READ ME File For: Dataset for article 'A combined electrochemical, XPS and STXM study of lithium nitride as a protective coating for lithium-metal and lithium-sulfur batteries' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2733 ReadMe Author: Nuria Garcia-Araez, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Samuel D.S. Fitch, Gilles E. Moehl, Nina Meddings, Sacha Fop, Samantha Soulé, Tien-Lin Lee, Majid Kazemian, Nuria Garcia-Araez and Andrew L. Hector TITLE: A combined electrochemical, XPS and STXM study of lithium nitride as a protective coating for lithium-metal and lithium-sulfur batteries JOURNAL: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces This dataset contains the data in the figures in the main article and supporting information The figures are as follows: Figure 1: Synchrotron XPS spectra for the Li 1s and O 1s regions of the pristine battery-grade lithium foil as a function of increasing excitation energies, with the calculated average probing depth provided for each spectrum. Figure 3: Synchrotron XPS spectra for the Li 1s and N 1s regions of the unmodified and nitrided electrodeposited lithium electrodes as a function of increasing excitation energies, with the calculated average probing depth provided for each spectrum. Figure 4: Voltage vs. time plots for the unidirectional galvanostatic polarization of the unmodified and nitrided electrodeposited lithium working electrodes in Li-Li cells. Experiments were done at a fixed current density of 5 mA cm-2, using a pristine battery-grade lithium foil as counter/reference electrode. Figure 5: Voltage vs. time profiles for the plating/stripping processes of unmodified and nitrided electrodeposited lithium electrodes, using a current density of 2 mA cm-2 in Li-Li symmetric cells, and associated Nyquist plots of the impedance spectra for the unmodified and nitrided samples before and after plating/stripping. Figure 8: STXM image (15 x 15 µm, 2460 eV, pixel size = 150 nm) of an unmodified electrodeposited lithium electrode exposure to a polysulfide solution for 30 minutes, Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra at the S K-edge energies and corresponding cluster map. Figure 9: STXM image (15 x 15 µm, 2460 eV, pixel size = 150 nm) of an nitrided electrodeposited lithium electrode exposure to a polysulfide solution for 30 minutes, Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra at the S K-edge energies and corresponding cluster map. Figure 10: Synchrotron XPS spectra for the S 2p and N 1s regions of the unmodified and nitrided electrodeposited lithium electrodes exposed to a polysulfide solution for 30 minutes, as a function of increasing excitation energies, with the calculated average probing depth provided for each spectrum Figure 11: XPS spectra (conventional Al Kα) for the S 2p and N 1s regions of the unmodified and nitrided electrodeposited lithium electrodes exposed to a polysulfide solution for 30 minutes, after 30 seconds of etching. Figure S2: Synchrotron XPS spectra for the O 1s, N 1s, C 1s and Li 1s regions of the surface of the pristine battery-grade lithium foil with native passivation layer as a function of increasing excitation energies, with the calculated average probing depth provided for each spectrum. Figure S3: Voltage profiles of the electrodeposition process for two identical cells in forming plated lithium electrodes on Ni discs. Figure S5: Synchrotron XPS spectra for the O 1s, and C 1s regions of the unmodified electrodeposited lithium electrode as a function of increasing excitation energies, with the calculated average probing depth provided for each spectrum. Figure S6: Synchrotron XPS spectra for the O 1s and C 1s regions of the nitrided electrodeposited lithium electrode as a function of increasing excitation energies, with the calculated average probing depth provided for each spectrum. Figure S8: NEXAFS spectrum of the S K-edge energy for the LiTFSI salt standard and Li2S6 standard. Figure S9: Cycling performance of Li-S cell assembled with an electrodeposited lithium anode that had been reacted with N2 (nitride) or not (unmodified) at C/10. Figure S10: Voltage profile at selected cycles for the Li-S cells as C/10 Date of data collection: 2016 to 2021 Information about geographic location of data collection: Southampton, UK Licence: CC-BY Related projects: Faraday Institution project 'LiSTAR' (EP/S003053/1, Grant FIRG014), EPSRC fellowship (EP/N024303/1) Date that the file was created: August, 2023