Study Details,,Context,Population,,,,Study Design,,,,,Recruitment,,Outcomes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Measures for each outcome,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Operationalisation of wellbeing Year published,"Wellbeing in Title (0=No, 1=Yes)",Country,"Specialities (GP=General Practice, EM=Emergency Medicine)",Grades,% Male,Average age,Study type (Observation/Interventional),Centre,What intervention/cohort?,First timepoint,Last timepoint,Number approached first timepoint ,Number completed last timepoint,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,O1,O2,O3,O4,O5,O6,O7,O8,O9,O10,O11,O12,O13,O14,O15,O16,O17,O18,O19, 2016,0,Germany,Psychiatry,Mix,28.7,,Controlled Interventional Study,Single,"Psychosocial skills training, CBT, solution focused counselling individual and group 12 weeks",,3 months later,76,72,General wellbeing,Personal skills (resilience and self-efficacy),,Job satisfaction,Relationship to patients,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Perceived stress questionnaire (30 items, 4 point likert)","Brief resilience coping scale (BRCS) 4 items, ","Questionnaire of self-efficacy, optimism and pessimism (SWOP 49) 9 ITEMS",Copenhagen Psychological Questionnaire (COPSOQ),German quality of relationship inventory (QRI) 25 items 4 point likert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2000,0,Israel,Mix,Mix,44,,Prospective observational,Multi,,1990,1995,,1120,Psychological wellbeing,Role behaviour,Professional self esteem,Role behaviour comparison,Global self-esteem,Work satisfaction,Adaption to life in Israel,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 item- MDROLE self assessment,8 item- Professional Self-Esteem Scale (PSE),4 item-self assessment,10 item- Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale,"10-item measure adapted by Kalleberg, and Lawler and Hall",3 item- self assessment,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2018,1,Macedonia,Mix,Mix,19.2,44.9,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2016,2016,,198,Subjective wellnbeing,Perceived organisational support,Salience with life roles,Global life satisfaction,Exhaustion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6 item- Abbreviated Family-Supportive Organization Perception Measure,15 item- Life Role Salience Scales,5 item- Satisfaction With Life Scale,8 item- subscale of Oldenburg Burnout Inventory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2017,0,UK,Mix,Mix,53.5,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2012,2012,95636,6144,Complaints,Support sought,Perceived support,Worrying,Complaints processes and behaviour of colleagues,Depression,Anxiety,Defensive medical practice,,,,,,,,,,,,75 item- scale generated from pilot study + Bark et al,8-item scale,15- item scale,7- item scale,11 item-scale,Physical Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9),Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7),32 item- scale with 12 of these developed from pilot study,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2015,0,Australia,Paediatrics,Mix,8.4,,Prospective observational,Multi,,2013,2013,,107,Perceived intensity of work-related stressors,Perceived intensity of non-financial work-related rewards,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60 item- Work stressors scale–pediatric oncology (WSS-PO),35 item- Work rewards scale–pediatric oncology (WRS-PO),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2008,0,USA,Mix,Consultants,66.7,,Prospective observational,Multi,,2006,2006,401,180,Subjective sleepiness,Sleep loss,Workload,Atiitudes on QOL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8 item- Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS),18 item- questionnaire,15 item- questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2017,1,Australia,Mix,Mix,50,,Cohort Study,Multi,,2017,,330,264,Overall life factors,"Mood, anxiety, eating, post-traumatic stress and substance-related and addiction disorders",Resilience,Childhood adversity and trauma,Personality,Somatic symptoms,Psychological distress,Functional social support,Sleep Quality,Diet and nutrition,Phyical activity,Alcohol usage,Functional impairment,"Overall vocational performance, absenteeism and presenteeism",Academic performance,Cognitive performance,Autonomic measures,Sleep and activity,Physiological markers,Annual inter views + physiological monitoring + personal logs,Mini- International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI 7.0),Brief Resilience Scale,Childhood Trauma Questionnaire–Short Form,NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory,Somatic and Physical Health Report,Kessler Psychological Distress Scale- K10,Duke Functional Social Support Questionnaire,Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,Adapted from PrimeScreen,International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Form,Alcohol Usage Disorders Identification Test,Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS),Health and Workplace Performance Questionnaire,Self-reported- Weighted Average Mark,"5 tasks assessing verbal and spatial working memory (SWM), motor and processing speed and response inhibition",ECG + cognitive testing + Ambulatory autonomic monitoring,Sleep/wake diary + activity monitor,Blood samples, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2008,1,Sweden,Mix,Mix,57,,Prospective observational,Multi,,,,2000,1022,Individual characteristics,Job demands,Burnout,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Self created questionnaire,Self created questionnaire,Self created emotional exhaustion scale Dolan 2005,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2019,0,Canada,Mix,Mix,66,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2016,2017,202,,Lifelong learning,Psychological needs satisfaction,Clinical teaching involvement and enjoyment,Stress level,Bunrout ,Life satisfaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning (14 item),Psychological Need Satisfaction Scale (12 item),"Do you do any clinical teaching (yes, no), I enjoy teaching (6 point likert)",How do you rate your overall stress level (5 point likert),How often do you feel burned out from work (7 point likert),I am satisfied with life (6 point likert),,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2013,1,Australia,GP,Mix,40,,Cohort Study,Multi,,2011,2011,785,479,Temperament and character,Resilience,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,140 ite- Temperament and Character Inventory (TCIR140),26 item- Resilience Scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2016,0,USA,Surgery,Mix,,,Prospective observational,Multi,,2011,2013,75,67,Attitudes to disclosure,Experiences of adverse events + perceived seriousness of the events + elements of disclosure discussed,Effect on surgeons from the event and its disclosure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Baseline questionnaire,22 item- survey,Questionnaire Waterman 207,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2013,1,Argentina,Mix,Mix,53.5,44.6,Prospective observational,Multi,,,,,7584,Empathy,Professional Quality of Life ,Alexithymia,Altruistic behaviour,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"3 sets of 7 item-subscales (empathic concern, personal distress, perspective taking) that make up Interpersonal Reactivity Inventory (IRI)",30 item- The Professional Quality of Life Scale V (ProQOL) (5 point scale),20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) (5 point Likert scale),10 item- Self-Report Altruism scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2012,1,USA,Mix,Mix,52.9,,Prospective observational,Multi,8 week mindfulness based stress reduction,,,51,,Burnout,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI,SF12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2011,0,Germany,Surgery,Mix,60.2,39.1,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2008,,3648,1311,Psychological stress,Job content,Perceived quality of healthcare,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Effort reqard imbalance questionnaire,16 items from Job content questionnaire,German self assessment intrument 13 items,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2009,0,USA,GP,Mix,54,,Interventional no control,Multi,Mindfulness retreat at a retreat center,2007,2008,70,51,Mindfulness,Burnout,Empathy,Psychosocial orientation,Personality,Mood,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15 item- 2-Factor Mindfulness Scale (5 point Likert scale),22 item- Maslach Burnout Inventory (7 point Likert scale),20 item- Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (7 point Likert scale),32 item- Physician Belief Scale (5 point Likert scale),40 item- Mini-markers of the Big Five Factor Structure (9 point Likert scale),65 item- Profile of Mood States (POMS) (5 point Likert scale),,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2018,0,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2017,2017,1789,349,Clinician Burnout,Clinical Depression,Intention to quit,Futile care,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 item from Physician Worklife Study Screen,2 item- Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2),2 item- Questionnaire,3 item- Questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2009,0,USA,GIM,Residents,42.7,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,2003,,164,125,Emotional exhaustion,Satisfaction with patient care,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 items 5 point likerts,1 item 10 point likert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2014,1,USA,GIM,Mix,,27.6,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,,15,12,Sleep,Flourishing,Mental and physical health,Resilience,Stress,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PROMIS sleep scale,Dieners short flourishing scale,PROMIS global health scale,Smiths brief resilience inventory,Cohens 10 item perceived stress scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2016,1,USA,Emergency Medicine ,Mix,31.4,47.8,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2014,,422,138,Burnout,Maladaptive behaviours,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI,Self created questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2019,0,USA,Mix,Residents,,,Interventional no control,Single,Mindfulness,2018,,,14,Wellness,Depression and anxiety,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Professional Fulfillment Index ,PHQ4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2018,0,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Tool Development,Single,,,,13500,227,Face and content valiity,Self reported medical errors,Convergent validity,Reliability,Sensitivity to change,Factor validity,Predictive validity,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,Expert group,"1 item (would not choose medicine as a career, 3 point likert","Correlation between PFI and MBI, PFI and WHOQOL BREF",Test retest 2-3 weeks later using sleep related impairment to determine if PFI should be the same,Change in PFI in relation to Sleep