library(quantreg) library(dplyr) library(readxl) library(pastecs) df<-read_excel("data_paper3.xlsx", sheet ="data") names(df)[names(df) == 'BTC'] <- "Bitcoin_price" df[df == ""] = NA cols.num <- c(4:12) df[cols.num] <- sapply(df[cols.num],as.numeric) df$return <- log(df$Bitcoin_price) - lag(log(df$Bitcoin_price),1) df <- df[complete.cases(df),] #Descriptive statistics-------------------------------------------------------------- stat.desc(df[-1]) #Graphical description---------------------------------------------------------------- library('ggplot2') plot_return <- ggplot(df, aes(x = Time)) + geom_line(aes(y = return), colour = "blue", linetype = 1, size = 0.5) +ylab("") + xlab("") + ggtitle("Bitcoin's returns") +theme_bw()+theme_linedraw() +theme(plot.title=element_text(size=12,hjust=0.5,face="bold")) visual1 <- gather(df,variable,EPU,df.Canada:df.Singapore) ggplot(visual1,aes(x=df.Dateformat,y=EPU,colour=variable,group=variable))+geom_line() #Estimation####################################################################### #Quantile on quantile Function-------------------------------------------------------------------- install.packages("quantreg") library(quantreg) taus<-seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) lprq <- function(x, y, h, m=9 , tau=0.5) { xx <- seq(min(x),max(x),length=m) fv <- xx dv <- xx for(i in 1:length(xx)) { z <- x - xx[i] wx <- dnorm(z/h) r <- rq(y~z, weights=wx, tau=tau, ci=FALSE) fv[i] <- r$coef[1.] dv[i] <- r$coef[2.] } data.frame(dv = dv) } #The impact of EPU on Bitcoin returns----------------------------------------------------------- #Create a matrix to save the QQR estimates QQR.coef_Canada <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.coef_France <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.coef_Germany <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.coef_Japan <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.coef_UK <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.coef_US <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.coef_China <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.coef_Russia <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.coef_Netherlands <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.coef_Singapore <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) # Run QQR in a loop and save estimates in matrix "QQR.coef" #Note: 0.05 in below loop is the bandwidth that can be adjusted #Canada library(tidyr) library(plot3D) for (i in 1:9){ a <- lprq(log(df$Canada),df$return,0.06,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_Canada[,i]<-a } #C2: persp3D() library(plot3D) library(rgl) library(RColorBrewer) require(RColorBrewer) x= seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) y=seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) #Canada z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_Canada) nbcol = 100 color = rev(rainbow(nbcol, start = 0/6, end = 4/6)) zcol = cut(z, nbcol) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=310, phi=20, shade=0,d =2, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="Canada") #US for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df$US),df$return,0.1,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_US[,i]<-a } z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_US) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=325, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="US") #UK for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df$UK),df$return,0.1,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_UK[,i]<-a } z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_UK) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="UK") #France for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df$France),df$return,0.05,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_France[,i]<-a } z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_France) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="France") #Germany for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df$Germany),df$return,0.05,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_Germany[,i]<-a } z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_Germany) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="Germany") #Russia for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df$Russia),df$return,0.09,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_Russia[,i]<-a } z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_Russia) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="Russia") #Japan for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df$Japan),df$return,0.05,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_Japan[,i]<-a } z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_Japan) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="Japan") #China for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df$`Mainland China`),df$return,0.05,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_China[,i]<-a } z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_China) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="China") # Other countries (Singapore and Netherlands) df2<-read_excel("data_paper3.xlsx", sheet ="data2") names(df2)[names(df2) == 'BTC'] <- "Bitcoin_price" df2$return<-log(df2$Bitcoin_price)-log(lag(df2$Bitcoin_price,1)) df2 <- df2[complete.cases(df2),] #Singapore for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df2$Singapore),df2$return,0.06,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_Singapore[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_Singapore) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="Singapore") #Netherlands for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df2$Netherlands),df2$return,0.05,tau=taus[i]) QQR.coef_Netherlands[,i]<-a } z <- as.matrix(QQR.coef_Netherlands) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of returns", zlab= "beta",main="Netherlands") #Quantile regression estimation------------------------------------------------------------- fit_us <-rq(df$return~log(df$US),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_us), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "US", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) fit_uk <- rq(df$return~log(df$UK),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_uk), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "UK", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) fit_cad <- rq(df$return~log(df$Canada),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_cad), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Canada", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) fit_france <- rq(df$return~log(df$France),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_france), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "France", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) fit_germany <- rq(df$return~log(df$Germany),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_germany), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Germany", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) fit_russia <- rq(df$return~log(df$Russia),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_russia), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Russia", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) fit_japan <- rq(df$return~log(df$Japan),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_japan), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Japan", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) fit_china <- rq(df$return~log(df$`Mainland China`),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_china), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "China", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) fit_sing <- rq(df2$return~log(df2$Singapore),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_sing), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Singapore", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) fit_netherlands <- rq(df2$return~log(df2$Netherlands),tau=taus) plot(summary(fit_netherlands), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Netherlands", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin return", ylab = "coefficient", cex = 1, pch = 19) # Impact of EPU on Bitcoin's volatility------------------------------------------------------------------- df_vol<-read_excel("data_paper3.xlsx", sheet ="volatility") df_vol1 <- df_vol[,c(-11,-12)] df_vol2 <- df_vol[,c(1,2,11,12)] df_vol2 <- df_vol2[complete.cases(df_vol2),] #volaitlity graph plot_volatility <- ggplot(df_vol1, aes(x = Time)) + geom_line(aes(y = volatility), colour = "blue", linetype = 1, size = 0.5) + ylab("") + xlab("") +ggtitle("Bitcoin's volatility")+ theme_bw()+theme_linedraw()+theme(plot.title=element_text(size=12,hjust=0.6,face="bold")) #Quantile estimation vol_us <- rq(df_vol1$volatility~log(df_vol1$US),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_us), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "US", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) vol_uk <- rq(df_vol1$volatility~log(df_vol1$UK),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_uk), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "UK", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) vol_canada <- rq(df_vol1$volatility~log(df_vol1$Canada),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_canada), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Canada", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) vol_france <- rq(df_vol1$volatility~log(df_vol1$France),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_france), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "France", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) vol_germany <- rq(df_vol1$volatility~log(df_vol1$Germany),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_germany), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Germany", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) vol_russia <- rq(df_vol1$volatility~log(df_vol1$Russia),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_canada), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Russia", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) vol_japan <- rq(df_vol1$volatility~log(df_vol1$Japan),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_japan), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Japan", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) vol_china <- rq(df_vol1$volatility~log(df_vol1$`Mainland China`),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_china), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "China", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) vol_singapore <- rq(df_vol2$volatility~log(df_vol2$Singapore),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_singapore), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Singapore", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) vol_netherlands <- rq(df_vol2$volatility~log(df_vol2$Netherlands),tau=taus) plot(summary(vol_netherlands), parm = 2, mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1), main = "Netherlands", xlab = "quantile of Bitcoin volatility", ylab = "coefficients", cex = 1, pch = 19) #Quantile on quantile estimation QQR.vol_US <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.vol_UK <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.vol_Canada <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.vol_France <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.vol_Germany <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.vol_Russia <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.vol_Japan <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.vol_China <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.vol_Singapore <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) QQR.vol_Netherlands <-, ncol = 9, nrow = 9)) #US for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol1$US),df_vol1$volatility,0.05,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_US[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_US) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="USA") #UK for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol1$UK),df_vol1$volatility,0.1,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_UK[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_UK) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="UK") #Canada for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol1$Canada),df_vol1$volatility,0.1,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_Canada[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_Canada) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="Canada") #France for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol1$France),df_vol1$volatility,0.09,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_France[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_France) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="France") #Germany for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol1$Germany),df_vol1$volatility,0.07,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_Germany[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_Germany) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="Germany") #Russia for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol1$Russia),df_vol1$volatility,0.1,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_Russia[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_Russia) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="Russia") #Japan