128,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.733333333,664.3636364,0.033333333,388,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.8,680.4166667,0.033333333,463,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,93,138.0559441,201.7636364 R_1NfF2jaQGa76u7p,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,32,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,2,2,0,0,89,6,7,6,6,6,0,0,0,0,40.38461538,583.6538462,291.9695305,728.6666667,875.6233766,95.65217391,4.347826087,-1.386750491,0.082758929,0,0,65,860,1248,162,276.3461538,1,1,1,10,13,105,128,45,83,64.84375,91,71.09375,70,54.6875,1,0.0078125,2,0,10,0,15.38461538,77.14285714, , , ,-15.38461538,-61.75824176, , , ,-38.57142857,0.911111111,429.6481481,0.9,60,0.083333333,120,803.8,1.281551555,-1.38299413,2.664545685,1,346.6666667,0.033333333,1918,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.933333333,324.9285714,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.933333333,484.6428571,0.033333333,651,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.733333333,606.0909091,0.266666667,683.625,0.622925743,-0.622925743,1.245851487,31,159.7142857,137.9761905 R_1ODowIiHCpZOseX,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,No,24,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Sometimes,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Often,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,68,16,20,32,45,18,20,24,9,17,47,30,6,11,75.92592593,82.40740741,219.6951567,285.8780488,311.048951,89.93710692,1.886792453,3.810317378,6.94E-05,1,0,123,348,537,162,265.5925926,2,2,2,32,36,28,96,75,21,21.875,12,12.5,9,9.375,1,0.010416667,6,1,20,5,31.57894737,25,16.66666667,35.29411765,16.66666667,-26.57894737,6.578947368,8.333333333,-18.62745098,18.62745098,-2.333333333,0.866666667,594.2,0.75,60,0.075,120,737.7777778,0.674489781,-1.439531431,2.114021212,0.933333333,472.5714286,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.866666667,472.3846154,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,0.6,781.3333333,0.066666667,771.5,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,0.6,772.2222222,0.233333333,728.1428571,0.253347114,-0.727913305,0.981260419,88,308.9487179,308.7619048 R_1OSSmoo37xp8l8V,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,27,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,14,8,0,6,55,12,18,13,14,15,30,18,6,6,42.30769231,575.9615385,215.5447115,698.6818182,791.50625,99.37888199,0.621118012,-1.109400392,0.133628747,0,0,69,749,1866,162,173.0384615,2,2,2,26,30,24,80,65,15,18.75,8,10,8,10,0,0,6,0,14,7.142857143,26.66666667,16.66666667,16.66666667,26.66666667,16.66666667,-19.52380952,10,0,-10,10,-1.904761905,0.955555556,521.0566038,0.883333333,60,0.008333333,120,705,1.191816196,-2.393979773,3.585795969,1,468.6666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,460.6666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,629.0714286,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.6,541,0.033333333,705,0.253347114,-1.833914593,2.087261707,72,168.4047619,160.4047619 R_1OUzWUTqs6mprTl,No, , , , , , ,Yes, ,No,64,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,10,6,2,2,65,6,14,14,15,19,27,18,6,3,81.48148148,79.62962963,405.6911251,446.7045455,487.6242038,98.74213836,0,4.626813959,1.86E-06,1,0,132,593,977,162,513.3703704,2,2,2,47,34,28,109,74,35,32.11009174,27,24.7706422,24,22.01834862,0,0,6,0,36,50,42.10526316,9.090909091,9.090909091,20,23.52941176,7.894736842,33.01435407,0,-10.90909091,-3.529411765,5.294117647,0.894444444,816.7608696,0.766666667,60,0.041666667,120,1235.4,0.727913305,-1.731664404,2.459577709,1,705.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,753.3333333,0.033333333,1157,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.8,872.6666667,0.066666667,1578.5,0.841621265,-1.501085982,2.342707247,0.466666667,1067.285714,0.066666667,931.5,-0.083651707,-1.501085982,1.417434275,68,119.3333333,166.8 R_1r8Nhsh4p4DcIoN,Yes, ,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,Not sure,57,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,40,18,10,12,59,23,22,8,14,17,40,24,9,7,43.39622642,609.4339623,229.69262,680.6956522,839.1265823,98.75,1.25,-0.961523948,0.168144395,0,0,70,820,1176,162,210.5660377,2,2,2,22,26,53,101,69,32,31.68316832,15,14.85148515,14,13.86138614,0,0,6,0,10,0,23.07692308,62.16216216,8.333333333,7.692307692,25,-23.07692308,-39.08523909,53.82882883,0.641025641,-17.30769231,-5,0.933333333,659.6538462,0.866666667,60,0.033333333,120,994,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,1,491,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,630.2,0.033333333,681,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.733333333,754.9090909,0.033333333,1298,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.733333333,834.5454545,0.066666667,998.5,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,84,124.7090909,263.9090909 R_1rkOGVr86k9MPyD,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,No,25,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Often,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,78,28,22,28,49,12,18,13,18,14,37,22,9,6,49.05660377,241.509434,175.0440252,354.3846154,418.4585987,98.125,0.625,-0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,79,387,848,162,145.490566,2,2,2,25,28,23,76,65,11,14.47368421,3,3.947368421,2,2.631578947,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,18.75,9.090909091,14.28571429,16.66666667,16.66666667,-9.659090909,9.659090909,-5.194805195,-2.380952381,0,-1.515151515,0.927777778,633.7321429,0.933333333,60,0.075,120,753.5555556,1.501085982,-1.439531431,2.940617412,1,515.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,495.8666667,0.066666667,550,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,1,713.8,0.033333333,1007,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.733333333,873.9090909,0.2,779.1666667,0.622925743,-0.841621265,1.464547008,75,217.9333333,198.4 R_2015lRwfpI6V961,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,51,Male, ,Male,White and Black Caribbean, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,0,0,0,0,15,6,6,6,15,9,0,0,0,0,94.33962264,54.71698113,460.9346318,491.14,541.2657343,89.375,3.125,6.455946506,0,1,0,153,972,1243,162,917.2830189,1,1,1,11,32,85,128,49,79,61.71875,73,57.03125,56,43.75,4,0.03125,2,1,11,9.090909091,40.625,76.47058824, , , ,-31.53409091,-35.84558824, , , ,-33.68983957,0.761111111,1076.307692,0.433333333,60,0.075,120,1305.777778,-0.167893991,-1.439531431,1.27163744,0.666666667,1056.5,0.033333333,1601,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,0.933333333,1138.571429,0.033333333,1759,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.133333333,739.5,0.166666667,1226.6,-1.110771641,-0.967421606,-0.143350035,0, ,0.066666667,1129.5,-2.575829342,-1.501085982,-1.07474336,42,-399.0714286,-317 R_21u1UUEWATDaR2i,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,No,Yes,23,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,58,22,14,22,54,17,21,12,17,21,36,22,7,7,43.39622642,426.4150943,163.9748428,507.2173913,590.3899371,99.375,0.625,-0.961523948,0.168144395,0,0,70,547,1126,162,120.5849057,2,2,2,32,31,30,93,73,20,21.50537634,12,12.90322581,11,11.82795699,0,0,6,0,15,13.33333333,20,33.33333333,29.41176471,9.090909091,16.66666667,-6.666666667,-13.33333333,3.921568627,20.32085561,-7.575757576,-0.666666667,0.961111111,580.8103448,0.966666667,60,0.041666667,120,777.8,1.833914593,-1.731664404,3.565578997,1,457.2,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,497.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,567.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,834.6153846,0.166666667,777.8,1.110771641,-0.967421606,2.078193247,88,69.8,110.3333333 R_22AmuXE3KLrRvae,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,24,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,10,2,2,6,73,11,9,8,11,14,16,9,2,5,45.28301887,720.754717,89.8596621,634.5833333,810.6143791,95.625,4.375,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,880,1217,162,159.245283,2,2,2,21,24,30,75,65,10,13.33333333,6,8,6,8,1,0.013333333,6,0,10,0,9.090909091,22.22222222,9.090909091,15.38461538,16.66666667,-9.090909091,-13.13131313,13.13131313,-6.293706294,-1.282051282,-3.333333333,0.988888889,496.7627119,0.983333333,60,0.008333333,120,994,2.128045276,-2.393979773,4.522025049,1,468,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,450.6666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,559.0714286,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,1,513.4666667,0.033333333,994,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,53,108.4047619,91.07142857 R_233HkYbIThHf1vI,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,25,Male, ,Male,White and Asian, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,16,8,4,4,65,13,20,12,19,16,28,18,5,5,45.28301887,458.490566,244.5903163,513.8333333,717.1769231,81.25,15,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,681,1232,162,222.509434,2,1,1,79,28,21,128,85,43,33.59375,26,20.3125,22,17.1875,3,0.0234375,3,5,75,22.66666667,50,47.61904762,50, , ,-27.33333333,2.380952381,-2.380952381, , ,-9.111111111,0.861111111,627.5434783,0.766666667,60,0.091666667,120,827.8181818,0.727913305,-1.330561504,2.058474809,1,459.4666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,475.9166667,0.1,628,0.841621265,-1.281551555,2.12317282,0.666666667,848.3,0.133333333,962.75,0.430727318,-1.110771641,1.541498959,0.6,864.5555556,0.133333333,842.75,0.253347114,-1.110771641,1.364118755,80,372.3833333,388.8333333 R_24OfQ5dQWQZjrtp,Yes,Depression, , , ,Bipolar Disorder, ,No,Yes,No,34,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,44,20,2,22,41,15,13,15,16,13,35,22,6,7,41.50943396,750.9433962,150.1085518,801.9090909,901.0519481,96.25,3.75,-1.236245076,0.10818374,0,0,67,903,1244,162,152.0566038,2,2,2,54,30,24,108,80,28,25.92592593,21,19.44444444,16,14.81481481,1,0.009259259,6,0,30,40,29.41176471,8.333333333,29.16666667,7.692307692,16.66666667,10.58823529,21.07843137,-20.83333333,21.47435897,-8.974358974,4.666666667,0.961111111,566.0892857,0.933333333,60,0.025,120,499,1.501085982,-1.959964022,3.461050004,1,470.2,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,518.8,0.033333333,430,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.933333333,611.7142857,0.033333333,609,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.8,691.8333333,0.033333333,458,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,72,92.91428571,141.5142857 R_24wSPdhfTS0Txd7,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,26,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Sometimes,Almost always,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,78,26,22,30,39,7,15,18,14,13,43,26,10,7,49.01960784,176.4705882,217.4491649,368.16,393.15,98.7654321,0,-0.140028008,0.44431893,0,0,79,387,742,162,210.5294118,2,2,2,21,72,27,120,95,25,20.83333333,17,14.16666667,15,12.5,0,0,6,3,10,0,30.50847458,20,9.090909091,7.692307692,16.66666667,-30.50847458,10.50847458,10.90909091,1.398601399,-8.974358974,-3.333333333,0.994444444,702.3898305,0.983333333,60,0,120, ,2.128045276,-2.575829342,4.703874618,1,673.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,635.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,803,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,697.7142857,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,67,167.8666667,129.6 R_27iXNoueyvQw509,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,26,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Often,Almost always,Sometimes,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,66,30,10,26,66,12,20,16,7,16,51,31,8,12,45.28301887,400,115.9,433.4166667,515.9,100,0,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,511,950,162,111,2,1,1,28,26,74,128,61,67,52.34375,44,34.375,39,30.46875,8,0.0625,3,1,20,10,46.15384615,68.91891892,25, , ,-36.15384615,-22.76507277,43.91891892, , ,-5,0.961111111,690.4035088,0.95,60,0.033333333,120,1268.75,1.644853637,-1.833914593,3.478768229,1,534.0666667,0.033333333,447,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,573.2,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,936.9230769,0.066666667,1694.5,1.110771641,-1.501085982,2.611857623,0.933333333,754.5714286,0.033333333,1239,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,71,363.7230769,402.8564103 R_28TbOb8tztJgwx3,Yes,Depression, , , , , ,Yes, ,No,38,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,18,0,0,18,79,6,10,14,6,7,20,14,2,4,66.66666667,79.62962963,396.4898672,435.75,476.2088608,99.37106918,0,2.449489743,0.007152939,0,0,108,512,787,162,432.3703704,2,2,2,21,50,25,96,73,23,23.95833333,6,6.25,6,6.25,1,0.010416667,6,1,10,0,44.73684211,15.38461538,9.090909091,16.66666667,8.333333333,-44.73684211,29.35222672,6.293706294,-7.575757576,8.333333333,-1.666666667,0.894444444,572.1304348,0.766666667,60,0.041666667,120,640.8,0.727913305,-1.731664404,2.459577709,0.933333333,407.6428571,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.666666667,425.6,0.033333333,1047,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,0.8,651.8333333,0.033333333,395,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.666666667,853.3,0.1,587.3333333,0.430727318,-1.281551555,1.712278873,43,226.2333333,244.1904762 R_2aWWNJBrV4y5S9P,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,Not sure,37,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,108,42,26,40,42,8,23,12,12,22,49,31,8,10,48.07692308,343.2692308,166.5897436,411.76,509.8589744,96.89440994,3.105590062,-0.277350098,0.390755647,0,0,78,463,1191,162,119.7307692,2,2,2,24,23,29,76,64,12,15.78947368,7,9.210526316,6,7.894736842,0,0,6,0,13,15.38461538,9.090909091,33.33333333,9.090909091,8.333333333,9.090909091,6.293706294,-24.24242424,24.24242424,0.757575758,-0.757575758,1.258741259,0.888888889,774.6818182,0.733333333,60,0.033333333,120,682,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.933333333,467.5714286,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.933333333,665.4285714,0.033333333,596,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.533333333,1126,0.033333333,92,0.083651707,-1.833914593,1.917566299,0.533333333,1152,0.066666667,1020,0.083651707,-1.501085982,1.584737688,77,460.5714286,658.4285714 R_2CCiUMACiz09bDR,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,46,Female, ,Female,White and Asian, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,0,0,0,0,84,6,6,6,6,7,1,1,0,0,53.7037037,461.1111111,235.5895258,557.7931034,696.7006369,98.74213836,1.257861635,0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,87,682,1280,162,220.8888889,2,2,2,31,26,47,104,77,27,25.96153846,21,20.19230769,20,19.23076923,0,0,6,1,19,10.52631579,23.07692308,47.22222222,16.66666667,15.38461538,9.090909091,-12.55060729,-24.14529915,30.55555556,1.282051282,6.293706294,0.28708134,0.894444444,736.8297872,0.783333333,60,0.05,120,1154,0.783500388,-1.644853637,2.428354025,1,673.