The data folder contains csv files holding the time / voltage data from the experiment described in This dataset now has a doi too! In those files, a voltage of 0V means that a connection was being made, 1V means it wasn't. Anything in between means it's probably coming or going. The files are named `___9_f_3.csv'. Pin number is 1 - 5; foam hardness is 1 - 5 with 1 being softest, 5 hardest; size is `s' for the small pins, `b' for the big pins. (9 is axle diameter; 3 is the version; f is the letter f, stands for foam maybe? I can't remember.) grapher.r is a R script (written for R 4.2.1, but shouldn't be particularly version sensitive) that generates a scatter plot of each pin's reliability in each configuration as a PDF on stdout: $ ./grapher.r > graph.pdf It probably only works on Linux. Maybe OSX or WSL, I don't know. CC0. Have fun! Tom Greig