READ ME File For 'Dataset supporting the University of Southampton thesis "Mechanical Behaviour of 3D Printed Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering" by Cesar Faurat-Narkisian.e' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2615 ReadMe Author: Cesar Faurat-Narkisian, University of Southampton ORCID ID 0000-0002-0149-9451 This dataset supports the thesis entitled "Mechanical Behaviour of 3D Printed Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering" AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2023 This dataset contains: 1. Data for 'Scaffolds Compression' Ressults of uniaxial compression of 3D printed scaffolds made of PLA and PCL, performed in the TSRL testing between 2019 and 2021. All the data are stored under Excel format. More details regarding the set up can be found in the thesis mentionned above. DimCompSamplesPLA.xlsx contains the dimensions of the scaffolds in Uniform Aligned, Uniform Offset, and Gradient. For uniform algined and offset, the decimal number corresponds to the spacing of the scaffold. For the gradient scaffolds the numbers correspond to the upper and lower limit of the gradient spacing. For the printing parameters, the studied printing parameter is specified in the name, 60 mm for the speed, 190 for an extruder temperature or 190C, Control for the control conditon, LaH02 for a layer height of 0.2. The data regarding the scaffolds printed with PolyCapro Lactone instead of PLA start with PCL. This dataset contains: - Uniform Aligned folder: - Aligned0.65.xlsx - Aligned0.85Sum.xlsx - Aligned1.2.xlsx - Aligned1.45Sum.xlsx - Aligned1.65.xlsx - Uniform Offset folder: - Offset0.65.xlsx - Offset0.85Sum.xlsx - Offset1.2.xlsx - Offset1.45Sum.xlsx - Offset1.65.xlsx - Gradient: - HLH0.85-1.45um.xlsx - LH0.725-1.1Sum.xlsx - LHL0.85-1.45Sum.xlsx - Printing Parameters: - PLA_60mm_1.xlsx - PLA_60mm_2.xlsx - PLA_60mm_3.xlsx - PLA_190_1.xlsx - PLA_190_2.xlsx - PLA_190_3.xlsx - PLA_Control_1.xlsx - PLA_Control_2.xlsx - PLA_Control_3.xlsx - PLA_LaHe02_1.xlsx - PLA_LaHe02_2.xlsx - PLA_LaHe02_3.xlsx - PCL: - PCLALigned0.85Sum.xlsx - PCLAligned1.45Sum.xlsx - PCLHLHSum.xlsx - PCLLHL.xlsx - PCLOffset0.85Sum.xlsx - PCLOffset1.45Sum.xls - DimCompSamplesPLA.xlsx 2. Data for 'Microscope Data' Optical microscopy images supporting the study of the contact area between the filaments of 3D printed scaffolds. The scaffolds were made of PLA. The importance of the printing parameters on the interlayer adhesion was studied through optical microscopy and uniaxial compression. Control corresponds to scaffolds printed at an extruder temperature of 210C, a speed of 20 mm/s, a layer height of 0.35 mm and without an offset. LH corresponds to scaffolds with a different layer height of 0.2mm, the rest of the printing parameters are identical to control. Pictures of scaffolds printed with a different extruder temperature (other parameters are equal to control) are titled 19..... or 