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,709.1666667,0.033333333,1606,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.733333333,712.0909091,0.066666667,707,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,0.6,909.4444444,0.1,1301.333333,0.253347114,-1.281551555,1.534898669,31,2.924242424,38.55757576 R_2CDncKx1mZ5YWdM,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,23,Prefer not to say, ,Prefer not to say,Prefer not to say, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,6,4,0,2,68,11,10,6,13,13,27,17,4,6,50,138.8888889,279.7777778,371.4444444,420.0955414,98.74213836,0,0,0.5,0,0,81,396,984,162,257.1111111,2,1,1,84,17,27,128,85,43,33.59375,32,25,28,21.875,0,0,3,3,10,0,23.52941176,44.44444444,36.48648649, , ,-23.52941176,-20.91503268,7.957957958, , ,-12.16216216,0.894444444,888.0232558,0.716666667,60,0.016666667,120,1497,0.572967544,-2.128045276,2.70101282,0.933333333,591,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.8,685.5,0.033333333,2069,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.8,1335,0, ,0.841621265,-2.575829342,3.417450607,0.333333333,1133,0.033333333,925,-0.430727318,-1.833914593,1.403187275,53,649.5,744 R_2dgvv2VpBXQgmGv,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Not sure,26,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Never,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,42,16,4,22,61,8,12,7,10,15,29,23,6,0,53.7037037,131.4814815,293.8069801,378.137931,426.5098039,96.22641509,1.886792453,0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,87,428,786,162,296.5185185,2,2,1,26,72,30,128,89,39,30.46875,23,17.96875,22,17.1875,0,0,4,2,10,0,35.29411765,30,31.25,25, ,-35.29411765,5.294117647,-1.25,6.25, ,-6.25,0.905555556,534.1636364,0.916666667,60,0.1,120,703,1.38299413,-1.281551555,2.664545685,1,444,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,480.8571429,0.033333333,612,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,1,543.8666667,0.166666667,766.4,2.575829342,-0.967421606,3.543250948,0.733333333,711.7272727,0.2,665.3333333,0.622925743,-0.841621265,1.464547008,52,63.00952381,99.86666667 R_2DZUUGEriiidCj9,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,No,28,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Almost always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very frequently,Almost never,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,20,6,10,4,65,21,15,6,17,20,40,29,6,5,45.28301887,779.245283,238.6813836,883.0833333,1017.926667,93.75,6.25,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,1025,1255,162,245.754717,2,2,1,57,54,17,128,88,40,31.25,21,16.40625,18,14.0625,6,0.046875,4,4,10,0,15.38461538,23.52941176,42.55319149,34.14634146, ,-15.38461538,-8.14479638,-19.02377972,8.406850026, ,-8.536585366,0.961111111,594.1964286,0.933333333,60,0.025,120,809,1.501085982,-1.959964022,3.461050004,1,418.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,454.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,678.2,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,909.9090909,0.1,809,0.622925743,-1.281551555,1.904477298,79,224.0666667,259.4666667 R_2eWIyZ8a1UojiH2,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,No,25,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,34,12,12,10,54,7,15,9,10,10,30,21,4,5,42.30769231,608.6538462,123.2524038,620.0909091,731.90625,99.37888199,0.621118012,-1.109400392,0.133628747,0,0,69,703,1087,162,94.34615385,2,2,2,25,32,39,96,71,25,26.04166667,12,12.5,12,12.5,0,0,6,0,12,8.333333333,19.04761905,53.84615385,15.38461538,9.090909091,23.07692308,-10.71428571,-34.7985348,38.46153846,6.293706294,-13.98601399,-2.948717949,0.966666667,414.3898305,0.983333333,60,0.041666667,120,559.4,2.128045276,-1.731664404,3.85970968,1,381,0.033333333,340,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,347.6,0.033333333,445,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,431.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,503.2857143,0.1,670.6666667,1.501085982,-1.281551555,2.782637537,51,84,50.6 R_2fxMjXWHbHMlW32,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,Not sure,33,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,6,6,0,0,40,17,12,8,12,15,31,18,6,7,48.07692308,212.5,306.0974843,442.52,518.5974843,98.75776398,1.242236025,-0.277350098,0.390755647,0,0,78,481,1134,162,268.5,2,2,2,25,34,23,82,71,11,13.41463415,4,4.87804878,4,4.87804878,0,0,6,1,11,9.090909091,8.333333333,9.090909091,21.42857143,13.63636364,16.66666667,0.757575758,-0.757575758,-12.33766234,7.792207792,-3.03030303,-1.515151515,0.872222222,589.1086957,0.766666667,60,0.075,120,1034.666667,0.727913305,-1.439531431,2.167444736,1,453.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.666666667,537.8,0, ,0.430727318,-2.575829342,3.00655666,0.866666667,788.6153846,0.033333333,798,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.533333333,582.875,0.266666667,1064.25,0.083651707,-0.622925743,0.70657745,64,250.8153846,334.8820513 R_2h6OTE2L6BHRKKJ,Yes,Depression, , , , , ,No,Yes,No,39,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,48,20,4,24,51,6,13,9,6,11,27,15,7,5,48.14814815,232.4074074,194.1812002,359.9230769,426.5886076,99.37106918,0.628930818,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,403,830,162,170.5925926,2,2,2,23,25,36,84,63,21,25,13,15.47619048,12,14.28571429,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,21.42857143,52,16.66666667,9.090909091,9.090909091,-12.33766234,-30.57142857,35.33333333,7.575757576,0,3.55E-16,0.922222222,532.6538462,0.866666667,60,0.05,120,688.5,1.110771641,-1.644853637,2.755625278,1,337.6666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,434.9333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,733.0833333,0.033333333,780,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.666666667,731.2,0.166666667,670.2,0.430727318,-0.967421606,1.398148924,45,298.15,395.4166667 R_2Pz2u1PKdKHt08g,Yes, , , , ,Bipolar Disorder, ,Yes, ,No,35,Female, ,Female,Chinese, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,12,8,2,2,54,15,10,9,11,15,28,18,5,5,48.14814815,173.1481481,259.0342418,356.9230769,432.1823899,100,0,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,393,940,162,219.8518519,2,2,2,22,23,25,70,61,9,12.85714286,5,7.142857143,5,7.142857143,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,16.66666667,23.07692308,9.090909091,9.090909091,8.333333333,-7.575757576,-6.41025641,13.98601399,0,0.757575758,0.151515152,0.927777778,694.1176471,0.85,60,0.033333333,120,887,1.036433414,-1.833914593,2.870348006,1,426.9333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,528.6428571,0.033333333,451,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.733333333,733.1818182,0.066666667,822.5,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,0.733333333,1230,0.033333333,1452,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,60,204.538961,306.2484848 R_2q1y7vmj0lKhOgS,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,No,34,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Rarely,Almost always,Rarely,Sometimes,Almost always,Rarely,Almost always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,40,14,0,26,66,14,17,7,12,19,38,26,5,7,46.2962963,199.0740741,251.2152341,402.72,450.2893082,100,0,-0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,75,409,808,162,209.9259259,2,2,2,24,24,23,71,63,8,11.26760563,5,7.042253521,5,7.042253521,0,0,6,0,12,8.333333333,15.38461538,16.66666667,8.333333333,9.090909091,9.090909091,-7.051282051,-1.282051282,8.333333333,-0.757575758,0,-0.151515152,0.95,628.1320755,0.883333333,60,0.016666667,120,672,1.191816196,-2.128045276,3.319861472,1,450.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,564.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,625.0769231,0.033333333,491,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.666666667,994.2,0.033333333,853,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,69,60.47692308,174.8102564 R_2qgbOphd9XPmKOo,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,Not sure,35,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,34,8,10,16,55,19,20,16,15,23,37,23,8,6,47.16981132,253.7735849,645.3250993,780.48,899.0986842,95,5,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,910,1270,162,656.2264151,2,1,1,74,16,38,128,75,53,41.40625,23,17.96875,20,15.625,1,0.0078125,3,0,19,31.57894737,25,36.84210526,52.72727273, , ,6.578947368,-11.84210526,-15.88516746, , ,-7.049441786,0.894444444,519.02,0.833333333,60,0.075,120,450.8888889,0.967421606,-1.439531431,2.406953037,1,486.1333333,0.066666667,429,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,1,439.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.6,557.6666667,0.066666667,263,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,0.733333333,640.1818182,0.166666667,534.8,0.622925743,-0.967421606,1.59034735,93,117.8,71.53333333 R_2QnA7OcNuvsREyY,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,60,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,6,2,0,4,84,9,7,10,10,10,10,8,1,1,60.37735849,657.5471698,167.3253134,678.0625,835.8424658,91.25,6.875,1.510966203,0.065398531,0,0,98,995,1269,162,337.4528302,2,2,1,22,60,46,128,71,57,44.53125,35,27.34375,29,22.65625,1,0.0078125,4,1,10,0,15.38461538,63.04347826,16.66666667,51.06382979, ,-15.38461538,-47.65886288,46.37681159,-34.39716312, ,-12.76595745,0.844444444,870.2093023,0.716666667,60,0.091666667,120,985.6363636,0.572967544,-1.330561504,1.903529048,1,542,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.666666667,1077.3,0.033333333,1520,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,0.733333333,998.2727273,0.166666667,974.8,0.622925743,-0.967421606,1.59034735,0.466666667,1076.428571,0.166666667,889.6,-0.083651707,-0.967421606,0.8837699,46,-79.02727273,456.2727273 R_2QnUTcZ6TOAAL8t,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,25,Female, ,Female,"Any other Black, African or Caribbean background", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,14,8,2,4,53,7,6,12,8,14,25,17,3,5,46.2962963,243.5185185,227.5321144,432.64,475.4675325,96.85534591,0.628930818,-0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,75,433,897,162,189.4814815,2,2,2,22,31,34,87,69,18,20.68965517,12,13.79310345,9,10.34482759,0,0,6,0,10,0,18.75,14.28571429,16.66666667,20,40,-18.75,4.464285714,-2.380952381,-3.333333333,-20,-8,0.927777778,516.5740741,0.9,60,0.058333333,120,707,1.281551555,-1.568919674,2.850471228,1,402.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,479.4666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,627.8,0.033333333,633,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.6,582.7777778,0.2,719.3333333,0.253347114,-0.841621265,1.094968379,47,148.3333333,225.0666667 R_2rT8TSqTW2FFQks,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,62,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,16,8,4,4,65,14,10,11,9,9,16,12,4,0,51.85185185,371.2962963,212.2823201,505.7857143,583.5786164,100,0,0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,84,553,928,162,181.7037037,2,2,2,22,27,25,74,61,13,17.56756757,6,8.108108108,6,8.108108108,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,26.66666667,16.66666667,9.090909091,16.66666667,23.07692308,-17.57575758,10,7.575757576,-7.575757576,-6.41025641,-2.797202797,0.922222222,657.82,0.833333333,60,0.033333333,120,1212.75,0.967421606,-1.833914593,2.801336199,1,524.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,598.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,804.7272727,0.066666667,1407.5,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,0.6,799.5555556,0.066666667,1018,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,53,206.5939394,279.9939394 R_2rxgdrDq7M2YMXk,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,No,18,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,8,6,2,0,59,7,16,6,16,19,31,19,6,6,98.14814815,50.92592593,317.0277165,298.4528302,399.6260163,77.35849057,5.031446541,7.076303701,0,1,0,159,1213,1213,162,1162.074074,2,2,2,41,25,33,99,86,13,13.13131313,7,7.070707071,7,7.070707071,0,0,6,2,14,14.28571429,14.28571429,10,14.81481481,9.090909091,15.38461538,0,4.285714286,-4.814814815,5.723905724,-6.293706294,-0.21978022,0.961111111,727.7118644,0.983333333,60,0.05,120,769,2.128045276,-1.644853637,3.772898912,1,514.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,603.