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Provision of microbiology, infection services and antimicrobial stewardship in intensive care: a survey across the critical care networks in England and Wales

Provision of microbiology, infection services and antimicrobial stewardship in intensive care: a survey across the critical care networks in England and Wales
Provision of microbiology, infection services and antimicrobial stewardship in intensive care: a survey across the critical care networks in England and Wales

Infection rounds in Intensive Care Units (ICU) can impact antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). The aim of this survey was to assess the availability of microbiology, infection, AMS services, and antimicrobial prescribing practices in the UK ICUs. An online questionnaire was sent to clinical leads for ICUs in each region listed in the Critical Care Network for the UK. Out of 217 ICUs, 87 deduplicated responses from England and Wales were analyzed. Three-quarters of those who responded had a dedicated microbiologist, and 50% had a dedicated infection control prevention nurse. Infection rounds varied in their frequency, with 10% providing phone advice only. Antibiotic guidance was available in 99% of the units; only 8% of those were ICU-specific. There were variations in the availability of biomarkers & the duration of antibiotics prescribed for pneumonia (community, hospital, or ventilator), urinary, intra-abdominal, and line infections/sepsis. Antibiotic consumption data were not routinely discussed in a multi-disciplinary meeting. The electronic prescription was available in ~60% and local antibiotic surveillance data in only 47% of ICUs. The survey highlights variations in practice and AMS services and may offer the opportunity to further collaborations and share learnings to support the safe use of antimicrobials in the ICU.

antibiotic, antibiotic stewardship, diagnostics, infection, intensive care unit
Catton, Tim
Umpleby, Helen
Dushianthan, Ahilanandan
Saeed, Kordo
Catton, Tim
Umpleby, Helen
Dushianthan, Ahilanandan
Saeed, Kordo

Catton, Tim, Umpleby, Helen, Dushianthan, Ahilanandan and Saeed, Kordo (2023) Provision of microbiology, infection services and antimicrobial stewardship in intensive care: a survey across the critical care networks in England and Wales. Antibiotics, 12 (4), [768]. (doi:10.3390/antibiotics12040768).

Record type: Article


Infection rounds in Intensive Care Units (ICU) can impact antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). The aim of this survey was to assess the availability of microbiology, infection, AMS services, and antimicrobial prescribing practices in the UK ICUs. An online questionnaire was sent to clinical leads for ICUs in each region listed in the Critical Care Network for the UK. Out of 217 ICUs, 87 deduplicated responses from England and Wales were analyzed. Three-quarters of those who responded had a dedicated microbiologist, and 50% had a dedicated infection control prevention nurse. Infection rounds varied in their frequency, with 10% providing phone advice only. Antibiotic guidance was available in 99% of the units; only 8% of those were ICU-specific. There were variations in the availability of biomarkers & the duration of antibiotics prescribed for pneumonia (community, hospital, or ventilator), urinary, intra-abdominal, and line infections/sepsis. Antibiotic consumption data were not routinely discussed in a multi-disciplinary meeting. The electronic prescription was available in ~60% and local antibiotic surveillance data in only 47% of ICUs. The survey highlights variations in practice and AMS services and may offer the opportunity to further collaborations and share learnings to support the safe use of antimicrobials in the ICU.

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More information

Accepted/In Press date: 13 April 2023
e-pub ahead of print date: 17 April 2023
Published date: April 2023
Additional Information: Funding Information: K.S. receievd research grants and speaker fees from Pfizer, Thermofisher, Menarini & bioMérieux. Nothing to delcare of other authors. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Keywords: antibiotic, antibiotic stewardship, diagnostics, infection, intensive care unit


Local EPrints ID: 477921
ISSN: 2079-6382
PURE UUID: 6b91b494-7a80-404b-9bc3-d439b48707ad
ORCID for Ahilanandan Dushianthan: ORCID iD
ORCID for Kordo Saeed: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date deposited: 16 Jun 2023 16:38
Last modified: 17 Mar 2024 03:57

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Author: Tim Catton
Author: Helen Umpleby
Author: Ahilanandan Dushianthan ORCID iD
Author: Kordo Saeed ORCID iD

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