impairment change,Factor analysis,Ability to predict Very good QOL FOR 1st question of WHOQOLBREF or to predict MBI high emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation,Professional Fulfilment Index,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2019,0,USA,Mix,Mix,47.2,,Cross sectional survey,Multi,,2016,2017,6189,3899,Professional fulfilment and burnout,Self valuation,Sleep impairment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Professional Fulfillment Index Burnout Scale (16 items, 5 point Likert)","Clinician Self valuation scale (4 items, 5 point Likert)","PROMIS Sleep-related impairment scale short form v1.0 8a (8 items, 5 point Likert)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2016,1,Australia,Psychiatrist in oncology,Mix,16,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,3445,30,Burnout,Work Engagement,Job demands,Mental workload,Emotional demands,Job resources,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI-HSS,Utrecht Work Engagement Scale,"Standardised scores of mental workload, emotional demands and work-family sonflict scale summed",Psychological demands sub-scale of Karasek's Job Content Questionnaire (Karasek 1985),6 items 7 responses (Le Blanc et al 201) and 8 items on work family conflict 5 responses (Houkes et al 2008),Standardised scores of job control (3 item decision authority subscale of the Job content questionnaire (Karasek 1985)and social support subscales (6 item coworker support subscale of the job content questionnaire),,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2012,0,UK,Mix,Mix,,,Prospective observational,Single,Case- working in the Emergency department,,,,35,Psychological health,,,Social support,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GHQ12,HADS,Brief COPE,Social support (3 items and 7 point likert),Social identity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2005,0,Canada,Oncology,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,207,131,Psychological wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Focus groups,MBI ,ghq12,Job stress and satisfaction questionnaire (42 ITEMS),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2010,0,Netherlands,Mix,Residents,39,31.5,Cross-sectional survey,Multi,,2005,,5140,2115,Wellbeing,Burnout,Engagement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI,Utrecht work engagement scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis 2019,1,Australia,Mix,Mix,26,,RCT,Multi,Health and Wellbeing workshop,2014,2015,70,46,Alcohol use,"depression, anxiety ","Burnout, secondary traumatic stress and compassion satisfaction",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT),"Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-21)",Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2018,1,Finland,Mix,Mix,41,54.8,Prospective Observational,Multi,,2006,2015,5000,2841,Psychological disctress,Sleeping problems,Workability,Workload,Team climate,Collegial support,Sleep quality change,Work ability change,,,,,,,,,,,,"4 items from the GHQ-12",Jenkins scale 4 items,1 item in Workability index,"3 items derived from the Harris Nurse Stress index","Team Climate Inventory’s33 participative safety subscale","3 items measuring measuring tangible social support at work in terms of consultation possibilities and co-operation","3 items derived from the Harris Nurse Stress index",,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2016,0,International ,Mix,Mix,24.5,38.7,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2011,2012,2837,627,Burnout,Health Behavious,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI HSS,"Health behavour questionnaire (Moustou et al alcohol,smokin, unhealthy eating, self medication)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2018,1,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Review ,,,,,,,Wellbeing,,Unit wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI,Resident Wellness Scale,Safety attitudes questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2014,0,Spain,Mix,GP,80,47.85,RCT,Multi,Mindfulness education programme,,,78,68,Burnout,Mood disturbance,Empathy,Self perceived wellbeing,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI,POMS,Jefferson Questionnaire,University of Massachusetts centre for Mindfulness Questionnaire (likert 1-10),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2016,0,USA,Surgery,Residents,,,RCT,Multi,Duty hours,2014,2015,,,Resident wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Absite resident survey - self reported satisfaction and wellbeing,self report rest,self report fatigue,personal safety,work/life balance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2019,1,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Review,,,,,,,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI - HSS,Single item physician work-life survey (pwls) - part of the mini z,Physician wellbeing index (PWBI),Stanford Professional Fulfilment Index (PFI),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2012,0,Belgium,Mix,Residents,34,28.4,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2002,2006,544,113,Work influences on QoL,Burnout,Psychological wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33 item- Quality of Work Life Systemic Inventory (QWLSI),Maslach Burnout Inventory,Job Stress Survey 30 item- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 1997,0,Israel,Mix,Mix,79.2,42.2,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,1989,1994,308,122,Professional self esteem,Personality traits,Satisfaction with work,Burnout,Life satisfaction,Satisfaction with family relations,Satisfaction with family support,"Satisfaction with support given to family, friends",Satisfaction with health,,,,,,,,,,,10 item Professional self-esteem for physicians scale ,20 item- State Trait Anxiety Inventory subscale,4 items (5point likert),22 item- Maslach and Jackson Burnout Inventory,1 item (5 point likert),1 item,1 item,1 item,1 item,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2012,0,Greece,Surgery,Trainee,93.5,37,RCT,Single,Relaxation CD,2010,2011,100,62,Health and well-being,Stress,Job demand and control,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Questionnaire (Darviri),Perceived stress scale (PSS),Job content questionnaire (JCQ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2013,1,Australia,GP,Mix,,,Interventional no control,Multi,"Cognitive behavioural coaching program",,,509,245,Wellbeing (Rural doctor distress),Intention to leave rural general practice,"actual Retention rate of rural GPs",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Rural doctor distress 10 item- self survey (7 point Likert scale),single item- survey (7 point Likert scale),Retention rate of rural GPs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2019,0,USA,GP,Mix,,,Prospective Observational,Multi,,2012,2018,216,134,Burnout,perceptions of the work environment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16-item Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) general survey emotional exhaustion (5 symptoms) and cynicism (5 symptomss) subscales (6 point scales),Not reported,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2014,0,Australia,Mix,Mix,57.2,46.4,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2010,2011,,9345,Wellbeing (satisfied with life),health,job satisfaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 item (10 point likert),1 item5 point likert,10 item short form version of Job satisfactionscale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2018,0,UK,Military ,Mix,72.2,,Cohort study,Multi,,2017,2017,1154,678,Mental health-related stigmatisation and perceived barriers to care,Common mental health disorders,"stress, emotional or mental health problem",alcohol problem,relationship or family problem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mix of items from Barriers to Access Care Evaluation scale and the Self-Stigma of Seeking Psychological Help Scale (5 point Liekrt scale),12-Item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12),Study developed Questionnaire,Study developed Questionnaire,Study developed Questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2009,1,Australia,GP,GP,,,Interventional no control,Multi,Meditation skills,,,299,293,Psychological distress,Personal experience,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Kessler Psychological Distress Scale K10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2019,0,USA,Mix,Mix,68,52.3,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2014,2015,3589,2297,General health status,Depression risk,Burnout,Job satisfaction,Intention to leave current practice,Intention to leave medicine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Single item from SF36,2 item PHQ,1 item Rohland et al 2004,1 item Friedberg et al 2014,1 item self created,1 item self created,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2018,0,Spain,GP,GP,22.5,49.01,Interventional no control,Multi,Mindfulness education programme,2013,,290,,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PANAS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2006,0,USA,Mix,Mix,14,,RCT,Single,Passage meditation,2002,,,7,Mental health,Vitality,Burnout,Life satisfaction,Job satisfaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 items,4 items Ware 2002,MBI,5 items Diener et al 1985,1 item 7 point Liekrt self created,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2015,1,Canada,Mix,Residents,,,RCT,Multi,3 different Schedules,2009,,49,47,Fatigue,Somatic symptoms,Psychologic wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Stanford sleepiness scale,Rating of presence over 24 hours,MBI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2007,0,USA,Mix,Residents,70.5,28,Interventional no control,Single,Reduction in duty hours,2003,,76,44,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SF36,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2012,0,USA,Mix,Consultants,36,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,33,23,Clinician stress,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Perceived stress scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2019,0,USA,Neurosurgery,Residents,55,29,Interventional no control,Single,Environmental noise,,,5,5,Fine Motor Dexterity,Verbal learning and memory ,visuo- spatial memory ,"Speed of processing, mental flexibility, and executive function","ttention, visual scanning, tracking, and motor spee ","selective attention, cognitive flexibility, processing speed ",Mental wellbeing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,LS Motor Performance Series of the Vienna Test Series ,Hopkins Verbal Learning Test ,Brief Visuospatial Memory Test ,Trail Making Test ,Symbol Digit Modalities Test ,The Stroop Test ,Profile of Mood State McNair 1981,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2018,0,USA,Anaesthetics,Mix,,,Review,,,,,,,Satisfaction,Burnout,Engagement,Professional fatigue,Stress,QOL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Linzer 2014,Linzer 2015,Linzer 2016,Linzer 2017,Linzer 