READ ME File For 'Dataset to support the University of Southampton Doctoral thesis "Exploring and Utilising the Effects of Environmental Factors on Memristor Behaviour"' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2162 ReadMe Author: Thomas Abbey, University of Southampton This dataset supports the thesis entitled "Exploring and utilising the effects of environmental factors on memristor behaviour" AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: July 2022 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA The data reflects on the initial investigation into the impact of humidity on TiO2 based devices, showing evidence that exposure to atmospheric humidity can result in the restoration of switching behaviour on previously broken devices. As part of the research process, a low-cost, miniaturised environmental control chamber has been developed, capable of reaching temperatures up to 90°C while simultaneously controlling atmospheric humidity. This system has then been used to investigate the impact of temperature and humidity of memristors constructed with a gold/titanium oxide/platinum stack at four resistivities, from “pristine” to very low resistivity. The data files are: Fig_4_2.xls Fig_4_3.xls Fig_4_5.xls Fig_4_7.xls Fig_4_8.xls Fig_4_9.xls Fig_4_10.xls Fig_4_11.xls Fig_4_12.xls Fig_4_13.xls Fig_4_15.xls Fig_4_1.xls Fig_4_18.xls Fig_4_19.xls Fig_4_17.xls Fig_4_20.xls Fig_4_21.xls Fig_4_23.xls Fig_4_24.xls Fig_4_25.xls Fig_4_26.xls Fig_4_22.xls Fig_5_4.xls Fig_5_4.xls, Fig_5_5.xls Fig_5_8B.xls Fig_5_8C.xls Fig_5_9A.xls Fig_5_9B.xls Fig_5_1_2_3.xls Fig_5_10B_C.xls Fig_5_11.xls Fig_5_10A.xls Fig_5_12B_C.xls Fig_5_13.xls Fig_5_12A.xls Fig_6_6A.xls Fig_5_17_to_5_27.xls Fig_6_6C.xls Fig_6_6D.xls Fig_7_1.xls Fig_7_3a.xls Fig_7_3b.xls Fig_7_3c.xls Fig_7_3d.xls Fig_7_3e.xls Fig_7_3f.xls Fig_7_4a_b.xls Fig_6_6B.xls Fig_7_4c.xls Fig_7_5.xls Fig_7_6.xls Fig_7_7.xls Date of data collection: 2017-2022 Licence: CC-BY Related projects/Funders: EP/K017829/1 EPSRC Fellowships - Reliably unreliable nanotechnologies, Prodromakis, T.; EPSRC 2/09/13 → 1/09/18 EP/R024642/1 FORTE - Functional Oxide Reconfigurable Technologies Related publication: Vaidya, D., Kothari, S., Abbey, T., Khiat, A., Stathopoulos, S., Michalas, L., Serb, A., & Prodromakis, T. (2021). Compact modeling of the switching dynamics and temperature dependencies in TiOx memristors: Part I — behavioural model. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68(10), 4877 - 4884. Vaidya, D., Kothari, S., Abbey, T., Stathopoulos, S., Michalas, L., Serb, A., & Prodromakis, T. (2021). Compact modeling of the switching dynamics and temperature dependencies in TiOx memristors: Part II — Physics Based Model. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68(10), 4885 - 4890. Abbey, T., Giotis, C., Serb, A., Stathopoulos, S., & Prodromakis, T. (2022). Thermal effects on initial volatile response and relaxation dynamics of resistive RAM devices. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 43(3), 386 - 389. Simanjuntak, F., Hsu, C-L., Abbey, T., & Hsu, C-L. (2021). Conduction channel configuration controlled digital and analog response in TiO2-based inorganic memristive artificial synapses. APL Materials, [121103]. Date that the file was created: June 2023