READ ME File For 'Dataset of Plymouth fouling ‘communities, supporting the thesis entitled 'The influence of contemporary climate change on native and non-native marine and brackish species ' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2414 Author: Ella McKnight University of Southampton This dataset supports the thesis entitled 'The influence of contemporary climate change on native and non-native marine and brackish species ' AWARDED BY: University of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: [2022] DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA Dataset = Plymouth fouling communities 1 csv file - tabulated data in a spreadsheet Community composition of fouling panels in Plymouth sound. Community composition was recorded monthly from settlement panels in Plymouth marina. This dataset contains: Excel file contains one tab with a completed data set. Data is in long format. Data shows species percent cover on fouling panels recorded monthly across 2 years. Environmental parameters have been added the each row. Environmental parameters show a temperature and salinity min, mean and max at the point of biological measure. The difference or change between these points has also been added. Species characteristics along with dates and day count and sampling id have been added too. Temp is measured in degrees Salinity PSU Precipitation millimetres Abun_scaled - each species were scaled against their maximum percent cover across all panels. Change or difference is the change in environmental factor or species cover between time points. Date of data collection: 01/04/2017 - 01/04/2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: Plymouth Sound Additional author: Marc Rius Licence: CC by Related projects/Funders: NERC grant number NE/L002531/1 Date that the file was created: July, 2019