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,707.9285714,0.066666667,690.5,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,1,1083.8,0.133333333,808.25,2.575829342,-1.110771641,3.686600983,64,104.8619048,193.1952381 R_2SiPQjRXWomjYiz,Yes, ,Anxiety, ,Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), , ,Yes, ,No,36,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,54,24,16,14,36,15,16,16,10,18,38,24,6,8,53.7037037,360.1851852,225.9224098,509.7586207,587.8726115,98.74213836,0.628930818,0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,87,593,1119,162,232.8148148,2,2,2,22,39,31,92,71,21,22.82608696,21,22.82608696,15,16.30434783,0,0,6,0,10,0,36,40,8.333333333,14.28571429,9.090909091,-36,-4,31.66666667,-5.952380952,5.194805195,-1.818181818,0.655555556,666.744186,0.716666667,60,0.375,120,712.8444444,0.572967544,-0.318639323,0.891606867,0.933333333,497.0714286,0.033333333,1079,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.933333333,613.7142857,0.266666667,792.125,1.501085982,-0.622925743,2.124011725,0.533333333,834.5,0.533333333,800.875,0.083651707,0.083651707,0,0.466666667,920.4285714,0.666666667,592.4,-0.083651707,0.430727318,-0.514379025,75,220.7857143,337.4285714 R_2tG5XODNczeGcIq,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,No,40,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,86,34,20,32,69,18,21,6,17,14,53,36,11,6,48.07692308,212.5,209.5248447,376,422.0248447,100,0,-0.277350098,0.390755647,0,0,78,392,781,162,179.5,2,2,2,25,24,27,76,64,12,15.78947368,5,6.578947368,5,6.578947368,0,0,6,0,14,21.42857143,16.66666667,16.66666667,9.090909091,8.333333333,20,4.761904762,0,7.575757576,0.757575758,-11.66666667,0.285714286,0.911111111,412.490566,0.883333333,60,0.075,120,468.1111111,1.191816196,-1.439531431,2.631347626,1,373.1333333,0.033333333,383,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,368.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,441.6153846,0.133333333,558.5,1.110771641,-1.110771641,2.221543282,0.666666667,500.3,0.133333333,399,0.430727318,-1.110771641,1.541498959,76,73.54871795,68.48205128 R_2tL1SpoPxlzyJbS,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Prefer not to say,Prefer not to say,No,29,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,110,40,30,40,20,15,22,21,19,23,60,36,12,12,46.2962963,689.8148148,140.0948626,719.8,829.9096774,97.48427673,2.51572327,-0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,75,844,1230,162,154.1851852,2,2,2,23,23,33,79,65,14,17.72151899,9,11.39240506,9,11.39240506,0,0,6,0,10,0,9.090909091,35,15.38461538,16.66666667,15.38461538,-9.090909091,-25.90909091,19.61538462,-1.282051282,1.282051282,-3.076923077,0.727777778,499.5263158,0.316666667,60,0.066666667,120,575.125,-0.477040395,-1.501085982,1.024045587,0.933333333,503,0.033333333,404,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.2,471.6666667,0.1,645,-0.841621265,-1.281551555,0.43993029,0.133333333,517,0, ,-1.110771641,-2.575829342,1.465057701,0, ,0.133333333,565.5,-2.575829342,-1.110771641,-1.465057701,100,45.33333333,14 R_2tr52EUfQfy6LPt,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,28,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,16,12,4,0,59,14,12,9,10,18,17,11,3,3,48.14814815,197.2222222,228.9916143,392.4230769,426.4050633,99.37106918,0,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,407,826,162,209.7777778,2,2,2,27,40,23,90,68,22,24.44444444,18,20,14,15.55555556,0,0,6,0,10,0,42.85714286,9.090909091,29.41176471,16.66666667,16.66666667,-42.85714286,33.76623377,-20.32085561,12.74509804,0,-3.333333333,0.938888889,728.4423077,0.866666667,60,0.025,120,719.3333333,1.110771641,-1.959964022,3.070735663,0.8,648.3333333,0.066666667,700.5,0.841621265,-1.501085982,2.342707247,1,647.4666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,730.0666667,0.033333333,757,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.666666667,943.6,0, ,0.430727318,-2.575829342,3.00655666,63,82.6,81.73333333 R_2U02AfqAl9wJ7Fq,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, ,Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), , ,Yes, ,Yes,46,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,108,32,36,40,52,13,20,22,12,17,38,26,6,6,100,50,376.44375,433.3962264,427.3522013,99.375,0,7.280109889,0,1,1,162,571,571,162,521,2,2,2,32,66,30,128,97,31,24.21875,13,10.15625,13,10.15625,0,0,5,2,10,0,16.66666667,20,22.72727273,29.62962963,33.33333333,-16.66666667,-3.333333333,-2.727272727,-6.902356902,-3.703703704,-6.666666667,0.916666667,536.6086957,0.766666667,60,0.008333333,120,657,0.727913305,-2.393979773,3.121893078,1,432.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,554.4615385,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,0.8,566.75,0, ,0.841621265,-2.575829342,3.417450607,0.4,698.8333333,0.033333333,657,-0.253347114,-1.833914593,1.580567479,84,12.28846154,134.6166667 R_2v2ZoGULL8cW563,Prefer not to say, , , , , , ,No,Prefer not to say,No,38,Female, ,Female,White and Black Caribbean, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,12,6,2,4,82,6,7,6,8,12,22,14,4,4,43.39622642,475.4716981,249.1158019,625.1304348,724.5875,100,0,-0.961523948,0.168144395,0,0,70,690,1232,162,214.5283019,1,1,1,10,15,103,128,43,85,66.40625,28,21.875,27,21.09375,24,0.1875,2,0,10,0,26.66666667,78.6407767, , , ,-26.66666667,-51.97411003, , , ,-39.32038835,0.916666667,505.4,0.833333333,60,0.041666667,120,581.6,0.967421606,-1.731664404,2.69908601,1,423.7333333,0.033333333,372,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,450.8,0.033333333,1627,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.866666667,548.9230769,0.033333333,395,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.466666667,716.5714286,0.066666667,257,-0.083651707,-1.501085982,1.417434275,39,98.12307692,125.1897436 R_2v8NGdLhCm05bsq,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,44,Female, ,Female,Bangladeshi, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Often,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,28,16,6,6,46,6,16,7,9,22,45,28,8,9,44.44444444,299.0740741,319.5863033,478,618.6603774,100,0,-0.816496581,0.207108089,0,0,72,561,1274,162,261.9259259,1,1,1,10,28,90,128,58,70,54.6875,65,50.78125,51,39.84375,1,0.0078125,2,1,10,0,25,70, , , ,-25,-45, , , ,-35,0.644444444,716.4081633,0.816666667,60,0.441666667,120,782.4716981,0.902734771,-0.146744952,1.049479723,1,851.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.6,524.1111111,0.633333333,787.5263158,0.253347114,0.34069486,-0.087347746,0.866666667,815.1538462,0.433333333,820.8461538,1.110771641,-0.167893991,1.278665632,0.8,584.9166667,0.7,754.1428571,0.841621265,0.524400517,0.317220747,60,291.042735,-36.24615385 R_2VlLEH7OzJrof44,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,No,22,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Often,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,56,18,24,14,45,15,15,16,14,14,27,14,7,6,100,50,345.525,400.6037736,399.8322148,93.125,0,7.280109889,0,1,1,162,963,963,162,913,2,2,2,27,33,64,124,81,43,34.67741935,31,25,27,21.77419355,1,0.008064516,6,1,14,21.42857143,31.25,50,15.38461538,23.52941176,31.25,-9.821428571,-18.75,34.61538462,-8.14479638,-7.720588235,-1.964285714,0.622222222,698.9333333,0.5,60,0.316666667,120,858.4736842,4.47E-08,-0.477040395,0.47704044,0.933333333,619.1428571,0.133333333,724,1.501085982,-1.110771641,2.611857623,0.6,597.5555556,0.466666667,786.4285714,0.253347114,-0.083651707,0.33699882,0.266666667,1180.5,0.1,1812,-0.622925743,-1.281551555,0.658625811,0.2,733.3333333,0.566666667,781.1764706,-0.841621265,0.167893991,-1.009515256,74,582.9444444,561.3571429 R_2WveC0nXQ7PHeRc,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,No,22,Male, ,Male,Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,68,16,12,40,63,6,13,15,16,13,24,14,5,5,54.71698113,98.11320755,195.0242925,289.2413793,299.0340136,91.875,0,0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,89,300,438,162,201.8867925,2,2,2,22,33,40,95,69,26,27.36842105,11,11.57894737,11,11.57894737,0,0,6,0,10,0,27.27272727,55.17241379,16.66666667,9.090909091,9.090909091,-27.27272727,-27.89968652,38.50574713,7.575757576,0,-1.818181818,0.95,499.4259259,0.9,60,0.025,120,1104.666667,1.281551555,-1.959964022,3.241515577,1,375,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,481.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,547.4545455,0, ,0.622925743,-2.575829342,3.198755085,0.866666667,623.4615385,0.1,1104.666667,1.110771641,-1.281551555,2.392323196,63,66.32121212,172.4545455 R_2wzS6HSId7mEpjs,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,39,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,0,0,0,0,90,7,6,6,6,6,0,0,0,0,41.50943396,762.2641509,229.3517431,881.6818182,991.615894,94.375,5.625,-1.236245076,0.10818374,0,0,67,981,1270,162,218.7358491,2,2,2,21,23,25,69,62,7,10.14492754,2,2.898550725,2,2.898550725,0,0,6,0,10,0,9.090909091,8.333333333,9.090909091,16.66666667,15.38461538,-9.090909091,0.757575758,-0.757575758,-7.575757576,1.282051282,-3.076923077,0.983333333,561.9661017,0.983333333,60,0.016666667,120,518.5,2.128045276,-2.128045276,4.256090552,0.933333333,558.3571429,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,1,571,0.033333333,528,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,558.9333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,559.3333333,0.033333333,509,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,31,-12.06666667,0.576190476 R_2X6ECekwXvycBrL,No, , , , , , ,No,Prefer not to say,No,54,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,56,20,22,14,56,13,21,6,12,20,49,30,10,9,36.53846154,562.5,216.6643836,594.0526316,780.8551724,90.0621118,9.316770186,-1.941450687,0.026101818,0,0,59,671,1266,162,108.5,2,1,1,20,15,93,128,61,67,52.34375,29,22.65625,27,21.09375,0,0,3,0,17,29.41176471,20,62.3655914,33.33333333, , ,9.411764706,-42.3655914,29.03225806, , ,-1.307189542,0.877777778,626.6923077,0.65,60,0.008333333,120,600,0.38532047,-2.393979773,2.779300243,1,488.6666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,721.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.333333333,492.4,0, ,-0.430727318,-2.575829342,2.145102024,0.266666667,956.25,0.033333333,600,-0.622925743,-1.833914593,1.210988849,72,-229.2,3.733333333 R_2X6GaYdIyurfPT8,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,Yes,22,I identify my gender as,non-binary,Male,African, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,96,34,32,30,58,16,20,14,20,24,57,34,12,11,57.69230769,400,223.6645963,437.2,622.1875,99.37888199,0,1.109400392,0.133628747,0,0,93,724,1243,162,324,2,2,1,21,58,49,128,78,50,39.0625,28,21.875,24,18.75,8,0.0625,4,2,10,0,25.64102564,67.34693878,9.090909091,31.57894737, ,-25.64102564,-41.70591313,58.25602968,-22.48803828, ,-7.894736842,0.933333333,567.5964912,0.95,60,0.075,120,764.4444444,1.644853637,-1.439531431,3.084385067,1,441.4,0.066666667,343.5,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,1,492.5333333,0.033333333,1908,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.866666667,549.6153846,0.133333333,607.75,1.110771641,-1.110771641,2.221543282,0.933333333,799.9285714,0.066666667,927,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,94,57.08205128,108.2153846 R_2ydystHqVmASMEq,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Yes,24,Male, ,Male,Chinese, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Sometimes,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Almost always,Sometimes,Often,Often,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,60,16,10,34,66,10,14,8,12,19,38,24,8,6,45.28301887,377.3584906,160.4352594,472.3333333,537.79375,100,0,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,493,965,162,115.6415094,2,2,2,35,25,32,92,74,18,19.56521739,9,9.782608696,9,9.782608696,1,0.010869565,6,1,12,16.66666667,16.66666667,10.52631579,30.43478261,23.07692308,15.38461538,0,6.140350877,-19.90846682,7.357859532,7.692307692,0.256410256,0.972222222,637.6491228,0.95,60,0.016666667,120,1519,1.644853637,-2.128045276,3.772898912,1,496.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,491.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,766.