READ ME File For 'Modelling bubble collapse anisotropy in complex geometries - Dataset' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2451 ReadMe Author: Elijah D. Andrews, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Elijah D. Andrews and Ivo R. Peters TITLE: Modelling bubble collapse anisotropy in complex geometries JOURNAL: Physical Review Fluids This archive has two sections, Code and Data. -------- Code -------- - Code to generate figure N. - BEM model for generating anisotropy values for flat plate experiment data. - BEM model for generating anisotropy values for slot geometry experiment data. - Semi-analytic model for generating anisotropy values for corner experiment data. - Semi-analytic model for generating anisotropy values for triangle experiment data. - Semi-analytic model for generating anisotropy values for square experiment data. - model_data/: Code and data for sweeps of geometries generated by models. - util/: Utility functions and model functions. -------- Data -------- The data directory has directories for each geometry. Some geometries are separated into multiple sections (e.g. Square, Square 2 etc.) where geometries have been done in multiple sections. Each geometry directory contains the following: - movie_SXXXX/: Movie directory for bubbles at position index XXXX. - video_N.mp4: MP4 file for repeat N at the given index. - analysis_plot_rN.png: Analysis plot to verify the analysis for repeat N. The two maxima frames are plotted in both original grayscale and binary as well as the bubble area variation graph and a visual of the calculated direction. All analysis plots are included, although some were subsequently flagged as invalid. - description.txt: A file with notes from the experiments. Typically containing laser settings, approximate geometry dimensions, and a brief description. - index.csv: A CSV file with columns relating the x and y measurements from the translation stage and the corresponding movie index (XXXX above). - A Python file containing measurements from the geometry including geometry measurements, position of the geometry in frame, and the mm per pixel ratio for the movies. - readings_dump.csv: A CSV file containing all of the processed movie data including bubble positions, translation vectors, anisotropy vectors, and some other useful parameters. The '#' at the beginning of some lines denotes a reading that was flagged as invalid. Details are in the headings. Licence: CC-BY Date that the file was created: May, 2021