2018,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2009,1,USA,Mix,Residents,51,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,480,339,Sexual wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Male and Female Sexual Function Inventories,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2017,1,International,Mix,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,522,353,Occupational wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Scale of collateral effects of Questionnaire of Gneral Labour Wellbeing (somatization 5 items, exhaustion 4 items, work alienation 4 items, 5 point Likert)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2019,1,UK,Mix,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,2300,,Occupational wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BMA created survey (7 items, binary and likerts)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2001,1,USA,GP,GP,74,46,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2000,,,361,Personal wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Self created 41 items, 5 point Likerts also looked at observations on corporate managed healthcare and career",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 1998,0,International,Psychiatry,Consultants,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,464,320,Mental energy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6 items Arnetz 1997,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2012,0,Singapore,Mix,Mix,55,33.6,Cross Sctional Survey,Single,,2008,,213,185,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SF36v2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2009,0,Norway,Mix,Consultants,42.5,32.5,Cohort Study,Multi,,1993,2003,522,390,Life satisfation,Personality,Marriage status,Perceived social support,Work stress,Life events,Exercise,Religious activity,Mental distress,,,,,,,,,,,"1 item When you think about your life today, would you say that you are by and large satisfied with life (7 point Liker)",Basic Character Inventory,Single item (6 responses),"5 items (close friends, warm and caring confidants degree of affiliation to groups such as neighbourhood, politica organisation, church, support anticipated if ill) - 5 responses",32 items version of Coopers Job stress questionaire,13 items in prev year -max score 4 for the 4 negative events (broken relationship/difficulties with close family/serious financial problems/ other serious event),1 item 5 frequency responses,1 item over prev 12 months 5 responses,SCL-5mental distress from Hopkins symptom checklist,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2017,1,Italy,Mix,Mix,80,36.38,Cross sectional survey,Multi,,2017,2017,,45,Psychiatric disorders,PTSD,Sence of Coherence,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,General Health Questionnaire,Impact of Event Scale,SOC Scale-29,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2001,1,Finland,Mix,Residents,43,,Prospective Observational,Multi,,1994,1998,638,346,Strain resistance resources,Psychological distress,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sense of coherence questionnaire,General Health Questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2016,0,USA,Mix,Mix,54,49.2,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2015,2015,493,308,Stress resilience,"Psychosocial needs, autonomy and relational/affiliation needs",Work meaningfulness,Risk aversion,Intolerance of ambiguity/uncertainty,Professional satisfaction,Workload,,,,,,,,,,,,,Brief Resilience Scale,Basic Psychological Needs at work scale (Brien et al 2012),Personal meaning in patient care scale,Risk taking scale (Pearson et al 1995) OF THE Jackson Personality Inventory,"Stress from uncertainty subscale of the Physicians reactions to uncertainty in patient care scale (Gerrity, De Vellis and Earp 1990)","Single item estmated % time stisfied, not satisfied, neither satisfied or dissatisfied (Fordyce 1988 adapted) ",Perceived workload scale (Waddimba 2015),,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2018,0,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Prospective Observational,Multi,Somatic Experiencing resiliency-based trauma treatment ,2016,,,18,QOL,"Psychological symptoms -anxiety, somatic symptoms, depression",Early life exposure to adversity,Physical wellbeing,Psychologicalquality of life,Social quality of life,Environmental quality of life,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHOQOL BREF,"PHQ SADS (inc GAD7, PHQ15 PHQ9)",CDC/ Kaiser Permanente ACE Score Calculator Questionnaire,WHOQOL BREF,WHOQOL REF,WHOQOL BREF,WHOQOL BREF,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2017,0,Egypt,Mix,Mix,,39.4,Prospective Observational ,Single,,,,,366,Physical health,,,,Emotional wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Physical health (17 iterms 5 point likert),Upper and lower face aging analysis,Telomere length (blood),Oxidative stress (blood),Emotional wellbeing ( 7 items 5 point likert),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2004,1,USA,Surgery,Residents,70,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2002,2003,,108,Psychological wellbeing,Perceived Stress,Psychological distress,Somatization,Depression,Anxiety + depression,Interpersonal sensitivity,Hostility,Obcessive compulsive behaviour,Phobic anxiety,Paranoid ideation,Psychoticism,,,,,,,,Perceived Stress Scale ,Symptom checklist 90 SL-90 R,SL-90 R,SL-90 R,SL-90 R,SL-90 R,SL-90 R,SL-90 R,SL-90 R,SL-90 R,SL-90 R,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2006,1,UK,Mix,Mix,,46.5,Prospective Observational,Multi,,2001,2002,94,85,Work pressures,Employee job intentions,Burnout,Job satisfaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Measures of work characteristics instrument Haynes 1999,3 item- questionnaire (5 point Likeart scale),MBI GS,Faces scale (5 point),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2017,0,International,Anaesthetics,Mix,49,,Prospective Observational,Multi,,2015,2015,427,,Current psychological wellbeing,Stress,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10 item- Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) (5 point Likeart Scale),Questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2018,0,Germany,Mix,Residents,na,,RCT,Single,8 weeks mindfulness,,2018,178,,Burnout,Empathy,Stress,Depression,Anxiety + depression,Mindfulness,Work satisfaction,Self-esteem,Thriving,Flourishing,Self efficacy,Emotional wellbeing,Mental health,Self compassion,Feeling loved,Sunjective passage of time,Treatment errors,,,Copenhagen Burnout Inventory,Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy,Perceived Stress Scale,PHQ4,PHQ4,Freiburger fragebogen zur achtsamkeit,Kunins faces scale,self esteem single item scale,Thriving scale,flourishing scale,kuzskala zur erfassung der allgemeinen lebenszufriedenheit,ASKU,SAM face scale,GHQ9,Self compassion scale,feeling loved scale,Subjective time questionnaire,treatment errors?,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2014,0,USA,Anaesthetics,Residents,,29.2,Prospective Observational,Single,,,2014,18,13,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 items ( 5point likert and 10 point),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2014,0,Canada,Mix,Mix,58,49,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,2008,2957,1151,Physisican wellbeing/wellness,Emotional exhaustion,Depression and anxiety,Mental health,Rewardin patient interactions,Career commitment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI (5 items),1 item williams et al ,1 item wallace et al,1 item wallace and the,1 item konrad et al,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2004,0,Australia,GP,GP,,,Controlled Interventional Study,Multi,Cognitive behavioural stress management,,2003,,110,Psychological wellbeing,,work related distress ,work related morale ,Quality of work life,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,work related distress (7 items 7 point Hart et al),work related morale (7 items 7 point Hrt et al),Quality of work life (6 item 7 point),GHQ12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2013,1,USA,EM,Residents,61,30,Cross Sectional survey,Multi,,,2013,360,109,Wellbeing,work relationships,work environment,response to patients,impact on personal life,coping mechanisms,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44 items 5 point,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2008,0,Canada,Surgery,Residents,86.7,31,Prospective Observational,Multi,,,,,15,General wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SF36,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2015,0,Australia,Mix,Residents,62,,RCT,Single,Debriefing sessions,,2011,52,31,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Focus group,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2013,0,International,Paediatrics,Mix,38.7,,RCT,Multi,Mindfulness ,,2011,,47,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2006,0,USA,Mix,Mix,,38.2,Interventional no control,Multi,Stress management training,,2006,,10,Work and life satisfaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Psychological wellbeing scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2019,1,USA,Anaesthetics,Residents,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,ACGME Anaesthesiology Residents,2017,2018,668,661,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12 item ACGME Wellbeing Questions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,0,Oman,Mix,Residents,32,27.84,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,OMSB Residents in 2017,2017,2017,323,320,Emotionality,Self-control,Wellbeing,Sociability,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TEIQue-SF,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,1,Saudi Arabia,Mix,Residents,75,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,Enroled in a residency programme in a Riyadh hospital,2017,,60,33,Stress,Depression,Wellbeing,Mindfulness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Perceived Stress Scale,Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II),The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale,Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2001,1,USA,Mix,Mix,50,32.2,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,1024,230,Perfectionism,Personality,"Health operationalised as psychological wellbeing, perceived stress, physical symptoms and work satisfaction",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS),"Narcissism Personality Inventory (NPI), Conscientiousness Subscale (CON) of the NEO PI-R, Self-Monitoring Scale (SMS), Self-Rated Scale (SRS) for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (PCD)","Scales of Psychological Well-being (PWB), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness (PILL), Job Description Index (JDD)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2015,0,Denmark,Surgery,Mix,,35,Prospective Observational,Single,,,,30,29,Endogenous melatonin rhythm,Endogenous cortisol rhythm,Sleep quantity,Wellbeing ,Sleepiness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Urinary