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,835.9166667,0.066666667,1519,0.841621265,-1.501085982,2.342707247,63,274.6,270.2666667 R_2YSzKuejCHnspUA,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Yes,36,Male, ,Male,Indian, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,16,6,0,10,50,12,12,14,13,12,27,16,6,5,98.14814815,60.18518519,377.5236756,491.1698113,465.2777778,90.56603774,0.628930818,7.076303701,0,1,1,159,1106,1229,162,1045.814815,2,1,1,54,12,62,128,62,66,51.5625,50,39.0625,43,33.59375,7,0.0546875,3,0,11,9.090909091,8.333333333,58.06451613,65.11627907, , ,0.757575758,-49.7311828,-7.051762941, , ,-18.67512333,0.722222222,836.6,0.25,60,0.041666667,120,901,-0.674489781,-1.731664404,1.057174623,0.666666667,765.3,0, ,0.430727318,-2.575829342,3.00655666,0.066666667,661,0.033333333,578,-1.501085982,-1.833914593,0.332828611,0.133333333,709,0.066666667,1357,-1.110771641,-1.501085982,0.390314341,0.133333333,1408.5,0.066666667,606.5,-1.110771641,-1.501085982,0.390314341,63,48,-56.3 R_2YtxPGAvy1FnB2c,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,32,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,0,0,0,0,65,6,11,8,6,9,23,16,4,3,98.11320755,50.94339623,368.4753538,408.8653846,420.4177215,98.75,0,7.005388761,0,1,0,159,589,675,162,538.0566038,1,1,1,11,12,105,128,48,80,62.5,55,42.96875,47,36.71875,2,0.015625,2,0,11,9.090909091,16.66666667,73.33333333, , , ,-7.575757576,-56.66666667, , , ,-32.12121212,0.905555556,590.1372549,0.85,60,0.066666667,120,737.25,1.036433414,-1.501085982,2.537519395,1,512.8666667,0.066666667,914,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,0.933333333,547.7142857,0.033333333,652,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.733333333,652.7272727,0.066666667,887.5,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,0.733333333,686.9090909,0.1,547.6666667,0.622925743,-1.281551555,1.904477298,40,105.012987,139.8606061 R_2ZEL1pgwrktN2Ye,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,23,Female, ,Female,Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,18,8,8,2,52,13,15,21,17,18,20,16,1,3,52.83018868,641.509434,91.66110867,634.7857143,737.2734375,80,19.375,0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,86,930,1271,162,288.490566,2,2,2,22,36,30,88,72,16,18.18181818,6,6.818181818,6,6.818181818,0,0,6,1,11,9.090909091,15.38461538,38.88888889,9.090909091,13.04347826,16.66666667,-6.293706294,-23.5042735,29.7979798,-3.95256917,-3.623188406,-1.515151515,0.95,525.7678571,0.933333333,60,0.041666667,120,888.4,1.501085982,-1.731664404,3.232750386,1,382.4666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,423.2,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,567.3333333,0.1,774.6666667,2.575829342,-1.281551555,3.857380897,0.733333333,804.3636364,0.066666667,1059,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,84,144.1333333,184.8666667 R_2zHj3j1DNK05lbn,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,26,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Often,Rarely,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,60,22,24,14,36,12,13,15,13,10,21,13,4,4,55.55555556,140.7407407,240.1963662,324.1333333,381.8025478,98.74213836,0,0.816496581,0.207108089,0,0,90,365,915,162,224.2592593,2,2,2,32,30,53,115,74,41,35.65217391,15,13.04347826,13,11.30434783,9,0.07826087,6,0,19,26.31578947,25,65,15.38461538,14.28571429,15.38461538,1.315789474,-40,49.61538462,1.098901099,-1.098901099,2.186234818,0.927777778,478,0.816666667,60,0.016666667,120,1006.5,0.902734771,-2.128045276,3.030780047,1,436.5333333,0.033333333,1473,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.666666667,458.3,0, ,0.430727318,-2.575829342,3.00655666,1,460.6,0.033333333,540,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.6,598,0, ,0.253347114,-2.575829342,2.829176456,63,2.3,24.06666667 R_2ZNRQFUqRQiHP1p,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,45,Female, ,Female,Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Often,Never,Often,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Almost never,Almost never,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,12,10,0,2,73,7,11,10,12,7,18,12,4,2,47.16981132,192.4528302,350.7184027,406.56,550.4468085,88.125,8.75,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,501,1259,162,308.5471698,2,2,1,60,47,21,128,86,42,32.8125,19,14.84375,19,14.84375,5,0.0390625,4,2,10,0,23.07692308,33.33333333,32,47.05882353, ,-23.07692308,-10.25641026,1.333333333,-15.05882353, ,-11.76470588,0.961111111,555.5517241,0.966666667,60,0.041666667,120,891.6,1.833914593,-1.731664404,3.565578997,1,546.0666667,0.033333333,606,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,543.6666667,0.033333333,514,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,461,0.033333333,1437,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.866666667,689.3076923,0.066666667,950.5,1.110771641,-1.501085982,2.611857623,47,-82.66666667,-85.06666667 R_2zOSgagkZ8ykTlG,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,30,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,8,2,6,0,89,7,6,7,6,6,0,0,0,0,46.15384615,635.5769231,238.7948718,673.25,874.3717949,96.89440994,3.105590062,-0.554700196,0.289549871,0,0,75,867,1276,162,231.4230769,2,2,2,37,29,39,105,75,30,28.57142857,16,15.23809524,15,14.28571429,2,0.019047619,6,0,16,25,37.5,26.08695652,38.0952381,23.07692308,18.75,-12.5,11.41304348,-12.00828157,15.01831502,4.326923077,1.25,0.9,604.9245283,0.883333333,60,0.091666667,120,872.2727273,1.191816196,-1.330561504,2.5223777,1,465.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,502.9285714,0.033333333,988,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.666666667,619.1,0.166666667,577.4,0.430727318,-0.967421606,1.398148924,0.933333333,846.2857143,0.166666667,1144,1.501085982,-0.967421606,2.468507588,32,116.1714286,153.7 R_31AtORmSAcIuFKn,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,39,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Rarely,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,48,18,2,28,47,14,13,15,8,15,32,21,7,4,53.7037037,463.8888889,154.0545073,529.2413793,624.2307692,98.11320755,0,0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,87,736,1082,162,272.1111111,2,2,2,25,23,22,70,63,7,10,4,5.714285714,4,5.714285714,0,0,6,0,12,16.66666667,9.090909091,9.090909091,7.692307692,8.333333333,9.090909091,7.575757576,0,1.398601399,-0.641025641,-0.757575758,1.515151515,0.938888889,416.9622642,0.883333333,60,0.033333333,120,384.25,1.191816196,-1.833914593,3.025730789,0.933333333,417.7857143,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,1,377.9333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,467.1666667,0.1,343.6666667,0.841621265,-1.281551555,2.12317282,0.8,414.5833333,0.033333333,506,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,65,89.23333333,49.38095238 R_3CQl10FzfWnQxMX,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,26,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,6,2,2,2,55,6,11,8,7,7,37,21,9,7,66.03773585,98.11320755,236.1725067,329.3428571,336.1,81.25,16.875,2.335129587,0.009768325,0,0,107,367,502,162,268.8867925,2,2,2,21,29,24,74,65,9,12.16216216,6,8.108108108,6,8.108108108,0,0,6,0,10,0,14.28571429,8.333333333,9.090909091,20,16.66666667,-14.28571429,5.952380952,-0.757575758,-10.90909091,3.333333333,-3.333333333,0.961111111,485.9649123,0.95,60,0.033333333,120,802,1.644853637,-1.833914593,3.478768229,1,420.8,0.033333333,409,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,459.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,512.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,566.5833333,0.1,933,0.841621265,-1.281551555,2.12317282,39,53,92 R_3dDx2Zq2CXJ1ihz,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,No,39,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Sometimes,Often,Never,Never,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,16,6,0,10,76,6,9,7,13,7,21,19,2,0,51.85185185,425,224.836478,604.8214286,649.836478,100,0,0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,84,643,951,162,218,2,2,2,24,25,23,72,62,10,13.88888889,7,9.722222222,7,9.722222222,0,0,6,0,10,0,28.57142857,16.66666667,14.28571429,9.090909091,9.090909091,-28.57142857,11.9047619,2.380952381,5.194805195,0,-1.818181818,0.966666667,544.3571429,0.933333333,60,0.016666667,120,1031,1.501085982,-2.128045276,3.629131258,1,517.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,446.4666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,536.6923077,0.033333333,842,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.866666667,696.3846154,0.033333333,1220,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,42,90.22564103,19.55897436 R_3DUvDRil6XHVISB,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Yes,18,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Often,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,78,32,20,26,74,8,23,8,18,17,50,31,10,9,48.14814815,217.5925926,218.0489168,389.5384615,435.6415094,100,0,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,420,735,162,202.4074074,2,2,2,25,55,29,109,85,24,22.01834862,15,13.76146789,15,13.76146789,1,0.009174312,6,2,10,0,22.22222222,28.57142857,13.33333333,29.72972973,20,-22.22222222,-6.349206349,15.23809524,-16.3963964,9.72972973,-4,0.944444444,502.5849057,0.883333333,60,0.025,120,510.3333333,1.191816196,-1.959964022,3.151780218,0.933333333,475.4285714,0.033333333,344,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,1,486.3333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,430.9230769,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,0.733333333,644,0.066666667,593.5,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,74,-55.41025641,-44.50549451 R_3en73dpyX4MRQj3,Yes,Depression, , , , , ,No,Yes,No,46,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,16,8,2,6,49,6,20,8,10,19,45,27,9,9,45.28301887,456.6037736,189.7149764,544.125,646.31875,100,0,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,621,1152,162,164.3962264,2,2,2,28,24,25,77,67,10,12.98701299,5,6.493506494,5,6.493506494,0,0,6,1,10,0,15.38461538,23.07692308,11.11111111,9.090909091,16.66666667,-15.38461538,-7.692307692,11.96581197,2.02020202,-7.575757576,-3.333333333,0.983333333,648.9322034,0.983333333,60,0.016666667,120,1094.5,2.128045276,-2.128045276,4.256090552,1,547.3333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,696.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,708.6428571,0.066666667,1094.5,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,1,647.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,63,12.50952381,161.3095238 R_3Eut0cd5ulvVC3H,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,Yes,22,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,58,28,12,18,42,17,14,15,11,15,50,30,10,10,61.11111111,212.037037,265.3071188,397.0606061,480.2847682,94.96855346,3.144654088,1.632993162,0.051235217,0,0,99,445,1251,162,232.962963,2,2,2,37,36,49,122,86,36,29.50819672,13,10.6557377,12,9.836065574,1,0.008196721,6,2,12,8.333333333,16.66666667,38.88888889,32,33.33333333,23.07692308,-8.333333333,-22.22222222,6.888888889,-1.333333333,10.25641026,-2.948717949,0.911111111,782.6730769,0.866666667,60,0.066666667,120,1063.25,1.110771641,-1.501085982,2.611857623,1,543.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,728.0666667,0.1,983.6666667,2.575829342,-1.281551555,3.857380897,0.8,987.75,0.033333333,851,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.666666667,977.4,0.133333333,1176,0.430727318,-1.110771641,1.541498959,72,259.6833333,444.35 R_3F2mFjlFyBlFmt6,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,Not sure,25,Female, ,Female,Any other Asian background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost never,Very frequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,66,22,8,36,40,11,16,10,11,13,37,21,8,8,49.05660377,211.3207547,242.2104953,377.5769231,453.53125,100,0,-0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,79,433,795,162,221.6792453,2,2,2,27,29,38,94,74,20,21.27659574,14,14.89361702,10,10.63829787,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,14.28571429,25,18.75,20,31.81818182,-5.194805195,-10.71428571,6.25,-1.25,-11.81818182,-4.545454545,0.961111111,494.3103448,0.966666667,60,0.041666667,120,609.2,1.833914593,-1.731664404,3.565578997,1,409,0.033333333,366,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,442.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,488.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,660,0.133333333,670,1.110771641,-1.110771641,2.221543282,61,45.8,79.06666667 R_3f7QXLH7J2De7wl,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,No,24,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,34,12,10,12,70,20,17,15,18,20,32,20,7,5,45.28301887,488.6792453,267.8720368,643.9583333,756.5512821,97.5,2.5,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,698,1267,162,209.3207547,2,2,2,29,27,48,104,75,29,27.88461538,12,11.53846154,12,11.53846154,2,0.019230769,6,1,11,9.090909091,9.090909091,52.17391304,22.22222222,31.25,24,0,-43.08300395,29.95169082,-9.027777778,7.25,-2.981818182,0.977777778,1126.803571,0.933333333,60,0,120, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,1,469.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,1160,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,1340.214286,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.8,1658.083333,0, ,0.841621265,-2.575829342,3.417450607,90,180.2142857,870.8142857 R_3FVZ1wlX8KW6Baw,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Not sure,27,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,10,8,0,2,66,10,6,6,7,11,0,0,0,0,50.94339623,119.8113208,225.0449292,319.0740741,346.5477707,98.125,0,0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,83,332,596,162,212.1886792,2,2,2,29,34,26,89,78,11,12.35955056,4,4.494382022,4,4.494382022,1,0.011235955,6,2,11,9.090909091,16.66666667,23.07692308,11.11111111,9.090909091,7.692307692,-7.575757576,-6.41025641,11.96581197,2.02020202,1.398601399,0.27972028,0.877777778,646.1363636,0.733333333,60,0.05,120,1099,0.622925743,-1.644853637,2.26777938,0.466666667,470,0, ,-0.083651707,-2.575829342,2.492177635,0.866666667,520.7692308,0.033333333,1026,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.733333333,862.4545455,0.033333333,604,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.866666667,683.3076923,0.133333333,1241,1.110771641,-1.110771641,2.221543282,40,341.6853147,392.4545455 R_3g1L1uKpgmIFgfS,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,Yes,28,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Often,Often,Often,Never,Often,Often,Often,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,44,26,6,12,35,8,17,7,18,21,33,24,6,3,43.1372549,449.0196078,217.7491422,516.1818182,666.76875,98.7654321,1.234567901,-0.980196059,0.163494675,0,0,70,586,1243,162,136.9803922,2,2,2,25,33,29,87,68,19,21.83908046,7,8.045977011,7,8.045977011,0,0,6,0,14,7.142857143,23.52941176,23.07692308,9.090909091,31.25,31.25,-16.38655462,0.452488688,13.98601399,-22.15909091,0,-4.821428571,0.733333333,461.3809524,0.35,60,0.075,120,489.3333333,-0.38532047,-1.439531431,1.054210961,1,433.1333333,0.033333333,547,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.266666667,591.75,0.166666667,500.6,-0.622925743,-0.967421606,0.344495863,0.133333333,412.5,0.066666667,453,-1.110771641,-1.501085982,0.390314341,0, ,0.033333333,448,-2.575829342,-1.833914593,-0.741914749,71,-179.25,-20.63333333 R_3hfjfhNgvHvr6WU,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,19,Male, ,Male,Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,8,6,2,0,67,15,11,7,12,13,12,9,2,1,39.21568627,645.0980392,204.2957108,681.15,849.39375,98.7654321,1.234567901,-1.540308092,0.061742636,0,0,64,820,1231,162,174.9019608,2,2,2,24,26,48,98,70,28,28.57142857,23,23.46938776,19,19.3877551,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,21.42857143,50,15.38461538,16.66666667,25,-12.33766234,-28.57142857,34.61538462,-1.282051282,-8.333333333,-3.181818182,0.933333333,740.0408163,0.816666667,60,0.008333333,120,1016,0.902734771,-2.393979773,3.296714544,1,454.