READ ME File For: Dataset supporting the paper "Self-standing TiC-modified Carbon Fibre Electrodes Derived from Cellulose and Their Use as an Ultrahigh Efficiency Lithium Metal Anode" Junren Wang,Huimian Zhong, Bowen Liu, Min Zhang, Andrew L. Hector and Andrea E. Russell School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2697 Date that the file was created: June, 2023 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- ReadMe Author: Junren Wang, University of Southampton Date of data collection: 2021-2023 This project was funded by EPSRC under EP/K00509x/1, EP/K009877/1 and EP/V007629/1, and Nikolay Zhelev helped with SEM training and imaging the morphology of Li dendrites. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse: Recommended citation for the data: This dataset supports the publication: "Self-standing TiC-modified Carbon Fibre Electrodes Derived from Cellulose and Their Use as an Ultrahigh Efficiency Lithium Metal Anode", published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A, -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- All numerical data for figures are supplied in text format, organised in columns with header labels: Fig.1a) XRD patterns of C (black line), 9.5 wt % TiC@C1 (orange line), 22.9 wt % TiC@C2 (blue line) and 32.4 wt % TiC@C3 (green line). Fig.1b) The nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms of C, TiC@C1, TiC@C2 and TiC@C3. Fig.3a) 1st cycle reduction curves of different electrodes under a current density of 2 mA cm-2 with a lithium plating capacity of 1 mA h cm-2. Fig.3c) Voltage profiles of the 1st cycle of different electrodes under a current density of 2 mA cm-2 with a lithium plating capacity of 1 mA h cm-2. Fig.3d) Comparison of voltage profiles of the Li plating/stripping on the bare C electrode at different cycles. Fig.3e) Comparison of voltage profiles of the Li plating/strippingon the TiC@C2 electrode at different cycles. Fig.3f) CE comparison of bare C, TiC@C1, and TiC@C2 electrodes measured at a current density of 2 mA cm-2 with a lithium plating capacity of 1 mA h cm-2. Fig.4c) Summary of the Li nucleation overpential, overpotential and voltage hysteresis for different electrodes. Fig.6a) Voltage-time profiles of the symmetric cell with 0.5 mA h cm-2 capacity at 0.5 mA cm-2. Fig.6b) Enlarged typical profiles of the 5th cycle. Fig.6c) Enlarged typical profiles of the 20th cycle. Fig.6d) Enlarged typical profiles of the 50th cycle. Fig.6e) Enlarged typical profiles of the 100th cycle. Fig.7a) EIS comparison between C cell and TiC@C2 cell after 10 cycles. Fig.7b) EIS comparison between C cell and TiC@C2 cell after 50 cycles. Fig.8a) Typical charge/discharge profiles of full cells with LiFePO4 as the cathode and Li foil, Li@C and Li@TiC@C as anodes at 1 C. Fig.8c) Cycling performance of full cells with different anodes at 1 C. Fig.8d) Rate capabilities of full cells with three different anodes (blue line for Li@TiC@C, red line for Li@C and black line for Li) coupled with LiFePO4 cathode. Fig.8e) First charge/discharge profiles of full cells with LiFePO4 as the cathode and Li foil, Li@C and Li@TiC@C as anodes at 5 C. Fig.S2a) TGA analysis of 9.46 wt% TiC@C1 under argon-oxygen mixture. Fig.S2b) TGA analysis of 22.93 wt% TiC@C2 under argon-oxygen mixture. Fig.S2c) TGA analysis of 32.40 wt% TiC@C3 under argon-oxygen mixture. Fig.S3) Pore volume distribution of C, TiC@C1, TiC@C2 and TiC@C3. Data obtained using the non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) method. Fig.S6a) Comparison of voltage profiles of the 1st cycle of TiC@C2 measured on two separate electrodes under a current density of 2 mA cm-2 and a lithium plating capacity of 1 mA h cm-2 Fig.S6b) Coulombic efficiency comparison of the same two TiC@C2 electrodes under a current density of 2 mA cm-2 and a lithium plating capacity of 1 mA h cm-2. Fig.S9) Voltage-time profiles of the symmetric cell with 1 mA h cm-2 capacity at 1 mA cm-2. Fig.S10a) Nyquist plots of “bare C│Li” half-cell and “TiC@C2│Li” half-cell before cycling. Fig.S11) CE performance of full cells with LFP cathode against Li, C@Li, and TiC@C@Li.