melatonin,Salivary cortisol,Actigraphy and sleep diary,100mm-VAS,Karolinska sleepiness scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,0,USA,Surgery,Interns,68,,Cohort Study,Multi,,2011,2012,428,335,QOL,Life work balance,Health,Burnout,Job satisfaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1 item 5 point Likert ( “Which of the following best describes your overall quality of life?) quality of life?”) 5 point likert",1item 5 point likert (,8-item Short Form Health Survey,3 item- Satisfaction With Medicine Scale,2 items from Maslach Burnout Inventory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 1999,0,Sweden,Mix,Mix,19.76,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,1400,936,Organisational and staff wellbeing - weighted scores of 10 items added ogether,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Quality work competence questionnaire 10 items (mental energy, work climae, work tempo, performance feedback, skills development, goal clarity, participatroy management, efficacy, leadership, internal communication)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,0,USA,Intensive Care,Mix,57.5,35,Prospective Observational,Single,,2012,2012,33,33,Sleep quantity,Work hours,Sleep quality,Behavioural Vigilance,Subjective wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Actigraphy + Sleep logs,Total wok duration,"Awakenings per night, subjective sleep and alertness measure","Response speed, median reaction time, false starts, lapses of attention, 10% fastest and slowest reaction times","VAS 0-100 for alertness, stress, happiness, sickness, physical exhaustion, mental exhaustion)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2010,1,USA,Mix,Residents,62.7,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,2007,2008,241,209,Quality of life,Burnout,Sleepiness,Depression,Empathy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Single item- Linear analog self-assessment (LASA) scale,MBI 22 items,Epworth score,2 item- Depression screening questions by Spitzer et al,20 item- Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (JSPE),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2012,1,USA,Mix,Residents,57.4,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,2009,2010,312,202,Clinical performance,Quality of life,Burnout,Health,Depression,Empathy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6 items from Mayo clinical performance assessments,Single item- Linear analog self-assessment (LASA) scale,22 item- Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), 8 item- Medical Outcomes Study Short Form (SF-8) health survey,2 item- Depression screening questions by Spitzer et al,14 items from Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI),,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2007,0,Sweden,Paediatrics,Mix,,,Interventional no control,Single,Dialogue groups,1999,2003,68,53,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40 item- Quality work competence (QWC) questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,UK,Obs & Gynae,Mix,33.24,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2017,2018,5661,3073,Burnout,Defensive medical practice,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 item- Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI),12 item- questionnaire,Self reported questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,1,Italy,Surgery,Mix,,,Tool Development,Multi,Tool to report threats to safety and wellbeing offer solutions,2010,2011,,60,Well-being and Safety Culture,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Critical situation detection form + Solution analysis form,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2008,0,Switzerland,Mix,Mix,46.2,31.3,Cohort Study,Multi,,2001,2005,715,433,Working hours,Effort/reward ratio,Anxiety + Depression,Life satisfaction,Physical and mental well-being,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Working hours per week,16 item- Effort–reward imbalance at work questionnaire (ERI-Q),Effort–reward imbalance at work questionnaire (ERI-Q),14 item- Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - German Version (HADS-D),Life satisfaction questionnaire (LSQ),2 item 7 point,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,1,USA,Neurology ,Mix,65.3,51,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2016,,4127,1671,Burnout,Career Satisfaction,QOL,FATIGUE,Life work balance,Autonomy,Meaning at work,,,,,,,,,,,,,Maslach Burnout Inventory,2 questions from previous physician surveys regarding career and specialty choice,"QOL VAS 0-10, ","Fatigue VAS 0-10, ","%agree have enough time for personal life, ","% agree have autonomy in determinging how do job, ",% agree how meaningul,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2005,0,UK,Mix,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,,96,Perceived self and others roles in providing information to patients,Psychological wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Informational Roles Questionnaire (IRQ) + 5 psychosocial aspects questionnaire,GHQ-12 and MBI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,1,Australia,Mix,Residents,51,27.9,RCT,Single,Peer mentoring ,2015,2016,79,53,Psychological wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Focus groups,Semi-structured interviews,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,1,International,Mix,Residents,,,Qualitative,Multi,"Journal Club Discussions Education online journal club, with Twitter hashtag and live stream",2017,2017,,130,Multidimensional nature of well-being,Measurement of well-being,Description of wellness programs and interventions,Creation of a culture of wellness,Critique of the methodology of the published review,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Thematic analysis of week long journal discussion, blogs, tweets","MBI, Connor Dvidson Resilience scale, WHO wellbeing index, modified Postgrad Hospital Educational Environement measure, general self reflection were discussed",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,0,USA,GP,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2008,2012,,87,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fordyce Emotions Scale + Satisfaction with Life Scale,Arizona Integrative Outcomes Scale (AIOS),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 1989,0,UK,GP,GP,81.1,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,4000,1817,Job satisfaction,Psychological wellbeing and Mental health,Health behaviours,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15 item- Warr-Cook-Wall job satisfaction scale,"3 items from Crown-Crisp experiential index -free floating anxiety,depression, somatic anxiety (3 point likert)",2 item- alcohol + cigarette use,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,0,USA,Paediatrics,Consultants,39.88,41,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2012,2013,901,830,Education debt,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 item- questionnaire,4 item- questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,USA,Anaesthetics,Residents,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,2016,2017,78,36,Wellbeing ,Anxiety-,Stress,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"General Wellbeing Survey -rank order of wellbeing in 8 subspeciality rotations (7 point likert), Maslach and Leiter’s 6 domains on workplace burnout and engagement questionned using ACGME Paeds Program wellbeing survey questions with likert scales","Spielberger State Anxiety Inventory for Adults (SAI-AD)",Cohen Perceived Stress Scale (PSSS-14),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,0,UK,Mix,Mix,39,35,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,Had to have been seen by Mednet,2010,2010,209,124,"Subjective wellbeing, commonly experienced problems and symptoms, general and social functioning, and risk to self and/or others ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34 item- Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation questionnaire (CORE-OM) (5 point Likeart scale),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,0,USA,Mix,Mix,52.5,,RCT,Multi,Residency program governed by standard duty-hour policies or by flexible policies,2015,2016,80,80,Time–motion observations,Medical Knowledge,Trainee Experiences- Including overal wellbeing,Faculty Experiences,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Shift observance,American College of Physicians In-Training Examination,"Overall wellbeing single item adapted from ACGME resident survey (5 point scale), survey adapted from survey developed in Flexibility in Duty Hour Requirements for Surgical Trainees trial (5 point scale), and 22 item- Maslach Burnout Inventory–Human Services Survey",ACGME faculty survey (5 point scale),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,USA,ENT,Residents,52,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2016,2016,209,46,Wellbeing,Clinical learning environment,Burnout,"Resilience, job satisfaction, workplace climate, perceived organisational support",Work-life strain,Performance on Otolaryngology Training Examination,Demoraphic items,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Maslach Burnout Inventory - shortened to 9 items, Brief Resilience Scale, Work/Social Conflict Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale","Abbreviated Work-place Climate Questionnaire, Short Survey of Perceived Organisational Support","7-point Likert-type scale (1= never, 7= every day)","5-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)","5-point frequency scale (1 = never, 5 = always)",Approximate percentile score on most recent OTE through 5 range categories. 