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,660.7272727,0, ,0.622925743,-2.575829342,3.198755085,0.8,904.5,0, ,0.841621265,-2.575829342,3.417450607,0.733333333,1028.909091,0.033333333,1016,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,58,243.7727273,449.7 R_3HvQkMyUNwo26Wg,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,36,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,4,4,0,0,84,11,6,7,9,7,18,12,1,5,48.14814815,352.7777778,267.4196745,541.3846154,618.7987013,96.85534591,1.257861635,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,593,1159,162,240.2222222,2,1,1,61,18,49,128,71,57,44.53125,24,18.75,23,17.96875,3,0.0234375,3,3,10,0,16.66666667,69.3877551,39.21568627, , ,-16.66666667,-52.72108844,30.17206883, , ,-13.07189542,0.705555556,462.875,0.4,60,0.141666667,120,515.6470588,-0.253347114,-1.072861299,0.819514185,1,467,0.166666667,510,2.575829342,-0.967421606,3.543250948,0.2,370.6666667,0.133333333,538.75,-0.841621265,-1.110771641,0.269150376,0.066666667,500,0.133333333,509.5,-1.501085982,-1.110771641,-0.390314341,0.333333333,498.4,0.133333333,505.75,-0.430727318,-1.110771641,0.680044323,40,129.3333333,33 R_3ikI9OaF5RNhu1Y,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,36,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Almost always,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,24,4,8,12,57,13,14,11,8,19,38,25,7,6,51.92307692,145.1923077,227.0499283,349.7777778,372.242236,100,0,0.277350098,0.390755647,0,0,84,366,612,162,220.8076923,2,2,2,22,37,33,92,70,22,23.91304348,21,22.82608696,17,18.47826087,1,0.010869565,6,1,10,0,32,40.90909091,16.66666667,16.66666667,9.090909091,-32,-8.909090909,24.24242424,0,7.575757576,-1.818181818,0.95,447.2592593,0.9,60,0.025,120,845.3333333,1.281551555,-1.959964022,3.241515577,1,419.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,440.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,399.1538462,0.033333333,938,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.733333333,551,0.066666667,799,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,65,-41.11282051,-20.71282051 R_3j6Sqjdu3kSy4Kw,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,36,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,42,12,10,20,53,9,18,9,15,14,34,18,7,9,50,150.9615385,208.9328715,362.5769231,362.5490196,95.0310559,0,0,0.5,0,1,81,353,622,162,202.0384615,2,2,2,22,25,44,91,62,29,31.86813187,15,16.48351648,15,16.48351648,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,16.66666667,63.63636364,9.090909091,23.07692308,9.090909091,-7.575757576,-46.96969697,54.54545455,-13.98601399,13.98601399,0,0.972222222,625.245614,0.95,60,0.016666667,120,850,1.644853637,-2.128045276,3.772898912,1,393,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,469.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,834.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,848.3333333,0.066666667,850,0.841621265,-1.501085982,2.342707247,65,365.2,441.7333333 R_3JrfM3qlJxrhcND,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,34,Female, ,Female,African, ,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Rarely,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,12,2,10,0,76,6,9,6,14,18,17,13,3,1,46.2962963,397.2222222,251.0849673,566.6,649.4078947,95.59748428,3.773584906,-0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,75,566,1241,162,168.7777778,2,2,1,50,28,50,128,69,59,46.09375,14,10.9375,14,10.9375,32,0.25,4,2,10,0,15.78947368,62,47.5,66.66666667, ,-15.78947368,-46.21052632,14.5,-19.16666667, ,-16.66666667,0.861111111,754.2631579,0.633333333,60,0.025,120,953,0.34069486,-1.959964022,2.300658882,1,665.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.6,748,0.066666667,897.5,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,0.533333333,891.125,0, ,0.083651707,-2.575829342,2.659481049,0.4,802.8333333,0.033333333,1064,-0.253347114,-1.833914593,1.580567479,53,143.125,225.525 R_3kpweUhm9DXeKH1,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,50,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,0,0,0,0,74,6,6,6,12,23,19,11,4,4,44.44444444,612.037037,162.0069881,694.375,777,99.37106918,0,-0.816496581,0.207108089,0,0,72,750,1081,162,137.962963,2,2,2,24,25,29,78,64,14,17.94871795,6,7.692307692,6,7.692307692,0,0,6,0,12,8.333333333,23.07692308,9.090909091,16.66666667,16.66666667,27.77777778,-14.74358974,13.98601399,-7.575757576,0,-11.11111111,-3.888888889,0.966666667,539.8333333,0.9,60,0,120, ,1.281551555,-2.575829342,3.857380897,1,464.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,444.5714286,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.933333333,673.9285714,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.733333333,592.7272727,0, ,0.622925743,-2.575829342,3.198755085,53,229.3571429,209.1285714 R_3KqJt6EjEYTiGoh,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,64,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,18,12,6,0,58,15,12,9,10,16,27,18,6,3,42.59259259,482.4074074,214.5990861,580.0869565,701.1578947,95.59748428,3.144654088,-1.088662108,0.138151459,0,0,69,618,1243,162,135.5925926,2,2,2,31,29,24,84,69,15,17.85714286,6,7.142857143,6,7.142857143,1,0.011904762,6,0,17,23.52941176,22.22222222,8.333333333,28.57142857,9.090909091,8.333333333,1.307189542,13.88888889,-20.23809524,19.48051948,0.757575758,3.039215686,0.938888889,758.6470588,0.85,60,0.016666667,120,1126.5,1.036433414,-2.128045276,3.164478689,1,486.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,965.9285714,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.866666667,827.3076923,0.033333333,1098,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.6,791.3333333,0.033333333,1155,0.253347114,-1.833914593,2.087261707,62,-138.6208791,341.2410256 R_3LdlgCHgy3OBzmT,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,No,Not sure,51,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,44,6,8,30,58,6,22,14,12,16,47,33,8,6,42.30769231,311.5384615,432.8552885,591.6363636,744.39375,99.37888199,0.621118012,-1.109400392,0.133628747,0,0,69,684,1152,162,372.4615385,2,1,1,22,45,61,128,76,52,40.625,32,25,29,22.65625,0,0,3,2,13,7.692307692,24.44444444,57.37704918,55.55555556, , ,-16.75213675,-32.93260474,1.821493625, , ,-15.95441595,0.838888889,510.8787879,0.55,60,0.016666667,120,621,0.125661358,-2.128045276,2.253706634,1,472.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,532.4545455,0, ,0.622925743,-2.575829342,3.198755085,0.266666667,615.75,0, ,-0.622925743,-2.575829342,1.952903599,0.2,482.3333333,0.066666667,621,-0.841621265,-1.501085982,0.659464717,70,83.29545455,142.95 R_3m4eJJ7fQ71t4ZK,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,22,Female, ,Female,African, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,26,12,4,10,69,6,16,7,10,14,33,22,6,5,50,529.8076923,230.2503722,629.8461538,760.0580645,96.27329193,3.726708075,0,0.5,0,0,81,735,1254,162,205.1923077,2,2,2,47,24,49,120,88,32,26.66666667,19,15.83333333,16,13.33333333,1,0.008333333,6,2,11,9.090909091,23.07692308,44,19.44444444,9.090909091,37.5,-13.98601399,-20.92307692,24.55555556,10.35353535,-28.40909091,-5.681818182,0.672222222,479,0.6,60,0.291666667,120,611.9714286,0.253347114,-0.548522249,0.801869363,1,392.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.466666667,501.1428571,0.366666667,622.2727273,-0.083651707,-0.34069486,0.257043153,0.4,617,0.333333333,598.5,-0.253347114,-0.430727318,0.177380204,0.533333333,519,0.466666667,613.5,0.083651707,-0.083651707,0.167303413,53,115.8571429,224.8666667 R_3MRwyexw92H7d0n,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,34,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost always,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,54,18,10,26,57,9,7,16,12,8,27,16,6,5,45.28301887,343.3962264,166.4287736,444.375,509.825,100,0,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,489,881,162,145.6037736,2,1,1,36,81,11,128,68,60,46.875,40,31.25,34,26.5625,1,0.0078125,3,2,10,0,51.85185185,9.090909091,65.38461538, , ,-51.85185185,42.76094276,-56.29370629, , ,-21.79487179,0.888888889,542.7346939,0.816666667,60,0.075,120,607.4444444,0.902734771,-1.439531431,2.342266202,0.8,428.9166667,0.033333333,540,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,1,525.1333333,0.033333333,638,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.733333333,574.1818182,0, ,0.622925743,-2.575829342,3.198755085,0.733333333,659.4545455,0.233333333,612.7142857,0.622925743,-0.727913305,1.350839049,52,49.04848485,145.2651515 R_3pnG39cXBCR84B8,Yes, ,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,No,23,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,38,18,8,12,55,16,17,21,11,17,39,23,9,7,50,267.5925926,174.279029,389.7407407,441.8716216,93.08176101,6.918238994,0,0.5,0,0,81,428,856,162,160.4074074,2,2,2,22,24,26,72,63,9,12.5,3,4.166666667,3,4.166666667,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,23.07692308,13.33333333,9.090909091,9.090909091,9.090909091,-13.98601399,9.743589744,4.242424242,0,0,0,0.966666667,636.9090909,0.916666667,60,0.008333333,120,294,1.38299413,-2.393979773,3.776973903,1,446.2,0.033333333,294,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,439.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,799.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.666666667,974.7,0, ,0.430727318,-2.575829342,3.00655666,82,360.2666667,353.6 R_3PNNq6QsPCeSuuO,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,Yes,26,Male, ,Male,"Any other ethnic group, please describe",Hispanic/ Latino,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Rarely,Often,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,70,24,22,24,33,13,15,11,7,19,30,16,6,8,47.16981132,326.4150943,234.0974057,470.12,560.5125,100,0,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,533,1025,162,206.5849057,1,1,1,10,16,102,128,50,78,60.9375,40,31.25,38,29.6875,6,0.046875,2,0,10,0,18.75,73.52941176, , , ,-18.75,-54.77941176, , , ,-36.76470588,0.961111111,718.2678571,0.933333333,60,0.025,120,1010.333333,1.501085982,-1.959964022,3.461050004,1,465.3333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,669.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,844.5714286,0.033333333,834,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.8,947.6666667,0.066666667,1098.5,0.841621265,-1.501085982,2.342707247,65,174.7714286,379.2380952 R_3psWCuuzvSeD7PS,Yes, ,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,No,22,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,4,4,0,0,77,8,13,8,9,12,24,18,6,0,48.14814815,513.8888889,85.96016771,556.6538462,599.8490566,100,0,-0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,78,595,935,162,81.11111111,2,2,2,30,33,45,108,80,28,25.92592593,13,12.03703704,13,12.03703704,0,0,6,2,13,7.692307692,14.28571429,44.82758621,11.76470588,36.84210526,18.75,-6.593406593,-30.54187192,33.06288032,-25.07739938,18.09210526,-2.211538462,0.988888889,489.9491525,0.983333333,60,0.008333333,120,617,2.128045276,-2.393979773,4.522025049,1,397.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,486.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,530.4,0.033333333,617,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.933333333,549.7142857,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,50,43.86666667,133.2666667 R_3qBxrce5WXB5xO9,Yes,Depression, , ,Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), , ,No,Yes,No,65,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Often,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,24,8,0,16,54,13,12,10,7,18,10,4,1,5,45.28301887,752.8301887,227.6730793,889.1666667,984.4671053,95,4.375,-0.68680282,0.246103496,0,0,73,1005,1253,162,252.1698113,2,2,2,23,45,26,94,71,23,24.46808511,8,8.510638298,8,8.510638298,0,0,6,1,11,9.090909091,31.25,15.38461538,8.333333333,37.93103448,23.07692308,-22.15909091,15.86538462,7.051282051,-29.59770115,14.85411141,-2.797202797,0.872222222,541.9756098,0.683333333,60,0.033333333,120,765.25,0.477040395,-1.833914593,2.310954988,0.8,493.8333333,0, ,0.841621265,-2.575829342,3.417450607,0.733333333,568,0.033333333,479,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.6,551.1111111,0.033333333,548,0.253347114,-1.833914593,2.087261707,0.6,565.2222222,0.066666667,1017,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,60,-16.88888889,57.27777778 R_3Qc65ukTE94qL3H,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,54,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,8,0,4,4,71,6,6,8,17,15,10,9,1,0,53.7037037,247.2222222,264.4318658,451.6551724,511.6540881,100,0,0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,87,515,689,162,267.7777778,2,2,2,24,33,29,86,69,17,19.76744186,10,11.62790698,9,10.46511628,0,0,6,0,13,15.38461538,28.57142857,37.5,9.090909091,8.333333333,7.692307692,-13.18681319,-8.928571429,28.40909091,0.757575758,0.641025641,1.538461538,0.95,612.7090909,0.916666667,60,0.033333333,120,872,1.38299413,-1.833914593,3.216908723,1,483.