READ ME File For thesis project titled 'Psychological Therapy for Older People' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Laura Prodger, University of Southampton, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4063-131X This dataset supports the thesis entitled 'Psychological Therapy for Older People' AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2023 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA This dataset contains: Chapter 1 data which consists of quantitative data from included studies which was analysed usng Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Software. Chapter 2 includes study recruitment documents including consent form, GDPR patient information sheet, qualitative protocol, debrief form, transcription confidentality agreement, Participant GP letter, ethical approval from the University of Southampton and from NHS Ethics. Date of data collection: [July 2021-July 2022] Information about geographic location of data collection: Participants were interviewed in an NHS setting or in their home. Licence: CY BY Date that the file was created: August 2023