61st percentile = 'high' 40th = 'low',"Gender, training year, parental status, fellowship plans",,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2007,1,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Interventional no control,Multi,Implemented improvement plans for site-specific issues,2000,2005,32,32,Physician satisfaction,Burnout,Organisational and employee wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Modified survey by the American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine,22 item- Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI,42 item- Quality Work Competence (QWC) survey ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,0,USA,Mix,Mix,79.1,55,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,National US physicians,2011,2011,27276,7288,Wellbeing,Mental QoL,Fatigue,Suicidal ideation,Sense of achievement and meaning in work,Career satisfaction,"intent to leave current practice, intent to reduce their clinical hours, self-perceived medical errors",,,,,,,,,,,,,7-item Physician Well-Being Index (PWBI),Standardized linear analog scale,Standardized linear analog scale,Single item- question,Personal accomplishment subscale (PA) of the Maslach Burnout Inventory,Single item- question,Additional items in surveys,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,0,International,Emergency Medicine,Mix,35,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,ED clinicians Australia and New Zealand,2014,2014,,2002,Frequency of alcohol related aggression,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23 item- questionnaire with Likert and free text answers (Medicine in Australia Balancing Employment and Life) MABEL survey ,Free text answer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2015,1,Finland,Mix,Mix,39.8,49.7,Cohort Study,Multi,Members of Finnish Medical Association,2006,2010,5000,2841,Job demands,Job control,Organistational justice,Wellbeing Psychological distress,Wellbeing - Sleeping problems,Wellbeing Job satisfaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 item- Harris Stress Index (Likert scale),3 items from Karasek’s Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ),8 items Colquitt’s organizational justice measure (short version) (5 point Likert scale),4 items from GHQ-12,4 items from the Jenkins scale,3 items from Hackman and Oldham’s Job Diagnostic Survey (5 point Likert),,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2010,0,Finland,Mix,Mix,42,44.1,Tool Development,Multi,,2006,2006,4985,2792,Organizational Justice (5 point Likert Scale),Sleeping Problems,Psychological Distress,Self-Rated Health,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20 item- Colquitt questionnaire,4 items from the Jenkins scale,12 items from GHQ-12,1 item- questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,1,Finland,Mix,Mix,68.5,43.4,Cohort Study,Multi,Finnish Public Sector Cohort,2000,2010,,886,Psychological distress,Sleeping problems,Job control and job demands,Effort-reward-imbalance (ERI),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12),4-item Jenkins Scale (6 point scale),Derivative of Job Content Questionnaire,1 item- 5 point Likert scale question,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2007,1,Spain,Emergency Medicine,Mix,44.1,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,Spanish Soc Emergency Medicine,2000,2001,945,639,Psychological well-being,Psychosocial work environment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Two dimensions of SF-36 Health Survey (SF-36) (mental health, vitality), one dimension of Maslach’s Burnout Inventory (MBI) (emotional exhaustion 9 items on 7 point scale)",Modified Karasek and Theorell JCQ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,0,Australia,GP,Mix,46.6,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2008,2011,20600,221,Resilience,Job Demands,Job Resources,Burnout,Work-Family Conflict,Intention to Quit,Impact of stress on wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,26 item- Resilience scale,9 item- Psychological job demands scale,"22-item job control scale, 5-item supervisory support scale",19-item CBI,18 item- multidimensional WFC scale,2 item- Begley and Czajka,Interview question ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2005,0,Norway,Mix,Mix,,21.6,Cohort Study,Multi,Medical students started 1993 to doctors in Norway,1993,2003,421,374,Job satisfaction,Nervous symptoms,Interpersonal functioning:,Self-esteem,Students' well-being with peers,Perceived medical-school stress (PMSS),Identification with the doctor's role,Self-assessed clinical skills,,,,,,,,,,,,10-item version of the Job Satisfaction Scale,Symptom Checklist-5 (five-point scale),64 item- Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP) (5 point scale),8 items of the Vulnerability dimension of the original BCI-136 item version (4 point scale),2 item questionnaire (7 point Likert scale),13 item- questionnaire (5 point Likert scale),4 item-questionnaire (7 point Likert scale),6 item- Perceived Clinical Skills (PCS),,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2010,1,Australia,Mix,Mix,,,Tool Development,Multi,,2009,,,109,Spiritual health,Spiritual wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24 item- Spiritual Health in Four Domains Index (SH4DI) (5 point Likert Scale),20 item- Spiritual Health And Life-Orientation Measure (SHALOM) (5 point Likert scale),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,Australia,Mix,Residents,47,,Qualitative,Multi,,,,,15,Structural issues,Cultural issues,Health and well-being,Bullying and harassment by patients,Bullying and harassment by colleagues,Role of senior doctors,Role of organisations,Role of individuals,,,,,,,,,,,,Interview theme,Interview theme,Interview theme,Interview theme,Interview theme,Interview theme,Interview theme,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2012,1,USA,Mix,Residents,,,Controlled Interventional Study ,Single,Resident Assessment Facilitation Team (small group feedback) meetings,2007,2010,18,5,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Single item- Arizona Integrative Outcome Scale (AIOS) (Visual analogue scale),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2014,1,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,2012,2013,382,327,"leader level of communication, leader level of social support, employee motivation to work",Employee wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45 item- Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (4 point Likert scale) ,23 item- Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) (4 point Likert scale),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2002,0,Austria,Emergency Medicine,Residents,64,33.5,RCT,Single,No rest in 24 hr shift v 4 hrs rest,,,,11,general subjective perception of stress + stress,Subjective sleep behavior,vigilance,Wellbeing,Cognitive performance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3-interval self-rating scale,total sleep time + 3-interval self assessment,EEG ,Adjective Checklist (EWL 60 S) 60 items 4 point likert," Cognitive Performance (Pauli test), reaction time, numerical memory test",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2000,0,New Zealand,Anaesthetics,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,1997,1997,433,301,Working hours,Personal wellbeing ,Exceeding Self-Defined Limits,Fatigue-Related Errors,Work Patterns and Fatigue-Related Errors,Exceeding Self-Defined Limits and Fatigue-Related Errors,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Reported Working Hours,Self defined limits where reported working hours impacted wellbeing question,Recollection of Fatigue-Related Errors,Work Patterns vs Recollection of Fatigue-Related Errors,Self defined limits vs Recollection of fatigue related errors,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2006,0,Australia,GP,Mix,71,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,404,221,Levels of support,Intention to leave rural practice,Use of the Dr DOC program,"Psychological wellbeing -rural disress, work related distress, work related morale, quality of work life",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Self Questionnaire,Self Questionnaire,Self questionnaire (5 point scale),"Work related morale- 7 items (7 point Likert scale), Work related distress- 7 items (7 point Likert scale), Quality of work life- 6 items (7 point Likert scale), Rural doctor distress- 10 item (7 point Likert scale)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,0,USA,Mix,Mix,27,40.9,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,2016,2017,,1365,Best measure of burnout,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"22-item Maslach Burnout Inventory: Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) vs. 40-item Provider or Nursing Well-being Self-Assessment Tool (PWSAT/NWSAT vs. single-item, investigator-developed Burnout-Thriving Index (BTI)","Burnout Thriving Index (Please select the label that you think best describes your current state of wellbeing -burnout, survival, fine, well, thriving)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 1997,1,UK,GP,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,489,334,"Wellbeing questionnaire 11 items on Exhaustion and disenchantment, frustration, failure, isolation, job satisfaction",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,questionnaire 11 items 6 point Likert scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2011,1,USA,Surgery,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,2009,2009,97,72,Burnout,Psychiatric morbidity,Wellbeing,Alcohol and sleep aids,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Maslach Burnout Inventory–Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS)",12 item- General Health Questionnaire ,Linear Analog Scale Assessment of Quality of Life (LASA QOL),Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2015,0,Palestine,Emergency Medicine,Mix,76.8,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2013,2013,596,444,"Nature and frequency of exposure to violence in the past year, perpetrators, perceived causes, impact on workers, hospital violence prevention measures","Mental health and wellbeing - hopelessness/disappointment, fear and anxiety, guilt)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Self Questionnaire,3 items binary yes no answer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,1,Ireland,Mix,Mix,50.5,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2014,2014,3164,1749,Self-rated health,Subjective well-being,Psychological distress,"Depression, anxiety and stress",Self-stigma,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Single item- questionnaire (5 point scale),5 item- WHO Well-Being Index (WHO-5) (5 point scale),12 item- GHQ-12 (dichotomous scoring scale),21 item- DASS-21 (4 point scale),single item- questionnaire (5 point scale),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2012,0,UK,Psychiatry,Mix,36,40.7,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,3545,2258,Burnout,Anxiety- contentment + enthusiasm-depression,Job satisfaction,Psychological health,Psychological identification with their work,"Job demands, control + support",,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 item- Maslach Burnout Inventory ( 7 point Likert scale),Job-related Affective Well-being Scale,Combination of items from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey and the NHS Staff Survey,12-item version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) (4 point Likert scale),5 item- Job Involvement Scale,"Questions developed by Haynes et al (5 point scale) (7 items- demand, 5 items- control, 3 items- support)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2007,0,Austria,Anaesthetics,Mix,61.79,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,,135,89,Physical health,Emotional wellbeing,Stressors,Self esteem,Social support,Life satisfaction,Stress related job analysis,Coping strategies,,,,,,,,,,,,Coping and stress profile (german version),Coping and stress profile (german version) - 7 items of it,Coping and stress profile (german version),Coping and stress profile (german version),Coping and stress profile (german version),Coping and stress profile (german version),Instrument for stress-related job analysis ( 5 point likert),,Stress Overrcoming Questionnaire (114 items),,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2010,0,Denmark,Surgery,Mix,90,46,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,2010,,20,General