library(readxl) library(vtable) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(neverhpfilter) library(xts) library(corx) #The Impact of EPU on US bond markets------------------------------------------ #Import data------------------------------------------- data <- read_excel("USA_finaldata.xlsx",sheet="Data") data <- data[complete.cases(data),] # data <- read_excel("UK_finaldata.xlsx",sheet="Data") # data <- read_excel("Japan_finaldata.xlsx",sheet="Data") #Graph of short and long term yields------------------------------------------- yield1 <- data.frame(data$date,data$yield_1y,data$yield_2y,data$yield_3y, data$yield_5y,data$yield_7y,data$yield_10y, data$yield_20y,data$yield_30y) visual1 <- gather(yield1,variable,yield,data.yield_1y:data.yield_30y) ggplot(visual1,aes(,y=yield,colour=variable,group=variable))+geom_line() #Graph of short and long term bond volatilities-------------------------------- vol1 <- data.frame(data$date,data$vol_1y,data$vol_2y,data$vol_3y,data$vol_5y, data$vol_7y,data$vol_10y,data$vol_20y,data$vol_30y,data$EPU) visual2 <- gather(vol1,variable,yield,data.vol_1y:data.EPU) ggplot(visual2,aes(,y=yield,colour=variable,group=variable))+geom_line() #model estimation #1.Unit root test-------------------------------------------------------------- install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("chaoguo14/crowbar") library('remotes') adf_test_summary <- function(df, p_select = "BIC") { #' Run ADF test for unit roots on all columns of a data frame. #' #' @param p_select Method for selecting number of lags to include in the test regression. Possible values: "AIC", "BIC" #' #' @return A data frame with 3 rows and ncol(df) columns. #' #' @examples #' # Example 1: We test it on iid white noises and a random walk. #' # As expected, white_noise's p-value is smaller than 0.01, so it is stationary. But random walk is not. #' set.seed(10) #' df <- data.frame(white_noise = rnorm(100), random_walk = cumsum(rnorm(100))) #' adf_test_summary(df) #' #' # Example 2: We test it on a "trend stationary" time series. #' set.seed(10) #' df <- data.frame(trend_s = 0.8 * seq(1:20) + rnorm(20)) #' adf_test_summary(df) type_explanation <- c("no intercept, no time trend", "with intercept, no time trend", "with intercept, with linear time trend") names(type_explanation) <- c("none", "drift", "trend") urca_to_adftest <- c("nc", "c", "ct") names(urca_to_adftest) <- c("none","drift","trend") cat(paste("Augmented Unit-Root Test.\n")) # cat(paste("Type: ", type_explanation[type], "\n")) cat(" [1]. p-value < 0.05 implies no unit root exists (i.e. stationary).\n") cat(" [2]. Use domain knowledge to determine if including intercept/trend is appropriate.\n\n") data.frame( lapply(df, FUN = function(x) c("None" = fUnitRoots::adfTest(x, lags = urca::ur.df(x, type = "none", selectlags = p_select)@lags, type = urca_to_adftest["none"])@test$p.value, "Intercept" = fUnitRoots::adfTest(x, lags = urca::ur.df(x, type = "drift", selectlags = p_select)@lags, type = urca_to_adftest["drift"])@test$p.value, "Trend" = fUnitRoots::adfTest(x, lags = urca::ur.df(x, type = "trend", selectlags = p_select)@lags, type = urca_to_adftest["trend"])@test$p.value) ) ) } adf_test_summary(data, p_select = "BIC") #2. Hamilton filter---------------------------------------------------------- data$lnEPU <- ln(data$EPU) data$EPU <- xts(x=data$EPU,$date) EPU_cyc <- yth_filter(data$EPU,h=24,p=12,output="cycle",family = gaussian) #convert xts to dataframe xts2data.frame = function(x) { df = data.frame(x=index(x), coredata(x)) colnames(df) = c("date", colnames(x)) return(df) } EPU_cyc <- xts2data.frame(EPU_cyc) #merge by date data$my <-format(as.Date(data$date),"%Y-%m") EPU_cyc$my <- format(as.Date(EPU_cyc$date),"%Y-%m") data_regression <- merge(data,EPU_cyc, by ='my') #convert into time series data_regression <- ts(data_regression) #3. Uncertainty and the yield curve---------------------------------------------- result <- rbind(data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_1y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_2y ~ .lnEPU ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_3y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_5y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_7y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_10y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_20y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_30y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) maturity <- c(1,2,3,5,7,10,20,30) install.packages('ggplot2') library(ggplot2) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result),aes(x=maturity,y=result))+geom_line()+geom_point() #control for macro and financial variable result2 <- rbind(data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_1y ~ .lnEPU + Log_DY+ Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_2y ~ .lnEPU + Log_DY+ Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_3y ~ .lnEPU + Log_DY+ Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_5y ~ .lnEPU + Log_DY+ Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_7y ~ .lnEPU + Log_DY+ Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_10y ~ .lnEPU + Log_DY+ Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_20y ~ .lnEPU + Log_DY+ Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,yield_30y ~ .lnEPU + Log_DY+ Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result2),aes(x=maturity,y=result2))+geom_line()+geom_point() #data %>% lm(data=.,yield_2y ~ EPU + Log_DY+ Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% summary() #data %>% lm(data=.,yield_30y ~ EPU ) %>% summary() #NeweyWest fit <- data %>% lm(data=.,yield_1y ~ EPU ) NeweyWest(fit, lag = 5, = NULL, prewhite = TRUE, adjust = FALSE, diagnostics = FALSE, sandwich = TRUE, ar.method = "ols", data = list(), verbose = FALSE) plot(density(data$EPU)) install.packages('sandwich') library(sandwich) #4. Uncertaity and Bond volatility----------------------------------------------- result3 <- rbind(data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_1y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_2y ~ .lnEPU ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_3y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_5y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_7y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_10y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_20y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_30y ~ .lnEPU) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result3),aes(x=maturity,y=result3))+geom_line()+geom_point() #with control result4 <- rbind(data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_1y ~ .lnEPU +Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_2y ~ .lnEPU +Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI ) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_3y ~ .lnEPU +Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_5y ~ .lnEPU +Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_7y ~ .lnEPU +Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_10y ~ .lnEPU +Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_20y ~ .lnEPU +Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], data_regression %>% lm(data=.,vol_30y ~ .lnEPU +Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result4),aes(x=maturity,y=result4))+geom_line()+geom_point() #5. Uncertainty and Bond Excess return----------------------------------------------- #5.1. 1-month excess return----------------------------------------------- #graph data1m <- read_excel("USA_finaldata.xlsx",sheet="1-month-data") basicStats(data1m[,c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)]) excess1 <- data.frame(data1m$date,data1m$year_1,data1m$year_2,data1m$year_3, data1m$year_5,data1m$year_7,data1m$year_10,data1m$year_20, data1m$year_30) visual1 <- gather(excess1,variable,yield,data1m.year_1:data1m.year_30) ggplot(visual1,aes(,y=yield,colour=variable,group=variable))+geom_line()+facet_wrap(.~variable)+theme_grey() #Correlation matrix corx(data=data1m[,c(-1)]) #Hamilton filter data1m$lnEPU <- ln(data1$EPU) data1m$EPU <- xts(x=data1m$EPU,$date) EPU_cyc <- yth_filter(data1m$EPU,h=24,p=12,output="cycle",family = gaussian) #convert xts to dataframe EPU_cyc <- xts2data.frame(EPU_cyc) data1m$EPU <- xts2data.frame(data1m$EPU) data1m$EPU <- data1m$EPU[,2] #Merging by date data1m$my <-format(as.Date(data1m$date),"%Y-%m") EPU_cyc$my <- format(as.Date(EPU_cyc$date),"%Y-%m") excess1m_regression <- merge(data1m,EPU_cyc, by ='my') #Convert into time series excess1m_regression<-ts(excess1m_regression) #result result1m <- rbind(excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result1m),aes(x=maturity,y=result1m))+geom_line()+geom_point() excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% summary() #Control for macro and financial variables result1m <- rbind(excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result1m),aes(x=maturity,y=result1m))+geom_line()+geom_point() excess1m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% summary() #5.2. 3-month excess return-------------------------------------------------- #Graph data3m <- read_excel("USA_finaldata.xlsx",sheet="3-month-data") basicStats(data3m[,c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)]) excess3 <- data.frame(data3m$date,data3m$year_1,data3m$year_2,data3m$year_3, data3m$year_5,data3m$year_7,data3m$year_10,data3m$year_20, data3m$year_30) visual3 <- gather(excess3,variable,yield,data3m.year_1:data3m.year_30) ggplot(visual3,aes(,y=yield,colour=variable,group=variable))+geom_line()+facet_wrap(.~variable) #Hamilton Filter data3m$lnEPU <- ln(data3m$EPU) data3m$EPU <- xts(x=data3m$EPU,$date) EPU_cyc <- yth_filter(data3m$EPU,h=24,p=12,output="cycle",family = gaussian) #convert xts to dataframe EPU_cyc <- xts2data.frame(EPU_cyc) #Merging by date data3m$my <-format(as.Date(data3m$date),"%Y-%m") EPU_cyc$my <- format(as.Date(EPU_cyc$date),"%Y-%m") excess3m_regression <- merge(data3m,EPU_cyc, by ='my') #Convert into time series excess3m_regression<-ts(excess3m_regression) #result result3m <- rbind(excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result3m),aes(x=maturity,y=result3m))+geom_line()+geom_point() #Control for macro and financial variables result3m <- rbind(excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) excess3m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% summary() #5.3. 