READ ME File For 'A practical approach to modelling railway vehicle interior acoustics' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: David Thompson, University of Southampton, ORCID: 0000-0002-7964-5906 This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Wenjing Sun, David J. Thompson, Zhanfei Zhang, Giacomo Squicciarini TITLE: A practical approach to modelling railway vehicle interior acoustics JOURNAL: Applied Acoustics ACCEPTED: 30 September 2022 PAPER DOI: This dataset contains: Data relating to all figures The data from each figure is given in a separate tab in the Excel file Each curve is listed as a separate column The figures are as follows: Figure 1. Reverberation times measured in five railway vehicles. Figure 3. Sound level decay with distance in vehicle C in octave bands: (a) 250 Hz; (b) 500 Hz; (c) 1000 Hz; (d) 2000 Hz; (e) 4000 Hz. Figure 4. Sound level decay with distance in 1000 Hz octave band: (a) vehicle A; (b) vehicle B; (c) vehicle D; (d) vehicle E. Figure 5. Spatial decay rate in octave bands 250-4000 Hz measured in the five vehicles plotted against measured reverberation time. Figure 6. Reverberation times obtained from the ray tracing model. Figure 7. Sound pressure level in ray tracing model plotted as a function of longitudinal distance from the source. (a) Scattering coefficient 0.1; (b) scattering coefficient 0.7. -, \alpha = 0.1; - - -, \alpha = 0.3; - . -, \alpha = 0.7; ......, direct field. Figure 8. Sound pressure level in ray tracing model after removal of direct field, plotted as a function of longitudinal distance from the source. (a) Scattering coefficient 0.1; (b) scattering coefficient 0.7. -, \alpha = 0.1; - - -, \alpha = 0.3; - . -, \alpha = 0.7. Figure 9. Effect of end reflections in 20 m long vehicle. (a) Sound pressure level variation according to Eq. (3) with (solid line) and without (dash line) end reflections; (b) comparison of apparent decay rate with actual decay rate without end reflections. Figure 10. Decay rate \Delta obtained from ray tracing models: (a) without correcting for end reflections; (b) after correcting for end reflections. Results obtained for range 2 to 9 m from the source. Figure 11. Decay rate \Delta obtained from ray tracing models for range 2 to 9 m from the source for different values of scattering coefficient after correcting for end reflections, plotted against reverberation time T20. Also shown is the trend line from the measurements in Figure 5 (Eq. (4)). Figure 12. Decay rate \Delta estimated from measured reverberation times by using Eq. (7) to determine average absorption and Eq. (2) to relate this to the decay rate. (a) Based on full cross-section; (b) based on reduced cross-section allowing for the area of the seats. Figure 13. Sound pressure level in a carriage predicted using SEA model with different numbers of subsystems (N): (a) \alpha = 0.1; (b) \alpha = 0.3. Figure 14. Ratio of sound decay rate obtained from SEA models to that predicted by Eq. (2), plotted against ratio \eta_i/\eta_ij. Date of data collection: September 2021 - February 2022 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K.; Shanghai, China Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Related projects: none Date that the file was created: October 2022