wellbeing,Time pressure,Effort-reward-imbalance (ERI),Perceived performance,Frustration,Satisfaction with work,"Pain hand, lower arm, shoulder, neck, back",Physical strain,Heart rate variability,,,,,,,,,,,VAS,VAS,VAS,VAS,VAS,VAS,VAS,VAS,Borg CF12,Standard deviation R R interval,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,0,Switzerland,Emergency Medicine,Mix,38,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,,77,50,Influence of incivility (ICV),Emotional and cognitve strain,Work related stress,Psychological safety,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Items by Cortina et al,The irritation scale by Mohr et al,The social stressor scale by Zapf et al,Scale by Edmondson,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,0,USA,Surgery,Mix,62.5,28.2,RCT,Single,"Weekly 2-hour modMBSR classes and 20 minutes of daily home practice during an 8-week period vs an active control (different content, same structure)",2016,2017,,21,Psychological Well-being and Distress,Changes in Executive Function,Motor Skills Performance,Activation Patterns on fMRI During Emotional Regulation Task,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Questionnaire made up of questions from the Block Ego-Resilience scale, Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale–Revised, Short Grit Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, abbreviated Maslach Burnout Inventory, and 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)",National Institutes of Health Executive Abilities: Measures and Instruments for Neurobehavioral Evaluation and Research (NIH-EXAMINER) questionnaire, 2 tasks taken from Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery—peg transfer and circle cutting—scored for time and accuracy,fMRI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,1,USA,Neurology,Mix,48.9,33,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2016,2016,938,354,Burnout,Career satisfaction,Job satisfaction and meaning in work,Clerical work,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 item- Maslach Burnout Inventory–Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) (7 point Likert scale),2 item- questionnaire,"Questions from Empowerment at Work, and Physician Job Satisfaction surveys",2 item- questionnaire,"7 items -physician again (yes/no), neurologist again( yes/no), QOL (0-10 likert), fatigue (0-10 likert), time for personal life (yes/no), autonomy (agree/disagree), meanigful (agree/disagree)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,1,USA,Surgery,Residents,57.5,30.8,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,2013,2014,115,73,Emotional Intelligemce,Psychological wellbeing,Burnout,Depression,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30 item- Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (7 point Likert scale),22 item- Dupuy Psychological General Well-Being Index short version (6 point scale),"22 item- Maslach Burnout Inventory (7 point Likert scale),",13 item- Beck Depression Inventory Short Form (4 point scale),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2015,1,USA,Psychiatry,Mix,21.7,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,N/A,,,60,Burnout,Wellbeing,Ethical decision making,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22 item- Maslach Burnout Inventory- Human Services Survey (7 point Likert scale),20 item- The Friedman Well-Being Scale (10 point scale),"9 item, 7 item + 2 item- questionnaires",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,0,China,Mix,Mix,20,43.1,RCT,Single,5 day mindfulness workshop,2015,2017,214,72,Burnout,Perceived stress,Job engagement,Quality of Life,Wellbeing,Interpersonal communication,Mindfulness,Non-attachment,Sick leave,,,,,,,,,,,15 item- Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory (CMBI) (7 point scale),14 item- Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) (5 point Likert scale),9 item- Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (6 point scale),12 item- Short Form Health Survey Version 2 (SF-12v2) (3 or 5 point scales),5 item- World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5) (6 point scale),13 item- Interpersonal Communication Assessment Scale (ICAS) (4 point Likert scale),20 item- Chinese Version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire Short Form (FFMQ-SF) (5 point Likert scale),30 item- Non-attachment Scale (NAS) (6 point scale),Sick leave days,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,0,France,GIM,Mix,62.5,36,Prospective Observational,Single,,,,32,32,Health and well-being,Success,Pleasure in self realisation,harmony,Intention to leave,Workload,Patient caregiver ratio,Working hours,Rest after nights,Alternating day and night,,,,,,,,,,VAS (0-10),VAS,VAS,VAS,VAS,Yes No,Yes no respect for breaktime,No of patients per one caregiver,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2009,0,Canada,Orthopaedics,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,2004,2006,35,4,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"8 questions on resident wellbeing (amount of time in ED after midnight, sleep, faculty mindful of workload, trauma service set up) 7 point likert",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,1,UK,Emergency Medicine,Residents,42.8,27,Cohort Study,Multi,4 time points,2010,2011,217,87,Anxiety and depression,Motivational effort,Job satisfaction,Confidence,Self repored competence,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 item scales 5 point likert,3 items 5 point likert,15 item Job Satisfaction Scale 7 point likert,"Confidence in managing 23 common acute medical conditions, 9 point likert",Competence in performing acute procedures 9 point likert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2015,1,Switzerland,GP,GP,73,54.5,Cohort Study,Multi,,,,270,252,Lack of reward by patients,Workload,Patient demands,Interpersonal conflict in GP,Burnout,Sleep problems,Self percived health,,,,,,,,,,,,,Bakker 3 items,ISTA 4 items,CSS 6 items,Jehns measure 4 items,MBI,Jenkins 4 items,SF 36,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 1995,0,Israel,Mix,Mix,70,39.5,Cross Sectional Survey ,Multi,,,,,40,Occupational choice satisfaction,Work satisfaction,Anxiety ,Burnout,Somatic complaints,Self esteem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"3 items 2x 5 point likert, 1 x binary","Job Description Index 16 items, 3 point likert",State Trait Anxiety Inventory,"Pines, Aronson, Kafry 20 item inventory 7 point likert",Caplan 1975 scale 11 items 3 point likert,Givoli and Melamed Inventory 1984 4 items 7 point likert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,USA,Surgery,Residents,36.9,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2010,2011,,179,Psychological wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Psychological general wellbeing index (22 items, 6 point likert)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2005,0,France,Intensive Care,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,,168,Idividual wellbeing- Burnout,Individual wellbeing - Gneral job satisfaction,Individual wellbeing -Intention to quit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI,1 ITEM 5 point likert,1 ITEM 5 point likert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,0,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Controlled Interventional Study ,Single,Mindfulness in motion 8 week programme 1 hour per week,,,66,31,Halthcare qualiy events,Perceived stress,Burnot,Work Engagement,Self compassion,Self transcendence,Cost savings,wellbeing,Anxiety,,,,,,,,,,,Adverse events,Perceived stress scale (PSS),MBI,Utrecht work engagement scale,Self compassion scale 12 items,Self transcendence scale,Physician wellbeing index,Depression anxiety stress scale 21,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,Finland,Mix,Mix,54.7,49.39,Cohort Study,Multi,,2006,2015,,2815,Wellbeing,Psychological distress,Sleeping problems,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Work ability index 1 item, 10 point likert",GHQ12,Jenkins sleep problems scale,Suicidal ideation 1 item 4 options,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2006,1,Australia,GP,Mix,58,52,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2003,,22000,455,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,VAS 4 categories,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,Denmark,GP,GP,55.7,56.4,Cohort Study,Multi,,2016,,,392,Burnout,General wellbeing,general stress,Job related stress,Job satisfaction,self rated workability,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI HSS,WHO wellbeing index,Cohens perceived stress scale,1 item 3 point likert,Warr Cook Wall Job satisfaction scale,1 ITEM of the workability index 11 point likert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2000,0,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,,308,Personal wellbeing,Spiritual wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Wellness index (slivinske, fitch, morawski 1996)","Pauloutxian, Ellison 1982",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2012,1,Australia,Oncology,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,,46,Subjective wellbeing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Personal wellbeing index for adults,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,0,Australia,GP,Mix,,,Controlled Interventional Study ,Multi,Mindful self care and resiliency 1 day workshop,,,,60,Wellbeing,"1,3,6 month f/u",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHO wellbeing index 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 1999,0,UK,Mix,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,,,7,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Occupational stress indicator Cooper,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,0,Norway,Mix,Mix,67.3,52.6,Cohort Study,Multi,,2000,2010,1253,715,Subjective wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"When you think about your life at the moment, would you say that by and large you are satisfied with life or are you mostly dissatisfied?