READ ME File For 'Bubble collapse near porous plates - Dataset' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2582 ReadMe Author: Elijah D. Andrews, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Elijah D. Andrews, David Fernández Rivas, and Ivo R. Peters TITLE: Bubble collapse near porous plates JOURNAL: Journal of Fluid Mechanics This archive has two sections, Code and Data. -------- Code -------- - Code to generate figure N. - BEM model for generating anisotropy values for porous plate data. - fig_data/: Additional data used for generating some figures. - util/: Utility functions and model functions. -------- Data -------- The data directory has directories for each plate named by the nominal hole width, nominal void fraction, and hole shape (e.g. "w12vf16circles" would have nominal hole width 1.2 mm, nominal void fraction 16% and circular holes). Within each plate directory there is a directory for bubbles "On a hole" and "Between N holes" (where N changes depending on hole shape). Each directory contains the following: - movie_SXXXX/: Movie directory for bubbles at position index XXXX. - video_N.mp4: MP4 file for repeat N at the given index. - analysis_plot_rN.png: Analysis plot to verify the analysis for repeat N. The two maxima frames are plotted in both original grayscale and binary as well as the bubble area variation graph and a visual of the calculated direction. All analysis plots are included, although some were subsequently flagged as invalid. - description.txt: A file with notes from the experiments. Typically containing laser settings, approximate geometry dimensions, and a brief description. - index.csv: A CSV file with columns relating the x and y measurements from the translation stage and the corresponding movie index (XXXX above). - A Python file containing measurements from the geometry including geometry measurements, position of the geometry in frame, and the mm per pixel ratio for the movies. - readings_dump.csv: A CSV file containing all of the processed movie data including bubble positions, translation vectors, anisotropy vectors, and some other useful parameters. The '#' at the beginning of some lines denotes a reading that was flagged as invalid. Details are in the headings. Licence: CC-BY Date that the file was created: March, 2023