READ ME File For 'What are Children and Young People’s Views on and Experiences of Gratitude Interventions?' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2745 ReadMe Author: Rosalind Keefe, University of Southampton ORCID ID: This dataset supports the thesis entitled 'What are Children and Young People’s Views on and Experiences of Gratitude Interventions?' AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2023 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA This dataset contains transcripts of interviews with ten primary aged children. Participants are identified using pseudonyms. Interviews were semi-structured and audio recorded. The audio recordings were transcribed by the researcher. The transcripts have been anonymised and identifiable information has been removed. This dataset contains: A data zip file. Within this zip file there are the following documents: - Interview transcript 1 - Interview transcript 2 - Interview transcript 3 - Interview transcript 4 - Interview transcript 5 - Interview transcript 6 - Interview transcript 7 - Interview transcript 8 - Interview transcript 9 - Interview transcript 10 A copy of my participant information sheet and parent consent form - June 2022 Date of data collection: 05.07.2022 19.07.2022 Information about geographic location of data collection: City in the Southeast of England Date that the file was created: August, 2023