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 1996,0,UK,GP,GP,68.9,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,,380,Psychological wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Crown crisp experiential index,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2014,1,Italy,Mix,Mix,,38.56,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,,176,Personal wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GHQ12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2009,1,India,Mix,Mix,50,37.87,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,,,Happiness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Happiness measure labeled life orientation questionnaire (LOQ) Part 1 10 items on life satisfaction (7 poit scale), Part 2 domain specific happiness 7 items t point scale, Part 3 24 items intensity of feelings 5 point likert",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,1,USA,Mix,Residents,63.2,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2010,2012,,193,Wellbeing,,Gender Judgement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dupuy Psychological General Wellbeing scale,Maslach Burnout Inventory,4 item gender judgement scale with 5 point likert scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,1,USA,Mix,Residents,51,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2010,2011,,476,Wellbeing,Psychological health,Gender gap perception,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dupuy Psychological General Wellbeing scale,Maslach Burnout Inventory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,USA,Surgery,Residents,58,30.4,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2011,2017,,169,Belonging,Welbeing,Depression,Burnout,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10 item scale 5 point likert,Dupuy genearl psychological wellbeing scale,Beck depression inventory (13 item short form),MBI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2009,0,Netherlands,GIM,Residents,39.3,31.5,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2005,,5245,2115,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI,"Self constructed scale, 4 items, 5 point likert",Single item How happy are you with your life? 10 point likert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,0,Turkey,Emergency Medicine,Mix,54,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2014,2014,38,38,Household economic wellbeing,Burnout,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 item 4 point likert scale,MBI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,0,USA,Mix,Residents,48.6,27.5,Cohort Study,Multi,"Baseline, 3,6,9,12 months",2009,2011,4005,2323,Subjective wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14 item Mental Health Continuum Short Form,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,0,USA,Oncology,Mix,50.4,52,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2012,,3000,1490,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MBI,"Career satisfaction 2 items, yes no (would become a physician again, oncologist again)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2005,1,International,Oncology,Mix,85.2,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,395,241,Overall wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"LASA QOL 10 items, 10 point Likert",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2014,1,USA,Oncology,Fellows,52.8,33,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2013,2014,1373,1345,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,QOL 1 item 10 point likert scale,"Satisfaction with work life balance ""My work schedule leaves me enough time fo my personal/family life 1 item, 5 point likert",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,1,UK,Mix,Consultants,43.7,,Cohort Study,Multi,Graduates of 1974 77 and 2014,,,5482,3695,Health and well-being,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Do you feel that working as a doctor has had any adverse effects on your own health and wellbeing? YES NO,"Free text to expand produced 7 themes (stress/worklife balance, illness, exercise/weight/alcohol, policies and patients, availability of support, effects of ageing)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2006,0,Australia,Psychiatry,Mix,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,,80,43,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Well Being Scale 15 items, 3 point likert",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2010,0,Australia,Oncology,Consultants,82.8,,Cross Sectional Survey,Miulti,,,2008,37,29,Occupational wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Job satisfaction (Ramirez 26 items),Sources of stress (Ramirez),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2008,0,UK,Mix,Mix,,,Qualitative,Multi,semi-structured,,2003,,49,Personal wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Secondary data analysis of interview transcripts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,1,Canada,GP,Residents,37.8,38.5,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2006,2011,,307,Personal professional wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"2 items, 5 point likert scale",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,1,USA,Mix,Mix,64.2,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2009,2011,2000,1289,Physician Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Career satisfaction 1 item, 5 point likert",life satisfaction 1 item (I am satisfied with my life) 7 point likert,high life meaning 1 item (I have found a satisfactory meaning in life) 7 point likert,commitment to direct patient care (in the next few years I hopte to reduce the amount of time I spend in direct patient care) 4 point likert,commitment to clinical practice (in the next few years I hope to leave the practice of medicine) 4 point likert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2014,0,Poland,Mix,Residents,31,29.5,Cohort Study,Single,,1999,2009,320,54,General health and wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 items 5 ad 7 point,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,1,USA,Mix,Mix,,56,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2014,2014,35922,6880,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Personal accmplishment (scale 0-48),Fatigue (10 point likert),QOL (10 point likert),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2004,0,Australia,Emergency Medicine,Fellows,42,45,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2002,2002,510,323,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mastery scale (pearlin 1978),Optimism (revised life orientation test),Depression (Zung DEPRESSION SCALE),Anxiety (Zung anxiety scale),Physical Symtpoms (physical symptoms checklist adapted form Symptom Checklist 90),Life satisfaction (satisfaction with life scale diener 1985) ,Perceived stress (perceived stress scale),Regulation emotions (perceived control of internal states scale),,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2014,0,USA,GIM,Mix,82.3,47,Controlled Interventional study,Single,"12 weeks monitoring no feedback for control, 12 weeks minitoring with feedback and councelling",,,20,17,Wellbeing - Quality of life,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"NCHS General Well Being Schedule, Cwentre for epidemiological studies deression scale, LASA scale and Physican survey",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2007,1,Canada,GIM,Mix,60,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,,275,182,"Wellbeing (balanced life, satisfied with life, job satisfaction, the way their career is going)","Work demands (total work hours, work overload, emotional demands, work to family conflict)",Co-worker support,Spouse support,Positive patient interactions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 point Likert each,"Average hours a week and location, Likert items from Caplan, Cobb and French 1975, 2 Likert items from Fimian Fastenau Thomas 1988, 1 item from Netemeyer Boles and McMurrian 1996","1 item Thomas, Ganster 1995",1 itemThomas and Ganster 1995,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2001,0,USA,GP,Mix,99,47.3,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2000,2000,614,304,Apporaches to life,Relationships,Religion,Self care,Work,Dysfunctional strategies,Life events ,Happiness,Life satisfaction,Emotional functioning,Relationship support,Practice stress,Psychological well being,,,,,,,Interview theme,Interview theme,Interview theme,Interview theme,Interview theme,Interview theme,Life events checklist,Single item measure of happiness,,,,,Ryff's scale of psychological well being,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2014,1,USA,GIM,Mix,65.7,,RCT,Single,"19 Biweekly facilitated physician discussion groups incorporating mindfulness, reflection, shared experience",2010,2012,565,74,Engagement and meaning at work,Burnout,Stress,Depression,QOL,Fatigue,Work home conflict,Job satsifaction,Empathy,Physical wellbieng,Mental wellbeing,,,,,,,,,Empowerment at work scale,MBI,Perceived Stress Scale,Spiter et al 1994 (JAMA)2 question approach,Single item linear analog scale 0-10,Single item linear analog scale 0-11,"2 binary questions (work home conlfict in the past 3 weks, resolution of work home conflict)",Physicain Job Satisfaction Scale PJSS,Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy,SF8,SF8,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,0,USA,GIM,Programme directors,69.9,51.4,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2010,2010,377,282,QOL,Satisfaction with work-life balance,Depression,Burnout,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Linear Analog Scale Assessment (LASA),"Conflict between work and personal life 5 point likert, resolved in favour or work, personal, both",Spiter et al 1994 (JAMA)2 question approach,MBI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2010,1,USA,Mix,Residents,64.2,,Cohort Study,Single,,2004,2007,182,134,Medical knowledge,QOL/wellbeing,Mental and physical wellbeing,Burnout,Depression,Empathy,Work life balance,,,,,,,,,,,,,Internal Medicine In Training Examination (IMITE),Linear Analogue Self Assessment (LASA),SF8,MBI,PRIME-MD,Interpersonal Reactivity Index-Perspective Taking,Self reported satisfaction (0-10),,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,0,USA,GIM,Chief Medical Officers,91,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2015,,35,35,Burnout,Emotional and Social Competency,Sources of stress,Factors that bluence the stress appraisal process,Self management factors,Learning mindset factors,Emapthy factors,Self insight factors,Situational and social awareness factors,Impact of stress (inc wellbeing),,,,,,,,,,MBI-GS,Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI),Interviews,Interviews,Interviews,Interviews,Interviews,Interviews,Interviews,Interviews,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2006,0,USA,Mix,Mix,42,28.7,Prospective Observational,Single,,2003,2004,,227,Depression,Religosity,,Spiritual wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CESD 10 10 item centre for epidemiologic studies depression scale,5 iten Duke Religion Index,Brief RCOPE,Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy Spiritual Well-Being Expanded (FACIT-SpEx scale),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,1,USA,Mix,Consultants,62,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,2009,2010,2016,1208,Career satisfaction,Career and speciality Morale,Intentions,Burnout,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"(1 item, 3 point likert)",1 item (would not choose medicine as a career/speciality as career 3 point likert,1 item 3 point likert (would choose a different speciality),1 item 5 options (chose a definition),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,0,Canada,Mix,Residents,,27.65,Cohort Study,Single,Art of seeing educational intervention,2013,2014,,14,Empathy,,Mindfulness,Personal and professional wellbeing,Increased personal empathy,Greater awareness of other professions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Interpersonal