24....... Pictures of scaffolds printed with an offset (other printing parameters equal to control) are titled Off...... Pictures of scaffolds printed with a different printing speed (other printing parameters equal to control) are titled 60mms....... The naming is composed of letters indicatinf where the picture was taken: BH: Bottom Half, TH: Top Half Bot: Bottom of the scaffold Top: Top of the scaffold B: Bottom in the layer, T: Top in the layer or Middle L: Left, R: Right C: Corner, Side or Line or Middle. The naming is easier to understand after looking at the Chapter 3 of the thesis mentioned above. The data also include a reference image, 0.01x5bis.tif, for future measurements. It is advised to use Fiji to read the .tif images. This data contains: - 0.01x5bis.tif - Control: - 213BackSide.tif - 213BHBLC.tif - 213BHBRC.tif - 213BHMiddle.tif - 213BHTLC.tif - 213BHTRC.tif - 213BoMiddle.tif - 213BotMiddle-2.tif - 213BotMiddle-3.tif - 213BrokenLayer.tif - 213FrontSide.tif - 213RightSide.tif - 213THBLC.tif - 213THMiddle.tif - 213THTLC.tif - 213THTRC.tif - 213TopBLC.tif - 213TopBLine.tif - 213TopBRC.tif - 213TopLLine.tif - 213TopMiddle.tif - 213TopRLine.tif - 213TopTLC.tif - 213TopTLC-2.tif - 213TopTLine.tif - 213TopTRC.tif - Temperature: - 190CBottomDown.tif - 190CBottomEdge_1.tif - 190CBottomEdge_2.tif - 190CBottomEdge_3.tif - 190CBottomLeft.tif - 190CBottomMiddle.tif - 190CBottomRight.tif - 190CBottomUp.tif - 190CSide_1.tif - 190CSide_2.tif - 190CSide_3.tif - 190CSide_4.tif - 190CSide_5.tif - 190CSide_6.tif - 190CSide_7.tif - 190CSide_8.tif - 190CTopLeft.tif - 190CTopMiddle.tif - 190CTopRight.tif - 190CTopUp.tif - 191BackSideMiddle.tif - 191BottomBLeftCorner.tif - 191BottomBRightCorner.tif - 191BottomHalfCABotFil-1.tif - 191BottomHalfCABotFilMiddle.tif - 191BottomTLeftcorner.tif - 191BottomTRightCorner.tif - 191FrontSideMiddle.tif - 191LeftSideMiddle.tif - 191RightSideMiddle.tif - 191THalfCATopFilCorner.tif - 191THalfCATopFilMiddle.tif - 191TopBLeftCorner.tif - 191TopBRigthCorner.tif - 191TopMiddle.tif - 191TopMiddleNoBottom.tif - 191TopLeftCorner.tif - 191TopTRightCorner.tif - 194BHColdCorner.tif - 194BHHotCorner.tif - 194BHMid.tif - 194BHMid-2.tif - 194BHMid-3.tif - 194BotMiddle.tif - 194THHotCorner.tif - 194THColdCorner.tif - 194THMid.tif - 194THMid-2.tif - 194THMid-3.tif - 194TopMiddle.tif - 196BackSide.tif - 196BHBLC.tif - 196BHBRC.tif - 196BHMiddle.tif - 196BHTLC.tif - 196BHTRC.tif - 196BotMiddle.tif - 196FrontSide.tif - 196THBLC.tif - 196THBRC.tif - 196THMiddle.tif - 196THTLC.tif - 196THTRC.tif - 196TopMiddle.tif - 240CBottomEdge.tif - 240CBottomEdge_2.tif - 240CBottomEdge_3.tif - 240CBottomMiddle.tif - 240CSide_1.tif - 240CSide_2.tif - 240CSide_3.tif - 240CSide_4.tif - 240CSide_5.tif - 240CSide_6.tif - 240CSide_7.tif - 240CTopMiddle.tif - 240CTopTop.tif - 241BackSideMiddle.tif - 241BottomMiddle.tif - 241BottomMiddleBis.tif - 241CentreMiddleCAB.tif - 241CentreMiddleCAT.tif - 241CentreUpCAB.tif - 241CentreUpCAT.tif - 241FrontSideMiddle.tif - 241LeftSideBending.tif - 241LeftSideMiddle.tif - 241RightSideMiddle.tif - 241TopBLeftCorner.tif - 241TopBRightCorner.tif - 241TopDownlineMiddle.tif - 241TopLeftCorner.tif - 241TopLeftlineMiddle.tif - 241TopMiddle.tif - 241TopRightCorner.tif - 241TopRightlineMiddle.tif - 241TopUplineMiddle.tif - Layer Height: - LH2Back.tif - LHBHColdCornerCut.tif (cold corner is a reference to the printing pattern when depositing the filament) - LHBHHotCornerCut.tif - LH2BHMiddle.tif - LH2BHMiddleBLC.tif - LH2BHMiddlebBRC.tif - LH2BHMiddleTLC.tif - LH2BHMiddleTRC.tif - LH2BHStartCornerCut.tif - LH2BHTopRightCorner.tif - LH2BottomMiddle.tif - LH2Front.tif - LH2Left.tif - LH2Right.tif - LH2THColdCorner.tif - LH2THColdCornerCut.tif - LH2THMiddle.tif - LH2THMiddleBLC.tif - LH2THMiddleBRC.tif - LH2THMiddleTLC.tif - LH2THMiddleTRC.tif - LHTHStartCornerCut.tif - LH2THTopRightCorner.tif - LH2TopBottomLine.tif - LH2TopColdCorner.tif - LH2TopDia-1.tif - LH2TopDia-2.tif - LH2TopHotCorner.tif - LH2TopMiddle.tif - LH2TopRightLine.tif - LH2TopStartCorner.tif - LH2TopTopLine.tif - LH2TopTopRightCorner.tif - Offset: - Off1RigthSide.tif - Off1RigthSide-2.tif - Off1THBLC.tif - Off1THBRC.tif - Off1THMiddle.tif - Off1THTLC.tif - Off1THTRC.tif - Off1TopBLC.tif - Off1TopBLine.tif - Off1TopBRC.tif - Off1TopLine.tif - Off1TopLLine.tif - Off1TopMiddle.tif - Off1TopRLine.tif - Off1TopTLC.tif - Off1TopTRC.tif - Off2B1.tif - Off2BHM1.tif - Off2BHM2.tif - Off2BHM3.tif - Off2BHM4.tif - Off2F1.tif - Off2F2.tif - Off2F3.tif - Off2L1.tif - Off2THM1.tif - Off2THM2.tif - Off2THM3.tif - Off2THM4.tif - Off2THM5.tif - Off2THM6.tif - Off2TM.bmp - Off2TM1.tif - Off2TM2.tif - Off2TM3.tif - Off3BH1.tif - Off3BH2.tif - Off3BH3.tif - Off3BH4.tif - Off3BH5.tif - Off3F1.tif - Off3F2.tif - Off3F3.tif - Off3F4.tif - Off3R1.tif - Off3R2.tif - Off3R3.tif - Off3TH1.tif - Off3TH2.tif - Off3TH3.tif - Off3TH4.tif - Off3TH5.tif - Off3TM1.tif - Off3TM2.tif - Off3TM3.tif - Off3TM4.tif - Off1BHBLC.tif - Off1BHBRc.tif - Off1BHMiddle.tif - Off1BHTLC.tif - Off1BHTRc.tif - Off1BotMiddle.tif - Off1FrontSide.tif - Off1FrontSide-2.tif - Speed: - 60mmSIDE.tif - 60mmSIDE_2.tif - 60mmSIDE_3.tif - 60mmSIDE_4.tif - 60mmTOP.tif 3. Data for 'Mechanical Behaviour' Ressults of uniaxial compression of 3D printed scaffolds made of PLA and PCL, performed in the TSRL testing between 2019 and 2021. All the data are stored under Excel format in the folder Scaffolds Compression. Optical microscopy images supporting the study of the contact area between the filaments of 3D printed scaffolds. The scaffolds were made of PLA. The images are stored in the folder titled MicroscopeData. It is advised to use Fiji to read the .tif images. This dataset contains: - MicroscopeData - Scaffolds Compression Date of data collection: 2019 - 2021 Information about geographic location of data collection: Southampton, Testing and Structures Research Laboratory Licence: CC-BY File created: May 2023