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,480.4,0.033333333,537,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,828.2666667,0.066666667,678,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,0.666666667,681.8,0.033333333,1595,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,52,347.8666667,344.8666667 R_3qlkB9grdmgQZya,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,31,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,6,6,0,0,74,13,7,12,12,15,7,4,0,3,39.21568627,294.1176471,432.7403776,568.05,726.8580247,100,0,-1.540308092,0.061742636,0,0,64,693,1180,162,398.8823529,2,2,2,58,28,31,117,75,42,35.8974359,18,15.38461538,17,14.52991453,9,0.076923077,6,1,22,13.63636364,26.66666667,44.44444444,61.11111111,23.07692308,15.38461538,-13.03030303,-17.77777778,-16.66666667,38.03418803,7.692307692,-0.34965035,0.933333333,531.4230769,0.866666667,60,0.033333333,120,564,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,1,411.3333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,421,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,746.2307692,0.066666667,547,1.110771641,-1.501085982,2.611857623,0.6,605.3333333,0.066666667,581,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,59,325.2307692,334.8974359 R_3qNYts6rMNMClBN,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,21,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,42,14,4,24,27,9,10,21,12,11,36,21,6,9,49.05660377,121.6981132,293.6831368,377.2307692,416.4713376,98.125,0,-0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,79,390,704,162,268.3018868,2,2,2,29,25,53,107,72,35,32.71028037,14,13.08411215,14,13.08411215,7,0.065420561,6,0,10,0,16.66666667,58.53658537,31.57894737,15.38461538,8.333333333,-16.66666667,-41.8699187,26.957638,16.19433198,7.051282051,-1.666666667,0.955555556,523.9090909,0.916666667,60,0.025,120,485.6666667,1.38299413,-1.959964022,3.342958152,1,449.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,465.9285714,0.033333333,420,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.933333333,534.7142857,0.066666667,518.5,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,0.8,671.5,0, ,0.841621265,-2.575829342,3.417450607,63,68.78571429,84.84761905 R_3QRdH53DLB2dyiJ,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,58,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,6,4,2,0,87,7,9,8,7,8,9,9,0,0,43.39622642,620.754717,220.8845235,667.3913043,841.6392405,98.75,1.25,-0.961523948,0.168144395,0,0,70,829,1269,162,208.245283,2,2,2,22,26,26,74,65,9,12.16216216,4,5.405405405,4,5.405405405,0,0,6,0,10,0,16.66666667,14.28571429,8.333333333,14.28571429,16.66666667,-16.66666667,2.380952381,5.952380952,-5.952380952,-2.380952381,-3.333333333,0.922222222,586.6,0.833333333,60,0.033333333,120,939.25,0.967421606,-1.833914593,2.801336199,1,442,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,455.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.666666667,1016.3,0.033333333,204,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,0.666666667,570.6,0.1,1184.333333,0.430727318,-1.281551555,1.712278873,39,560.9,574.3 R_3qWLmb3LqZ7Qa4W,Yes, , , , , , ,No,No,Yes,42,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,30,18,2,10,50,11,11,13,12,12,21,12,5,4,47.16981132,403.7735849,223.0251572,529.4,626.7987421,99.375,0.625,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,595,1016,162,191.2264151,2,2,2,21,39,49,109,73,36,33.02752294,21,19.26605505,18,16.51376147,4,0.036697248,6,0,10,0,13.33333333,59.45945946,9.090909091,37.5,16.66666667,-13.33333333,-46.12612613,50.36855037,-28.40909091,20.83333333,-3.333333333,0.894444444,606.0416667,0.8,60,0.058333333,120,877.8571429,0.841621265,-1.568919674,2.410540938,0.933333333,427.5,0.033333333,342,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.933333333,609.5714286,0.066666667,449,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,0.666666667,620.8,0.1,1288,0.430727318,-1.281551555,1.712278873,0.666666667,836.3,0.033333333,1041,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,59,11.22857143,193.3 R_3QYosX9CG9fhCLH,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,No,23,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,94,32,20,42,43,10,23,11,9,17,57,36,11,10,38.46153846,441.3461538,258.2780072,535.45,699.6241611,92.54658385,7.453416149,-1.664100589,0.048046165,0,0,62,632,1257,162,190.6538462,2,2,2,22,23,25,70,61,9,12.85714286,5,7.142857143,5,7.142857143,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,16.66666667,15.38461538,9.090909091,9.090909091,16.66666667,-7.575757576,1.282051282,6.293706294,0,-7.575757576,-1.515151515,0.905555556,656.1020408,0.816666667,60,0.05,120,789.1666667,0.902734771,-1.644853637,2.547588408,1,477.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,554.5,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.866666667,855.3076923,0.1,868,1.110771641,-1.281551555,2.392323196,0.466666667,872.2857143,0.1,710.3333333,-0.083651707,-1.281551555,1.197899848,70,300.8076923,377.9076923 R_3R90LwBdM3qAVF7,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,21,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Often,Often,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Often,Never,Never,Never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,24,0,12,12,59,10,9,11,12,11,16,14,2,0,51.85185185,146.2962963,343.5253598,437.6428571,494.0065789,95.59748428,1.257861635,0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,84,449,1245,162,302.7037037,2,2,1,34,66,28,128,95,33,25.78125,27,21.09375,21,16.40625,2,0.015625,4,5,10,0,21.42857143,39.28571429,16.66666667,28.84615385, ,-21.42857143,-17.85714286,22.61904762,-12.17948718, ,-7.211538462,0.9,733.2884615,0.866666667,60,0.083333333,120,882.8,1.110771641,-1.38299413,2.493765771,1,440.9333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,650,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,866.3846154,0.166666667,936.8,1.110771641,-0.967421606,2.078193247,0.6,1167.111111,0.166666667,828.8,0.253347114,-0.967421606,1.22076872,53,216.3846154,425.4512821 R_3snh4NgvxGlQ2Gd,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,38,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,14,4,0,10,79,11,14,8,10,16,37,24,6,7,47.16981132,203.7735849,234.9889151,417.4,439.1069182,99.375,0,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,421,704,162,217.2264151,2,2,2,30,33,28,91,66,25,27.47252747,22,24.17582418,19,20.87912088,0,0,6,0,10,0,36.36363636,41.17647059,40,9.090909091,9.090909091,-36.36363636,-4.812834225,1.176470588,30.90909091,0,-1.818181818,0.922222222,631.2978723,0.783333333,60,0.008333333,120,637,0.783500388,-2.393979773,3.177480161,1,457.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,583,0.033333333,637,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.6,830.8888889,0, ,0.253347114,-2.575829342,2.829176456,0.533333333,823.875,0, ,0.083651707,-2.575829342,2.659481049,59,247.8888889,373.7555556 R_5APYglAImrNUYkV,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,No,30,Female, ,Female,African, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,34,10,12,12,68,11,16,9,12,18,31,21,6,4,50.94339623,248.1132075,262.0680425,485.2962963,514.0636943,98.125,0,0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,83,490,1004,162,241.8867925,2,2,2,25,41,44,110,84,26,23.63636364,14,12.72727273,12,10.90909091,1,0.009090909,6,1,11,9.090909091,25.92592593,34.375,21.42857143,14.28571429,16.66666667,-16.83501684,-8.449074074,12.94642857,7.142857143,-2.380952381,-1.515151515,0.922222222,658.6140351,0.95,60,0.091666667,120,685.3636364,1.644853637,-1.330561504,2.97541514,1,478.5333333,0.066666667,702,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,1,426.4666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,971.2666667,0.1,775.3333333,2.575829342,-1.281551555,3.857380897,0.8,783.0833333,0.2,634.8333333,0.841621265,-0.841621265,1.68324253,66,544.8,492.7333333 R_5j9CeEagIekQDRv,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Yes,30,Male, ,Male,White and Asian, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,4,2,0,2,78,6,10,8,11,12,18,12,3,3,42.59259259,876.8518519,209.3148148,1034.826087,1086.166667,83.01886792,16.98113208,-1.088662108,0.138151459,0,0,69,1109,1257,162,232.1481481,2,2,2,26,28,44,98,74,24,24.48979592,9,9.183673469,9,9.183673469,0,0,6,0,13,23.07692308,16.66666667,36,15.38461538,18.75,26.31578947,6.41025641,-19.33333333,20.61538462,-3.365384615,-7.565789474,-0.647773279,0.988888889,557.4166667,1,60,0.016666667,120,381.5,2.575829342,-2.128045276,4.703874618,1,436.2666667,0.066666667,381.5,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,1,409.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,754.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,629.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,47,344.7333333,318.2666667 R_5p88gSuV7r0IoaB,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,46,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,28,14,14,0,62,12,17,12,10,14,32,20,6,6,49.05660377,301.8867925,152.6069575,427.2692308,454.49375,100,0,-0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,79,448,804,162,146.1132075,2,2,2,45,51,32,128,88,40,31.25,23,17.96875,20,15.625,0,0,5,2,12,16.66666667,26.66666667,31.81818182,21.21212121,36.11111111,70,-10,-5.151515152,10.60606061,-14.8989899,-33.88888889,-10.66666667,0.961111111,512.2037037,0.9,60,0.008333333,120,948,1.281551555,-2.393979773,3.675531328,1,453.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,490.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,545.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.6,592.4444444,0.033333333,948,0.253347114,-1.833914593,2.087261707,65,55.13333333,92.2 R_6lLEHDKWGjRJn0d,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,36,Male, ,Male,Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,2,2,0,0,50,8,10,10,9,10,24,15,3,6,51.85185185,109.2592593,395.3607407,479.3928571,494.5,89.3081761,5.660377358,0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,84,456,1152,162,346.7407407,2,2,1,59,41,28,128,93,35,27.34375,22,17.1875,17,13.28125,1,0.0078125,4,3,18,5.555555556,19.35483871,46.42857143,29.26829268,30, ,-13.79928315,-27.07373272,17.16027875,-0.731707317, ,-6.111111111,0.922222222,695.7777778,0.9,60,0.066666667,120,796.875,1.281551555,-1.501085982,2.782637537,1,645.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,624.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,779.0769231,0.066666667,789.5,1.110771641,-1.501085982,2.611857623,0.733333333,763.0909091,0.2,799.3333333,0.622925743,-0.841621265,1.464547008,47,154.8102564,133.3435897 R_8jeYXzRkjSAKvFT,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,34,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,60,18,14,28,58,12,15,9,13,16,36,22,8,6,40.38461538,445.1923077,209.5692817,522.2380952,654.7615894,93.78881988,6.211180124,-1.386750491,0.082758929,0,0,65,597,1239,162,151.8076923,2,2,1,81,16,31,128,83,45,35.15625,28,21.875,25,19.53125,0,0,4,3,53,45.28301887,15.38461538,25.80645161,32.14285714,66.66666667, ,29.89840348,-10.42183623,-6.33640553,-34.52380952, ,-5.34591195,0.888888889,599.8444444,0.75,60,0.041666667,120,866.6,0.674489781,-1.731664404,2.406154186,1,468.3333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,573.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,699.4545455,0.033333333,765,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.266666667,916.75,0.133333333,892,-0.622925743,-1.110771641,0.487845898,65,125.6545455,231.1212121 R_BAjgdXIJNl6VUEF,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,32,Male, ,Male,African, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,8,6,0,2,77,11,6,6,14,19,2,2,0,0,37.73584906,667.9245283,225.3748348,816.45,893.2993631,98.125,1.875,-1.785687331,0.037074949,0,0,61,860,1276,162,192.0754717,2,2,2,32,30,38,100,80,20,20,7,7,6,6,0,0,6,2,21,28.57142857,31.57894737,15.78947368,9.090909091,9.090909091,15.78947368,-3.007518797,15.78947368,6.698564593,0,-6.698564593,2.556390977,0.944444444,483.2142857,0.933333333,60,0.05,120,625,1.501085982,-1.644853637,3.145939618,1,370.4,0.033333333,397,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,348.2666667,0.066666667,384.5,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,1,555.7333333,0.033333333,690,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.733333333,722.1818182,0.066666667,947,0.622925743,-1.501085982,2.124011725,56,207.4666667,185.3333333 R_BtfqpIvEq6V4EzD,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,61,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Never,Rarely,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,14,4,4,6,73,6,9,9,9,7,14,11,2,1,51.92307692,195.1923077,215.5965122,380,411.8,99.37888199,0,0.277350098,0.390755647,0,0,84,408,691,162,212.8076923,2,2,2,26,32,24,82,67,15,18.29268293,10,12.19512195,9,10.97560976,0,0,6,0,14,21.42857143,31.57894737,7.692307692,16.66666667,15.38461538,9.090909091,-10.15037594,23.88663968,-8.974358974,1.282051282,6.293706294,2.467532468,0.933333333,649.3396226,0.883333333,60,0.041666667,120,903,1.191816196,-1.731664404,2.9234806,1,476.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,435.0666667,0.033333333,488,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.733333333,816.5454545,0.033333333,912,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.8,979.9166667,0.1,1038.333333,0.841621265,-1.281551555,2.12317282,40,381.4787879,340.0121212 R_bvzFekjBLGLXGnv,Yes,Depression, , , , , ,No,Yes,Not sure,21,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Almost always,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Almost always,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,100,36,24,40,28,16,22,7,17,19,55,31,12,12,40.74074074,452.7777778,76.48804501,482.4090909,529.2658228,99.37106918,0.628930818,-1.360827635,0.086784083,0,0,66,466,1067,162,13.22222222,2,2,2,24,26,24,74,61,13,17.56756757,10,13.51351351,10,13.51351351,0,0,6,0,10,0,23.07692308,16.66666667,28.57142857,15.38461538,16.66666667,-23.07692308,6.41025641,-11.9047619,13.18681319,-1.282051282,-3.333333333,0.972222222,656.3392857,0.933333333,60,0.008333333,120,1115,1.501085982,-2.393979773,3.895065755,1,426.