6-month excess return-------------------------------------------------------- #Graph data6m <- read_excel("USA_finaldata.xlsx",sheet="6-month-data") basicStats(data6m[,c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)]) excess6 <- data.frame(data6m$date,data6m$year_1,data6m$year_2,data6m$year_3, data6m$year_5,data6m$year_7,data6m$year_10,data6m$year_20, data6m$year_30) visual6 <- gather(excess6,variable,yield,data6m.year_1:data6m.year_30) ggplot(visual6,aes(,y=yield,colour=variable,group=variable))+geom_line()+facet_wrap(.~variable) #Hamilton Filter data6m$lnEPU <- ln(data6m$EPU) data6m$EPU <- xts(x=data6m$EPU,$date) EPU_cyc <- yth_filter(data6m$EPU,h=24,p=12,output="cycle",family = gaussian) #convert xts to dataframe str(data6m) EPU_cyc <- xts2data.frame(EPU_cyc) #Merging by date data6m$my <-format(as.Date(data6m$date),"%Y-%m") EPU_cyc$my <- format(as.Date(EPU_cyc$date),"%Y-%m") excess6m_regression <- merge(data6m,EPU_cyc, by ='my') #Convert into time series excess6m_regression<-ts(excess6m_regression) #result result6m <- rbind(excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result6m),aes(x=maturity,y=result6m))+geom_line()+geom_point() #Control for macro and financial variables result6m <- rbind(excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) excess6m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% summary() #5.4. 9-month excess return--------------------------------------------------------- #Graph data9m <- read_excel("USA_finaldata.xlsx",sheet="9-month-data") basicStats(data9m[,c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)]) excess9 <- data.frame(data9m$date,data9m$year_1,data9m$year_2,data9m$year_3, data9m$year_5,data9m$year_7,data9m$year_10,data9m$year_20, data9m$year_30) visual9 <- gather(excess9,variable,yield,data9m.year_1:data9m.year_30) ggplot(visual9,aes(,y=yield,colour=variable,group=variable))+geom_line()+facet_wrap(.~variable) #Hamilton Filter data9m$lnEPU <- ln(data9m$EPU) data9m$EPU <- xts(x=data9m$EPU,$date) EPU_cyc <- yth_filter(data9m$EPU,h=24,p=12,output="cycle",family = gaussian) #convert xts to dataframe EPU_cyc <- xts2data.frame(EPU_cyc) #Merging by date data9m$my <-format(as.Date(data9m$date),"%Y-%m") EPU_cyc$my <- format(as.Date(EPU_cyc$date),"%Y-%m") excess9m_regression <- merge(data9m,EPU_cyc, by ='my') #Convert into time series excess9m_regression<-ts(excess9m_regression) #result result9m <- rbind(excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result9m),aes(x=maturity,y=result9m))+geom_line()+geom_point() #Control for macro and financial variables result9m <- rbind(excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% summary() #5.5. 12-month excess return---------------------------------------------------------- #Graph data12m <- read_excel("USA_finaldata.xlsx",sheet="12-month-data") basicStats(data12m[,c(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)]) excess12 <- data.frame(data12m$date,data12m$year_1,data12m$year_2,data12m$year_3, data12m$year_5,data12m$year_7,data12m$year_10,data12m$year_20, data12m$year_30) visual12 <- gather(excess12,variable,yield,data12m.year_1:data12m.year_30) ggplot(visual12,aes(,y=yield,colour=variable,group=variable))+geom_line()+facet_wrap(.~variable) #Hamilton Filter data12m$lnEPU <- ln(data12m$EPU) data12m$EPU <- xts(x=data12m$EPU,$date) EPU_cyc <- yth_filter(data12m$EPU,h=24,p=12,output="cycle",family = gaussian) #convert xts to dataframe EPU_cyc <- xts2data.frame(EPU_cyc) #Merging by date data12m$my <-format(as.Date(data12m$date),"%Y-%m") EPU_cyc$my <- format(as.Date(EPU_cyc$date),"%Y-%m") excess12m_regression <- merge(data12m,EPU_cyc, by ='my') #Convert into time series excess12m_regression<-ts(excess12m_regression) #result result12m <- rbind(excess12m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess12m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess12m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess12m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess12m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess12m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess12m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess12m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) ggplot(data.frame(maturity,result12m),aes(x=maturity,y=result12m))+geom_line()+geom_point() #Control for macro and financial variables result12m <- rbind(excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_1 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_2 ~ .lnEPU + Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_3 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_5 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_7 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_10 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2], excess9m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_30 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% coef() %>% .[2]) excess12m_regression %>% lm(data=.,year_20 ~ .lnEPU +Level +Slope+ Curvature+Log_DY+Log_IP + Log_CPI) %>% summary()