Reactvity Index (28 items, 5 point likerts)","Compassion scale (24 items, 5 point likerts)","Mindfulness scale (39 items, 5 point likerts)",Interviews,Interviews,Interviews,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,0,France,Oncology,Mix,44,50.52,Qualitative,Single,semi-structured,,,25,,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Interview theme - direct and positvie link between empathy and wellbeing,Interview theme - optimal distance between listening to patients and presevin own emotional wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,1,Chile,Mix ,Mix,85,50,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,2006,,414,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BISUMED Bienestar Subjkectivo de los medicos (54 ITEMS),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2010,1,Chile,Mix,Mix,70.3,,Tool Development,Multi,,,,,580,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BISUMED (54 ITEMS),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2009,0,China,Mix,Mix,,,Prospective Observational,Multi,Professions,,,,851,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,General Wellbeing schedule,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,0,USA,Anaesthetics ,Residents ,63,32,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,Repeated cross-sectional survey In American Board of Anaesthesiology starters,2013,2016,14529,5295,Burnout,Distress,Depression,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) ,Physician Wellbeing Inventory,Harvard Department of Psychiatry/National Depression Screening Day Scale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2011,0,USA,GIM,Residents ,55.7,,Cohort Study,Multi,,2008,2009,16394 2008 then 8396 2009,,Medical knowledge,QOL,Burnout,Satisfaction with work life balance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IMITE,Linear Analogue Self Assessment (LASA),MBI,1 item 5 point likert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Review,Review,,,,,,Burnout,,,,,Depression,,,Anxiety,,Second victim syndrome,,,,,,,,,MBI HSS,1 item 7 point for EE,CBI,Utrecht Work engagment scale (UWES),Jefferson Scale of Empathy- Helath Professionals,,Beck depression inventory,Centre for epidemiologic studies depression scale,PHQ2,Beck Anxiety Inventory,State trait anxiety inventory,Second victim experience support tool,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,1,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Review,Review,,,,,,Wellbeing and quality of life,,,,,Resilience and mindfulness,,,,,Mood and personality,,,,,,,,,Physician wellness inventory,Physician wellbeing Index,QOL LASA,ProQOL,Epworth sleepiness scale,Connor davidson resilience scale,Perceived stress scale,Coping inventory for stressful situations,Ways of coping scale,The COPE inventory (brief),Myers briggs type indicator,Profile of mood states,Thomas kilman conflict mode instrument,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2005,1,Canada,Mix,Residents,47,29,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,2003,800,415,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Canadian Community Health survey,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2011,1,Taiwan,Mix,Mix,,40.52,Qualitative,Multi,,,2006,42,27,Spiritual Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Physician spiritual wellbeing scale (25 items 5 point),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2011,1,International,Mix,Mix,84,41.6,Cross Sectional Survey,Muti,,,2004,,1697,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GHQ12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,0,USA,GP,Residents,40.1,29,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,2012,219,168,Stress,Depression,Burnout,Life satisfaction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Percieved stress scale,Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale (CES-D) 20 ITEMS,MBI,SWLS (5 items),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2006,0,Austria,Anaesthetics,Mix,62.9,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,2006,,89,Emotional wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Health and stress profile ( 7 items, 5 point)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2007,0,USA,GIM,Residents,67,28.4,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,2003,163,139,Work rest balance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 items 4 point,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2010,0,International,Mix,Mix,42.7,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,2004,,1956,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GHQ12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2014,1,USA,Surgery,Mix,84.2,53,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,8000,1150,Physician Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mayo Clinic Physician Wellbeing Index (5 items),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2007,1,Turkey,GP,GP,44.1,37.7,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,274,202,Job related wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Job related affective wellbeing scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2014,0,Netherlands,Surgery,Residents,79,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,2011,112,105,Emotional wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,QOL LASA (1-5),Work life balance LASA (1-5),MBI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2007,1,Sweden,Mix,Consultants,67.4,50.4,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,,,169,Mental energy,Social climate,Work satisfaction,Influence,work-related wellbeing,Professional wellbeing,Supportive leadership,Skills development,,,,,,,,,,,,Quaility work competence tool QWC (6 ITEMS),QWC (4 items),3 items,QWC (3 items),QWC( 4 items),,3 items,QWC (2 ITEMS),,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2004,1,Sweden,Mix,Mix,0,,Controlled Interventional Study,Multi,3 Management training programmes,,2004,104,58,Mental energy,Social climate,Work satisfaction,work related exhaustion,self-esteem,Organisational,participation,goal clarity,efficiency,feedback,workload,influence,authority,,,,,,,Quaility work competence tool QWC (6 ITEMS),QWC (4 items),4 items,qwc (4 items),Rosenberg's classic scale,,QWC (3 items),QWC (5 ITEMS),QWC (3 ITEMS),QWC (4 ITEMS),QWC (3 ITEMS),3 ITEMS,4 ITEMS,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,0,USA,EM,Residents,,,Interventional no control,Single,Emergency Medicine Reflection Rounds,,2010,,9,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 items ( 5point likert and free text,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2005,1,USA,Surgery,Residents,,,Cohort Study,Single,,,2003,29,28,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,SF36,Beck Depression Inventory II,1 item in the Likert scale survey,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2008,1,Canada,Mix,Residents,47,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,2004,,,Wellbeing,Life satisfaction,History of mental health problems,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Canadian community Health survey Masse et al,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2013,1,USA,Mix,Residents,29,26.7,Qualitative,Single,,,2013,17,,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Draw a graph of wellbeing over a year,Interview themes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 1995,0,USA,GP,Residents,52,32,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,1994,86,59,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Interview themes,"Faces scale Withey 1976 - current feeling, and baseline",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2014,1,USA,Surgery,Residents,63.1,,Cohort study,Multi,,,2014,,141,Psychological wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dupuy pyshcological wellbeing scale,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2005,1,USA,GIM,Residents,47,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,2004,161,118,Career satisfaction,Depression,Professional burnout,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Self created ACGME ,Depression screening tool,MBI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2015,0,USA,Mix,Residents,,,Interventional no control,Single,Mindfulness based resilience training,,2012,47,30,Psychological wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mindful attention awareness scale (MAAS),Cognitive failures score,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2011,0,UK,Mix,Mix,,,Cohort Study,Single,,,2002,123,121,Subjective wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Clinical outcomes in routine evaluation -outcome measure (34 items 5 point),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 1998,0,Australia,GP,GP,0,39.6,Interventional no control,Single,Solution focused seminars,,1998,,20,Wor-related psychological wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GHQ12,Job satisfaction modified 16 item Warr 1979),MBI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2008,0,Germany,Mix,Mix,,60.1,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,2005,761,296,Physical and mental wellbeing,Job satisfaction,Intention to leave,Work ability,Personal distress,Burnout,General health,,,,,,,,,,,,,,COPSOQ,COPSOQ,Work ability index,COPSOQ,CBI,COPSOQ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2007,0,New Zealand,Psychiatry,Consultants,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Single,,,,,12,Emotional Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Interview,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 1985,0,Netherlands,GP,Consultants,,,Cross Sectional Survey,Multi,,,1985,112,57,Wellbeing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 item 5 point,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2018,0,International,Mix,Mix,,,Systematic review,Mulit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2015,0,International,Mix,Mix,,,Systematic Review,Multi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2005,0,International,Mix,Mix,,,Systematic review,Multi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2019,0,International,Psychiatry,Mix,,,Systematic Review,Multi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,1,International,Mix,Residents,,,Systematic review,Multi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2015,1,International,Mix,Mix,,,Systematic Review,Multi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2017,1,International,Mix,Mix,,,Systematic review,Multi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the results as explcit or implied outcome 2016,1,International,GP,GP,,,Systematic Review,Multi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2016,0,International,Mix,Mix,,,Systematic Review,Multi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wellbeing appears in the methods as explicit or implied outcome 2018,0,USA,Mix,Mix,,,Systematic Review,Multi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wellbeing appears in the introduction as explicit aim or hypothesis