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,628.2857143,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,1,746.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,864.5,0.033333333,1115,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,81,117.9809524,320.2 R_cOVxYs1os5Dkgx3,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Yes,25,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Often,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Rarely,Often,Rarely,Often,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Often,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,68,28,18,22,54,19,14,15,15,15,30,17,7,6,47.05882353,388.2352941,273.7895506,507,662.0248447,99.38271605,0.617283951,-0.420084025,0.337212036,0,0,76,642,1193,162,253.7647059,2,2,2,22,33,26,81,69,12,14.81481481,6,7.407407407,6,7.407407407,1,0.012345679,6,1,10,0,16.66666667,28.57142857,16.66666667,14.28571429,8.333333333,-16.66666667,-11.9047619,11.9047619,2.380952381,5.952380952,-1.666666667,0.605555556,511.0285714,0.583333333,60,0.383333333,120,704,0.210428372,-0.296737835,0.507166207,1,526.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.4,431.6666667,0.433333333,704.8461538,-0.253347114,-0.167893991,-0.085453123,0.4,476,0.633333333,598.8947368,-0.253347114,0.34069486,-0.594041973,0.533333333,567.375,0.466666667,845.8571429,0.083651707,-0.083651707,0.167303413,78,44.33333333,-50.73333333 R_D6oVQQqIlT0vjnH,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,21,Male, ,Male,Any other Asian background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Rarely,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,6,4,0,2,71,13,9,7,13,15,22,15,4,3,49.05660377,137.7358491,262.6141509,370.8461538,401.8571429,96.25,0,-0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,79,368,1037,162,230.2641509,2,2,2,40,56,32,128,88,40,31.25,20,15.625,18,14.0625,7,0.0546875,5,3,10,0,23.07692308,20.83333333,20,44.18604651,87.5,-23.07692308,2.243589744,0.833333333,-24.18604651,-43.31395349,-17.5,0.872222222,787.627907,0.716666667,60,0.05,120,934.1666667,0.572967544,-1.644853637,2.217821181,0.866666667,495.3846154,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,0.6,688.3333333,0.033333333,369,0.253347114,-1.833914593,2.087261707,0.733333333,849.5454545,0.1,1058.333333,0.622925743,-1.281551555,1.904477298,0.666666667,1188.8,0.066666667,1030.5,0.430727318,-1.501085982,1.9318133,57,161.2121212,354.1608392 R_Dc5ZdhdyIdzzlQd,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Not sure,26,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,18,8,0,10,53,9,8,10,6,7,15,9,3,3,47.16981132,300,146.05625,386.16,446.05625,100,0,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,400,960,162,100,2,2,2,28,46,54,128,88,40,31.25,29,22.65625,26,20.3125,2,0.015625,6,2,12,8.333333333,27.5862069,62.85714286,31.25,11.76470588,10.52631579,-19.25287356,-35.27093596,31.60714286,19.48529412,1.238390093,-0.438596491,0.927777778,539.3877551,0.816666667,60,0.016666667,120,633,0.902734771,-2.128045276,3.030780047,1,436,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,596.2307692,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,0.866666667,485.9230769,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,0.533333333,727.75,0.066666667,633,0.083651707,-1.501085982,1.584737688,40,-110.3076923,49.92307692 R_eFZQzah8OxO0vuN,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,24,Male, ,Male,White and Black African, ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Sometimes,Never,Never,Rarely,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,16,10,4,2,51,21,13,14,12,20,13,8,2,3,37.73584906,633.9622642,237.9411841,797.35,870.4583333,90,9.375,-1.785687331,0.037074949,0,0,61,811,1267,162,177.0377358,2,2,2,28,54,46,128,80,48,37.5,32,25,25,19.53125,2,0.015625,5,1,15,20,16.66666667,50,23.07692308,47.61904762,20,3.333333333,-33.33333333,26.92307692,-24.54212454,27.61904762,0,0.811111111,486.0357143,0.933333333,60,0.25,120,539.5,1.501085982,-0.674489781,2.175575763,1,411.4,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,486.4,0.333333333,542.7,2.575829342,-0.430727318,3.00655666,0.8,513,0.3,530.1111111,0.841621265,-0.524400517,1.366021782,0.933333333,542.5,0.366666667,544.2727273,1.501085982,-0.34069486,1.841780841,80,26.6,101.6 R_ezAZpfdooGumL3b,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,No,28,Female, ,Female,Irish, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,92,34,24,34,39,7,18,20,12,12,45,25,12,8,44.44444444,323.1481481,284.5524888,506.7083333,609.4423077,98.11320755,1.257861635,-0.816496581,0.207108089,0,0,72,562,1201,162,238.8518519,2,1,1,98,12,18,128,64,64,50,22,17.1875,20,15.625,18,0.140625,3,0,10,0,16.66666667,38.88888889,62.5, , ,-16.66666667,-22.22222222,-23.61111111, , ,-20.83333333,0.95,987.1698113,0.883333333,60,0.016666667,120,958,1.191816196,-2.128045276,3.319861472,1,557.8,0.033333333,395,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,789.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,1327.928571,0.033333333,1521,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.6,1502,0, ,0.253347114,-2.575829342,2.829176456,69,538.3285714,770.1285714 R_O8enMAwIMPQYeGd,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,46,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Never,Never,Never,Rarely,Never,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,0,0,0,0,67,6,11,24,6,12,9,8,1,0,49.05660377,228.3018868,375.6856132,538.9615385,604.0251572,99.375,0,-0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,79,598,1081,162,369.6981132,2,2,1,23,89,16,128,82,46,35.9375,24,18.75,20,15.625,0,0,4,3,10,0,33.33333333,25,23.07692308,47.69230769, ,-33.33333333,8.333333333,1.923076923,-24.61538462, ,-11.92307692,0.944444444,683.4705882,0.85,60,0.008333333,120,585,1.036433414,-2.393979773,3.430413187,1,484.4666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,547.1333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,791.3636364,0.033333333,585,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.666666667,1067.8,0, ,0.430727318,-2.575829342,3.00655666,59,244.230303,306.8969697 R_OjqhEOsBw5AwhgJ,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,26,Male, ,Male,African, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,60,22,12,26,45,14,18,14,15,21,43,27,8,8,46.2962963,430.5555556,285.4125973,647.32,715.9681529,98.74213836,1.257861635,-0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,75,678,1235,162,247.4444444,2,2,2,25,45,58,128,80,48,37.5,31,24.21875,29,22.65625,0,0,5,1,12,16.66666667,28.57142857,52,23.07692308,32.25806452,37.5,-11.9047619,-23.42857143,28.92307692,-9.181141439,-5.241935484,-4.166666667,0.916666667,651.0576923,0.866666667,60,0.058333333,120,823.2857143,1.110771641,-1.568919674,2.679691315,0.933333333,455.2857143,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.866666667,603.6923077,0.033333333,595,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.733333333,713,0.133333333,860.75,0.622925743,-1.110771641,1.733697385,0.933333333,842.1428571,0.066666667,862.5,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,82,109.3076923,257.7142857 R_ONL9XZBaBEsqXGF,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,25,Female, ,Female,Any other Asian background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,40,18,10,12,46,15,13,20,15,15,37,22,8,7,47.16981132,211.3207547,191.4792453,405.16,404.6139241,98.75,0,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,1,76,394,706,162,182.6792453,2,2,2,22,25,24,71,60,11,15.49295775,6,8.450704225,6,8.450704225,0,0,6,0,11,9.090909091,16.66666667,23.07692308,9.090909091,23.07692308,9.090909091,-7.575757576,-6.41025641,13.98601399,-13.98601399,13.98601399,0,0.938888889,552.4528302,0.883333333,60,0.033333333,120,599.25,1.191816196,-1.833914593,3.025730789,1,493.8,0.033333333,416,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,521.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,583.8461538,0, ,1.110771641,-2.575829342,3.686600983,0.666666667,645.5,0.1,660.3333333,0.430727318,-1.281551555,1.712278873,78,61.97948718,90.04615385 R_qUsJeaRf8Z3B3ah,No, , , , , , ,No,Yes,Yes,35,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,14,4,2,8,45,13,12,11,8,16,22,15,5,2,47.16981132,260.3773585,249.1132075,424.8,509.490566,99.375,0.625,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,480,1056,162,219.6226415,2,2,2,36,32,38,106,86,20,18.86792453,12,11.32075472,11,10.37735849,0,0,6,1,17,17.64705882,19.04761905,35,10.52631579,9.090909091,16.66666667,-1.400560224,-15.95238095,24.47368421,1.435406699,-7.575757576,0.196078431,0.966666667,558.3508772,0.95,60,0.025,120,726.6666667,1.644853637,-1.959964022,3.604817659,1,437.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,531.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,624.1333333,0.033333333,806,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.8,661.5833333,0.066666667,687,0.841621265,-1.501085982,2.342707247,60,93.06666667,186.8666667 R_qzmngaIK1c77KnL,No, , , , , , ,No,No,Not sure,30,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Never,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,4,2,2,0,67,10,6,8,8,13,8,8,0,0,50,137.037037,295.2837177,392.962963,433.8589744,98.11320755,0,0,0.5,0,0,81,430,910,162,292.962963,2,2,2,24,70,34,128,80,48,37.5,29,22.65625,26,20.3125,3,0.0234375,5,1,11,9.090909091,28.125,40.90909091,15.38461538,55.26315789,50,-19.03409091,-12.78409091,25.52447552,-39.87854251,5.263157895,-8.181818182,0.944444444,561.6730769,0.866666667,60,0.016666667,120,480.5,1.110771641,-2.128045276,3.238816917,1,531.5333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,436.7857143,0.033333333,416,1.501085982,-1.833914593,3.335000575,0.866666667,550.7692308,0.033333333,545,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.666666667,795.9,0, ,0.430727318,-2.575829342,3.00655666,45,113.9835165,19.23589744 R_sNoswiKfVRN5AAx,Yes, ,Anxiety, , , , ,No,No,No,25,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,66,22,20,24,41,16,17,19,16,16,34,21,6,7,78.84615385,93.26923077,322.0289059,368.9756098,417.7935484,96.27329193,0,4.160251472,1.59E-05,1,0,128,499,1016,162,405.7307692,2,2,2,37,32,53,122,90,32,26.2295082,18,14.75409836,16,13.1147541,4,0.032786885,6,2,11,9.090909091,26.31578947,43.24324324,15.38461538,23.07692308,18.75,-17.22488038,-16.92745377,27.85862786,-7.692307692,4.326923077,-1.931818182,0.844444444,604.8695652,0.766666667,60,0.116666667,120,636.1428571,0.727913305,-1.191816196,1.919729501,1,448.8,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,572.9166667,0.033333333,515,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.666666667,664.3,0.233333333,599.2857143,0.430727318,-0.727913305,1.158640623,0.6,841.5555556,0.2,699.3333333,0.253347114,-0.841621265,1.094968379,84,91.38333333,215.5 R_t0rEqrJLjsah3iN,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,20,Female, ,Female,"Any other ethnic group, please describe",North African,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,56,22,8,26,36,12,20,16,15,15,44,25,10,9,77.35849057,64.1509434,360.9874214,406.7804878,434.6493506,96.25,0.625,3.983456355,3.40E-05,1,0,125,470,980,162,405.8490566,2,2,1,32,71,25,128,87,41,32.03125,25,19.53125,22,17.1875,1,0.0078125,4,3,16,6.25,46.2962963,28,12.5,35.29411765, ,-40.0462963,18.2962963,15.5,-22.79411765, ,-7.261029412,0.955555556,822.8983051,0.983333333,60,0.058333333,120,1035.142857,2.128045276,-1.568919674,3.696964949,1,544.8666667,0.033333333,1431,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,844.2,0.066666667,1123,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,0.933333333,826,0.066666667,770,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,1,1076.733333,0.066666667,1014.5,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,78,-18.2,281.1333333 R_tFo7iSls3QdyE7v,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,65,Female, ,Female,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Very infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,10,6,2,2,73,14,13,7,10,9,26,15,6,5,38.46153846,514.4230769,254.0427616,695.3,770.56875,99.37888199,0,-1.664100589,0.048046165,0,0,62,682,1211,162,167.5769231,1,1,1,36,57,35,128,82,46,35.9375,25,19.53125,22,17.1875,0,0,2,3,36,27.77777778,26.31578947,60, , , ,1.461988304,-33.68421053, , , ,-16.11111111,0.944444444,738.5294118,0.85,60,0.008333333,120,1179,1.036433414,-2.393979773,3.430413187,1,564.3333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,647,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,811.9090909,0, ,0.622925743,-2.575829342,3.198755085,0.666666667,1056.4,0.033333333,1179,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,53,164.9090909,247.5757576 R_tGJPqJTenv2Offz,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , ,Bipolar Disorder, ,No,Yes,No,23,I identify my gender as,agender,Female,"Any other ethnic group, please describe",latino,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree very much,120,42,38,40,27,21,23,19,16,24,60,36,12,12,44.44444444,708.3333333,136.9423077,718.625,845.275641,98.11320755,1.886792453,-0.816496581,0.207108089,0,0,72,836,1251,162,127.6666667,2,2,2,46,31,24,101,80,21,20.79207921,10,9.900990099,10,9.900990099,0,0,6,1,10,0,35.29411765,9.090909091,25,21.42857143,15.38461538,-35.29411765,26.20320856,-15.90909091,3.571428571,6.043956044,-3.076923077,0.922222222,710.5555556,0.9,60,0.066666667,120,851.875,1.281551555,-1.501085982,2.782637537,1,481.4666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,616.0666667,0.033333333,402,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.866666667,944.3846154,0.1,1043.333333,1.110771641,-1.281551555,2.392323196,0.733333333,875.4545455,0.133333333,820.75,0.622925743,-1.110771641,1.733697385,103,328.3179487,462.9179487 R_tMyMQb5OFVhyigF,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, ,Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), , ,Yes, ,No,30,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,118,42,34,42,74,7,23,14,18,13,60,36,12,12,42.59259259,489.8148148,199.3616558,611.2608696,689.1764706,96.22641509,3.773584906,-1.088662108,0.138151459,0,0,69,656,1227,162,166.1851852,2,2,2,23,50,41,114,89,25,21.92982456,16,14.03508772,14,12.28070175,2,0.01754386,6,3,10,0,9.090909091,39.28571429,15.38461538,20.51282051,23.07692308,-9.090909091,-30.19480519,23.9010989,-5.128205128,-2.564102564,-4.615384615,0.905555556,524.3859649,0.95,60,0.116666667,120,617.9285714,1.644853637,-1.191816196,2.836669832,1,449.6666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,433,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,600.2857143,0.266666667,648,1.501085982,-0.622925743,2.124011725,0.866666667,634.3076923,0.2,577.8333333,1.110771641,-0.841621265,1.952392906,75,167.2857143,150.6190476 R_u9cvD9KxXAMoHfz,Yes,Depression, , , , , ,No,Yes,Not sure,21,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree very much,50,16,12,22,53,9,13,11,15,21,31,16,8,7,53.7037037,112.037037,236.3843466,336.2758621,350.1623377,96.85534591,0,0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,87,343,862,162,230.962963,2,2,1,61,29,38,128,77,51,39.84375,28,21.875,24,18.75,2,0.015625,4,1,11,9.090909091,32.14285714,50,42,100, ,-23.05194805,-17.85714286,8,-58, ,-22.72727273,0.938888889,759,0.866666667,60,0.025,120,1178.333333,1.110771641,-1.959964022,3.070735663,1,534.