READ ME File For 'Ocean bottom seismometer tilt rotation correction code' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2394 Date that the file was created: July, 2023 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- ReadMe Author: Nicholas Harmon, University of Southampton [OPTIONAL add ORCID ID] Date of data collection: 2/11/2022 Related projects: Passive Imaging of the Lithosphere Asthensphere Boundary (PiLAB) - NERC - Rychert Project: Research Councils › Research Councils Award European Research Council Grant numbers GA 638665 National Science Foundation Grant numbers OCE-1830959 -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse: CC-BY This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:Harmon, N., Laske, G., Crawford, W., & Rychert, C. TITLE:Tilt corrections for normal mode observations on ocean bottom seismic data, an example from the PI-LAB experiment JOURNAL:Seismica PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- This dataset contains: Ocean bottom seismometer tilt rotation correction code This is a MATLAB function for tilt correction of OBS data using a simple rotation of the vertical and two horizontals. It minimizes the energy on the vertical component via optimization. To run the code requires the optimization toolbox (function fminsearch). Inputs are X(east), Y(north) and Z(vertical), output are Znew (tilt corrected Z), Xnew (rotated X), Ynew (rotated Y), angy (azimuthal rotation in degrees) and vrt (tilt angle from vertical in degrees).