READ ME File For 'Dataset in support of the Southampton Doctoral Thesis "Exploring the Psychoneurobiology of the Placebo Response in Gambling, Depressive, and Anxiety Disorders"' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2478 Date that the file was created: December 2022 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- ReadMe Author: Nathan TM Huneke, University of Southampton Date of data collection: 01/01/2020 - 30/10/2022 -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- License: CC-BY 4.0 Links/relationships to ancillary or related data sets: Data supporting Chapter 4 (systematic review into functional neuroimaging correlates of placebo antidepressant and anxiolytic effects) can be found at -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- Directory structure: dataset/ enasal_chapter5/ enasal_dataset_chapter5_categorylabels_20221101.csv enasal_dataset_chapter5_metadata_20221201.csv enasal_dataset_chapter5.csv info-and-consent/ enasal_Consent form1_V2.4_100720.doc enasal_Consent form2_V2.3_100720.doc enasal_Participant_info_sheet_V3.0_261021.docx itssad_chapter6/ itssad_dataset_chapter6_categorylabels_20221207.csv itssad_dataset_chapter6_metadata_20221207.csv itssad_dataset_chapter6.csv info-and-consent/ itssad_Consent-Text_V1_170920.doc itssad_Participant_info_sheet_V1.2_051120.docx Contents: Data supporting Chapter 5 are stored in the `enasal_chapter5` directory. `enasal_dataset_chapter5.csv` contains raw baseline questionnaire trait and personality measures, and raw subjective and autonomic CO2 outcome measures. Metadata for included variables can be found in `enasal_dataset_chapter5_metadata_20221201.csv` while labels for categorical variables are described in `enasal_dataset_chapter5_categorylabels_20221101.csv`. Blank information sheets and consent forms for this study can be found in `enasal_chapter5/info-and-consent/`. Data supporting Chapter 6 are stored in the `itssad_chapter6` directory. `itssad_dataset_chapter6.csv` includes baseline questionnaire trait and personality scores, and calculated scores for subjective mood and anxiety measures for the ITSSAD task. These numbers have been calculated from the raw data output by qualtrics. These raw data are not pseudonymised and so have not been included in this version of the dataset. Metadata for included variables can be found in `itssad_dataset_chapter6_metadata_20221207.csv` while labels for categorical variables are described in `itssad_dataset_chapter6_categorylabels_20221207.csv`. Blank information sheets and consent forms for this study can be found in `itssad_chapter6/info-and-consent/`.