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,593.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.866666667,762.6923077,0.033333333,539,1.110771641,-1.833914593,2.944686234,0.6,1403.444444,0.066666667,1498,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,69,168.825641,228.425641 R_UmXd5nE3qAglnWN,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,No,28,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,50,26,14,10,50,14,17,15,17,14,35,21,7,7,50,286.1111111,219.2473795,426.5925926,508.2405063,99.37106918,0,0,0.5,0,0,81,470,1001,162,183.8888889,2,2,2,59,51,18,128,81,47,36.71875,25,19.53125,24,18.75,2,0.015625,5,1,48,50,16.66666667,23.07692308,9.090909091,41.02564103,20,33.33333333,-6.41025641,13.98601399,-31.93473193,21.02564103,6,0.888888889,567.3962264,0.883333333,60,0.108333333,120,598,1.191816196,-1.235440359,2.427256554,1,440.6,0.033333333,366,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,0.8,471.25,0.133333333,505.5,0.841621265,-1.110771641,1.952392906,0.933333333,783.8571429,0.1,898,1.501085982,-1.281551555,2.782637537,0.8,569.5,0.166666667,538.4,0.841621265,-0.967421606,1.809042871,77,312.6071429,343.2571429 R_V4P4E1fSfjsILwR,Prefer not to say, , , , , , ,No,Prefer not to say,No,28,Female, ,Female,White and Asian, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost always,Often,Sometimes,Often,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost never,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,24,8,8,8,50,7,11,10,7,8,42,27,8,7,50.94339623,192.4528302,223.1784198,377.5185185,416.1582278,98.75,0,0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,83,403,1078,162,210.5471698,1,1,1,13,39,76,128,40,88,68.75,42,32.8125,36,28.125,31,0.2421875,2,0,13,15.38461538,51.28205128,86.84210526, , , ,-35.8974359,-35.56005398, , , ,-35.72874494,0.922222222,631.7272727,0.916666667,60,0.075,120,763.4444444,1.38299413,-1.439531431,2.822525561,1,449.1333333,0.033333333,408,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,542,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.933333333,750.8571429,0.066666667,921,1.501085982,-1.501085982,3.002171963,0.733333333,851.4545455,0.2,770.1666667,0.622925743,-0.841621265,1.464547008,43,208.8571429,301.7238095 R_WAlRnEf1KAerK0N,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,26,Male, ,Male,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,46,16,12,18,63,10,13,11,12,14,24,13,6,5,49.05660377,245.2830189,270.7669811,467.5384615,519.5,98.75,0,-0.137360564,0.4453729,0,0,79,496,974,162,250.7169811,2,2,2,68,46,14,128,102,26,20.3125,6,4.6875,6,4.6875,1,0.0078125,5,3,12,8.333333333,16.66666667,7.692307692,26.78571429,17.85714286,100,-8.333333333,8.974358974,-19.09340659,8.928571429,-82.14285714,-18.33333333,0.922222222,644.0392157,0.85,60,0.041666667,120,826,1.036433414,-1.731664404,2.768097818,1,571.4666667,0.033333333,477,2.575829342,-1.833914593,4.409743935,1,560.8666667,0.066666667,767,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,0.8,605.75,0, ,0.841621265,-2.575829342,3.417450607,0.6,954.6666667,0.066666667,1059.5,0.253347114,-1.501085982,1.754433095,60,44.88333333,34.28333333 R_WujDG9qPet3N8Cl,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , ,Bipolar Disorder, ,Yes, ,Yes,35,Female, ,Female,"Any other Black, African or Caribbean background", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Never,Never,Never,Never,Often,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Almost never,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,46,18,8,20,73,8,12,6,8,20,35,25,4,6,42.59259259,676.8518519,220.6515039,756.9130435,902.4797297,93.08176101,6.289308176,-1.088662108,0.138151459,0,0,69,900,1274,162,223.1481481,2,1,1,54,22,52,128,86,42,32.8125,20,15.625,18,14.0625,6,0.046875,4,5,10,0,22.72727273,55.76923077,18.18181818, , ,-22.72727273,-33.04195804,37.58741259, , ,-6.060606061,0.761111111,559.6538462,0.433333333,60,0.075,120,944.8888889,-0.167893991,-1.439531431,1.27163744,0.533333333,457.375,0.066666667,1024.5,0.083651707,-1.501085982,1.584737688,0.666666667,562.5,0.066666667,603.5,0.430727318,-1.501085982,1.9318133,0.333333333,511.8,0.066666667,1010.5,-0.430727318,-1.501085982,1.070358664,0.2,902.6666667,0.1,1075.666667,-0.841621265,-1.281551555,0.43993029,54,-50.7,54.425 R_XFCqfEvAZ6FllE5,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,20,I identify my gender as,Agender,Male,Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Sometimes,Rarely,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Rarely,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,16,12,0,4,45,6,12,12,7,17,37,23,7,7,47.16981132,367.9245283,552.3774851,774.88,920.3020134,93.125,6.875,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,936,1275,162,568.0754717,1,1,1,11,14,103,128,40,88,68.75,22,17.1875,21,16.40625,53,0.4140625,2,1,11,9.090909091,28.57142857,80.58252427, , , ,-19.48051948,-52.0110957, , , ,-35.74580759,0.944444444,563.3529412,0.85,60,0.008333333,120,2394,1.036433414,-2.393979773,3.430413187,0.933333333,423.2857143,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.8,404.5,0, ,0.841621265,-2.575829342,3.417450607,0.933333333,714.0714286,0, ,1.501085982,-2.575829342,4.076915324,0.733333333,723.0909091,0.033333333,2394,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,54,309.5714286,290.7857143 R_yPbQzdWWwSYNO4V,No, , , , , , ,No,No,No,27,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Never,Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Never,Never,Never,Sometimes,Never,Rarely,Never,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Almost never,Almost never,Somewhat frequently,Almost never,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,26,18,4,4,66,6,11,10,7,10,10,9,1,0,46.2962963,506.4814815,155.1160028,519.44,663.6075949,99.37106918,0,-0.544331054,0.293106841,0,0,75,669,1133,162,162.5185185,2,1,1,29,33,66,128,66,62,48.4375,46,35.9375,39,30.46875,3,0.0234375,3,0,10,0,30.3030303,59.09090909,68.42105263, , ,-30.3030303,-28.78787879,-9.330143541, , ,-22.80701754,0.961111111,719.4285714,0.933333333,60,0.025,120,814.3333333,1.501085982,-1.959964022,3.461050004,1,481.2666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,559.0666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,749,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.733333333,1222.545455,0.1,814.3333333,0.622925743,-1.281551555,1.904477298,44,189.9333333,267.7333333 R_yPTtpqNqUiePuc9,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, ,Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),Bipolar Disorder,Schizophrenia,Yes, ,No,27,Female, ,Female,Caribbean, ,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Applied to me very much or most of the time,Often,Almost always,Often,Often,Often,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Almost always,Somewhat infrequently,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,124,42,40,42,27,24,22,19,16,19,56,34,11,11,51.85185185,128.7037037,310.2837177,421.3571429,448.4900662,94.96855346,0,0.272165527,0.392747374,0,0,84,421,963,162,292.2962963,2,2,2,35,31,36,102,69,33,32.35294118,19,18.62745098,19,18.62745098,0,0,6,0,10,0,37.5,48,48,13.33333333,9.090909091,-37.5,-10.5,0,34.66666667,4.242424242,-1.818181818,0.766666667,639.5428571,0.583333333,60,0.141666667,120,692.6470588,0.210428372,-1.072861299,1.283289671,1,518.8666667,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.666666667,568,0.166666667,236.4,0.430727318,-0.967421606,1.398148924,0.333333333,623.4,0.233333333,879,-0.430727318,-0.727913305,0.297185987,0.333333333,1160.8,0.166666667,888,-0.430727318,-0.967421606,0.536694288,100,55.4,104.5333333 R_z268ocFr2AlLvvr,No, , , , , , ,No,Prefer not to say,No,34,Female, ,Female,Any other White background, ,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Rarely,Rarely,Sometimes,Very infrequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Very infrequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat infrequently,Almost never,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,18,8,2,8,64,11,14,16,14,14,20,11,5,4,47.16981132,169.8113208,243.5386792,369.72,413.35,100,0,-0.412081692,0.340139774,0,0,76,399,749,162,229.1886792,2,1,1,22,36,70,128,75,53,41.40625,37,28.90625,30,23.4375,1,0.0078125,3,1,10,0,25,58.57142857,25, , ,-25,-33.57142857,33.57142857, , ,-8.333333333,0.95,622.8113208,0.883333333,60,0.016666667,120,834.5,1.191816196,-2.128045276,3.319861472,1,478.7333333,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,613,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.8,810.25,0.033333333,827,0.841621265,-1.833914593,2.675535858,0.733333333,628.1818182,0.033333333,842,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,69,197.25,331.5166667 R_z6ZRcVlZgXHh3Wh,Yes,Depression,Anxiety, , , , ,Yes, ,Not sure,19,Female, ,Female,"Any other Black, African or Caribbean background", ,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Often,Often,Often,Often,Rarely,Often,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Very frequently,Somewhat infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Almost always,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Do not agree,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree slightly,46,16,18,12,43,6,14,23,15,14,42,27,9,6,42.30769231,316.3461538,282.3330914,515.0454545,599.5189873,98.13664596,1.242236025,-1.109400392,0.133628747,0,0,69,544,1238,162,227.6538462,2,2,2,25,33,24,82,73,9,10.97560976,4,4.87804878,4,4.87804878,0,0,6,1,14,7.142857143,15.78947368,15.38461538,9.090909091,7.142857143,9.090909091,-8.646616541,0.4048583,6.293706294,1.948051948,-1.948051948,-0.38961039,0.844444444,590.5675676,0.616666667,60,0.041666667,120,453.2,0.296737835,-1.731664404,2.028402239,0.866666667,465.6923077,0.066666667,443,1.110771641,-1.501085982,2.611857623,0.733333333,608.5454545,0.033333333,387,0.622925743,-1.833914593,2.456840336,0.666666667,700.3,0.033333333,424,0.430727318,-1.833914593,2.264641911,0.2,700,0.033333333,569,-0.841621265,-1.833914593,0.992293328,72,91.75454545,234.6076923 R_Z8BT2ah5SzUIW3f,Yes, ,Anxiety, , , , ,No,Yes,No,27,Male, ,Male,"English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British", ,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Did not apply to me at all,"Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time","Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time",Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time,Often,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Often,Often,Sometimes,Sometimes,Almost always,Almost always,Often,Never,Sometimes,Sometimes,Somewhat frequently,Very infrequently,Somewhat frequently,Almost always,Almost never,Almost always,Very frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Somewhat frequently,Very frequently,Very infrequently,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree very much,Agree slightly,Do not agree,Agree moderately,Agree moderately,40,16,12,12,44,6,22,21,15,17,38,24,6,8,41.50943396,547.1698113,218.6426887,635.8636364,765.8125,100,0,-1.236245076,0.10818374,0,0,67,738,1236,162,190.8301887,2,2,2,28,28,42,98,80,18,18.36734694,10,10.20408163,8,8.163265306,1,0.010204082,6,1,14,7.142857143,29.41176471,30,21.42857143,9.090909091,9.090909091,-22.26890756,-0.588235294,8.571428571,12.33766234,0,-0.38961039,0.927777778,617.2909091,0.916666667,60,0.066666667,120,809.125,1.38299413,-1.501085982,2.884080112,1,500,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,1,591.2,0.066666667,695,2.575829342,-1.501085982,4.076915324,1,634.6,0, ,2.575829342,-2.575829342,5.151658684,0.666666667,806.4,0.2,847.1666667,0.430727318,-0.841621265,1.272348583,81,43.4,134.6