for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol1$Japan),df_vol1$volatility,0.1,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_Japan[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_Japan) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="Japan") #China for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol1$`Mainland China`),df_vol1$volatility,0.09,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_China[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_China) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="China") #Singapore for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol2$Singapore),df_vol2$volatility,0.1,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_Singapore[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_Singapore) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="Singapore") #Netherlands for (i in 1:9){ a<-lprq(log(df_vol2$Netherlands),df_vol2$volatility,0.05,tau=taus[i]) QQR.vol_Netherlands[,i]<-a } x = seq(0.1,.9,0.1) y = seq(0.1,0.9,0.1) z <- as.matrix(QQR.vol_Netherlands) persp3D(x,y,z, theta=320, phi=20, shade=0,d =5, r=9, bty="b2", border ="black", lwd=0.3, lty=1,axes = TRUE, facets = TRUE, colkey=list(side = 4, plot = TRUE, length = 1, width = 0.6, dist = 0.03, shift = 0, addlines = FALSE, col.clab = NULL, cex.clab = par("cex.lab"), side.clab = NULL, line.clab = NULL, adj.clab = NULL, font.clab = NULL), ticktype= "detailed", xlab = "quantiles of EPU", ylab = "quantiles of volatility", zlab= "beta",main="Netherlands") #Causality in quantiles (Example here is GERMANY, apply the same for other countries)------------------------------------ data<-read_excel("data_paper3.xlsx", sheet ="data") data2 <-read_excel("data_paper3.xlsx", sheet ="data2") data3<-read_excel("data_paper3.xlsx", sheet ="volatility") data4 <-read_excel("data_paper3.xlsx", sheet ="volatility2") library(quantreg) # For quantile regression library(qpcR) # for the Hannan Quinn Criterion library(sandwich) #for HAC Estimator # Set up the orders of lagged dependent variables and lagged causal ##################################################################### px = 0 #order of the lagged independenr variable has to be specified py = 1 #order of the lagged dependent variable has to be specified build_arp = function(x,maxorder){ # maxorder is the maximum lag number ordmax = maxorder lagmat = NULL l1 = length(x) for (i in 1:ordmax){ lagmat = cbind(lagmat[-1,],x[(1):(l1-i)]) # lagged matrix } return(lagmat) } J <- px ## Number of linear hypothesis in the null under testing R1 <- matrix(0:0, J, py+1) ## py+1 is the number of explanatory variables, R2 <- diag(px) R <- cbind(R1, R2) r <- matrix(0:0,px,1) #Causality in quantile - (Bitcoin returns ~ Germnay EPU)--------------------------------------------------- close <- data$BTC n <- length(close) ret <- 100*(log(close[2:n]) - log(close[1:n-1])) nret <- length(ret) EPU <- log(data$Germany[2:n]) t <- seq(1, nret, 1) t2 <- t^2 fit <- lm(EPU ~ t + t2) dEPU <- fit$residuals # Quantile Regression Non-Granger Causlaity Test at all taus tau = 5:95/100 ntaus <- length(tau) Wtau1<-rep(0,ntaus) for (i in 1:ntaus){ fit <- rq(y~ lagy + lagx,tau[i]) getcov<-summary.rq(fit, se="nid", covariance=TRUE, hs = FALSE) covm<-(getcov$cov) betahat<-coef(fit) Rbetahat <- R %*% betahat Wtau1[i] <- t(Rbetahat - r) %*% solve(R %*% covm %*% t(R)) %*% (Rbetahat) } print (max(Wtau1)) (length(Wtau1)) Wtau1 print ("---------Output from the Max Wald test:---------") print ("the quantile of interest is:") print ("the maximum value of the statistic is:") print (max(Wtau1)) cau_Germany <- Wtau1 #Graph rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col = "#f7f7f7") # Color par(new = TRUE) plot(tau,cau_Germany, type = "l",lty=1, lwd=2, col="blue",xlab = "", ylab = "", mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1)) title("Germany", line = -1.2) abline(h=7.19,lwd=2, lty=2, col="red") #Bitcoin volatility ~ Germany EPU------------------------------------------------ n <- length(data3$volatility) vola <- data3$volatility[2:n] nret <- length(vola) EPU <- log(data3$Germany[2:n]) t <- seq(1, nret, 1) t2 <- t^2 fit <- lm(EPU ~ t + t2) dEPU <- fit$residuals #Quantile Regression Non-Granger Causlaity Test at all taus tau = 5:95/100 ntaus <- length(tau) Wtau1<-rep(0,ntaus) for (i in 1:ntaus){ fit <- rq(y~ lagy + lagx,tau[i]) getcov<-summary.rq(fit, se="nid", covariance=TRUE, hs = FALSE) covm<-(getcov$cov) betahat<-coef(fit) Rbetahat <- R %*% betahat Wtau1[i] <- t(Rbetahat - r) %*% solve(R %*% covm %*% t(R)) %*% (Rbetahat) } print (max(Wtau1)) (length(Wtau1)) Wtau1 print ("---------Output from the Max Wald test:---------") print ("the quantile of interest is:") print ("the maximum value of the statistic is:") print (max(Wtau1)) #print("--------------------------------------------") cau_vol_Germany <-Wtau1 #Graph rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col = "#f7f7f7") # Color par(new = TRUE) plot(tau,cau_vol_Germany, type = "l",lty=1, lwd=2, col="blue",xlab = "", ylab = "", mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1)) title("Germany", line = -1.2) abline(h=7.19,lwd=2, lty=2, col="red") #DCC-GARCH estimation-------------------------------- library(tseries) library(rugarch) library(rmgarch) library(xts) dcc<-read_excel("data_paper3.xlsx", sheet ="robustness") NCSKEW <- xts(dcc$NCSKEW,dcc$Date) Canada <- xts(dcc$Canada,dcc$Date) France <- xts(dcc$France,dcc$Date) Germany <- xts(dcc$Germany,dcc$Date) Japan <- xts(dcc$Japan,dcc$Date) Russia <- xts(dcc$Russia,dcc$Date) US <- xts(dcc$US,dcc$Date) UK <- xts(dcc$UK,dcc$Date) China <- xts(dcc$China,dcc$Date) Netherland <- xts(dcc$Netherlands,dcc$Date) Singapore <- xts(dcc$Singapore,dcc$Date) model1=ugarchspec(mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(0,0)),variance.model=list(garchOrder=c(1,1),model="sGARCH"),distribution.model="norm") modelspec=dccspec(uspec = multispec(replicate(2,model1)),dccOrder=c(1,1),distribution = "mvnorm") modelfit=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,US)) plot(modelfit) modelfit1=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,UK)) plot(modelfit1) modelfit2=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,Canada)) plot(modelfit2) modelfit3=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,France)) plot(modelfit3) modelfit4=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,Germany)) plot(modelfit4) modelfit5=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,Japan)) plot(modelfit5) modelfit6=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,Russia)) plot(modelfit6) modelfit7=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,China)) plot(modelfit7) modelfit8=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,Netherland)) plot(modelfit8) modelfit9=dccfit(modelspec,data=data.frame(NCSKEW,Singapore)) plot(modelfit9)