READ ME File For 'DATASET for 1480 nm Diode-Pumped Er3+:Yb3+ Co-Doped Phospho-Alumino-Silicate Fiber for Extending the L-Band Gain Up to 1625 nm' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Ziwei Zhai, Jayanta K. Sahu, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Ziwei Zhai, Jayanta K. Sahu. (2023) 1480 nm Diode-Pumped Er3+:Yb3+ Co-Doped Phospho-Alumino-Silicate Fiber for Extending the L-Band Gain Up to 1625 nm JLT 2023 Description: The excel file contains all experimental data used for generating Fig.1, Fig.2, Fig.3, Fig.5, Fig.6, Fig.7, Fig.8, and Fig.9 The figures are as follows: Fig. 1. (a) Refractive index difference (dn) for EYDF1, EYDF2, and EYDF3 (the inset shows dn and LP01 mode field intensity at 1600 nm profiles for EYDF1) and (b) concentration distributions of the core elements (Er2O3, Yb2O3, Al2O3, and P2O5) for EYDF1 (the inset shows the cross-sectional view under the microscope). Fig. 2. Normalized emission coefficient spectra of EYDF1, EYDF2 and EYDF3. Fig. 3. Emission and excited-state absorption (ESA) cross-sections spectra of EYDF1, EYDF2 and EYDF3. Fig. 5. Gain and NF spectra at RT of EYDF1 (23 m), EYDF2 (62 m) and EYDF3 (62 m) for an input signal power of -25 dBm using the 1480 nm co-propagating pump power of 750 mW and counter-propagating pump power of 450 mW. Fig. 6. Gain and NF at (a) 1600 nm and (b) 1625 nm variations with the total launched pump power of EYDF1 (23 m), EYDF2 (62 m) and EYDF3 (62 m) at RT (the inset shows the gain coefficient variations with the Yb-to-Er ratio at 1600 and 1625 nm, respectively). Fig. 7. Gain and NF at (a) 1600 nm and (b) 1625 nm variations with the input signal power of EYDF1 (23 m), EYDF2 (62 m) and EYDF3 (62 m) at RT. Fig. 8. Temperature-dependent gain (TDG) coefficient spectra of EYDF1 (23 m) and EYDF2 (62 m) (inset shows the gain and NF variations with the temperature at 1625 nm of EYDF1). Fig. 9. Gain coefficient at 1625 nm variations with the temperature of EYDF1 (23 m) and EYDF2 (62 m). Date of data collection 2022-04 to 2022-11 Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: Mar 2023