Participant ID,Date Started,Total Time Taken to complete survey,Referer,Do you give your consent to take part in this survey? ,Do you agree to be contacted by the researcher to consider taking part in further surveys? ,Are you a Medical Student? ,What BM Programme are you on? ,What year are you in? ,How old are you (years)? ,How would you describe your gender? ,What is your ethnicity? Chose the option that best describes your ethnic group or background ,"If you selected other, please describe: ",What is your religion?,"If you selected other, please describe: ",How often roughly could you give 5 minutes to measure your wellbeing? ,What format of measurement of your wellbeing would be best for you? ,"Conversation, face to face","Conversation, voice only call","Conversation, video call","Survey, paper","Survey, downloaded app","Survey, online",Do you have any other completely new formats to suggest (optional)? ,Other (described in your free text answer to the question at the start of this section)?,Should the measurement of wellbeing in medical students be used for the following: ,Research?,Governance nationally (General Medical Council)?,Governance locally (university audit/evaluation of interventions)?,Individual feedback (person reflected their own wellbeing)?,Patient safety (data about an individual for fitness to practice)?,An introduction to exploring wellbeing?,Are there any other completely new categories (optional)? ,Other (described in your free text answer to the question at the start of this section)?,"Do you think the following type of measure of wellbeing in medical students might be feasible, valid and reliable and used in general: ",A biomarker (e.g. hair cortisol levels)?,A measure taken by someone else (e.g. sickness absence days)?,A measure taken by you (e.g. Public health surveillance wellbeing scale)?,A descriptive measure taken by you (e.g. reflective writing about your wellbeing over the last 12 months)?,A measure taken by someone else in real-time (joined a Teams teaching session that day)?,A measure taken by you in real-time (e.g. 12 Item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12))?,A descriptive measure taken by you in real-time (e.g. a daily blog)?,"Do you have any other completely new categories of types of measure to suggest, in addition to those listed above? -- -- ","Which determinants of wellbeing should be measured, bearing in mind the burden of the number asked about? ",Ability to do activities of daily living,Alcohol and substance use,Autonomy,Available Technology and Communications,Awe and wonder,Belonging,Body image and attractiveness,Bullying and harassment,Civility,Competence,Dependence on medication/treatment,Energy and fatigue,Faith,Financial Resources (inc need for student/hardship loans),"Flexible studying (duration, intensity, pattern, location, tasks)",Health and Social care available to you,Health and Social care available to patients you see,Home Environment,Hope and optimism,Influence on policy (national and university),Inner peace,Meaning in life,Mobility,Negative feelings,Other students' support,Pain and discomfort,Personal relationships,Physical environment (green space),"Physical environment at University/Clinically (office, changing, parking, rest facilities)","Physical safety and security (inc PPE provision, violence at work)",Positive feelings,Practical social support (inc care of dependents),Purpose in life,Recreation and leisure,Respect,Self esteem,Sex life,Sleep and rest,Student to university/clinical staff member ratio,"Thinking, learning, memory and concentration",Transport,University administration,University pastoral support,University study Skill Support,Wholeness and integration,Work ability,Workload,Other,"If other, please describe: ","At a 30 minute conversation, I would feel comfortable discussing measurement of my wellbeing with (Tick any that apply)","No one, I would not want to discuss it","No one, I would rather use a website","No one, I would rather use an app",An individual identified by me,A medical student in the same year,A medical student in a higher year,Personal Academic Tutor,Pastoral Tutor,University Student Life Service,BMA wellbeing support services,Clinical Supervisor,Other,"If other, please describe: ",WARWICK EDINBURGH MENTAL WELLBEING SCALE (WEMWBS). Below are some statements about feelings and thoughts. Please choose the button that best describes your experience of each over the last 2 weeks. ,Ive been feeling optimistic about the future,Ive been feeling useful,Ive been feeling relaxed,Ive been feeling interested in other people,Ive had energy to spare,Ive been dealing with problems well,Ive been thinking clearly,Ive been feeling good about myself,Ive been feeling close to other people,Ive been feeling confident,Ive been able to make up my own mind about things,Ive been feeling loved,Ive been interested in new things,Ive been feeling cheerful,"GENERALISED ANXIETY DISORDER 7 QUESTIONNAIRE. Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? ","Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge",Not being able to stop or control worrying,Worrying too much about different things,Trouble relaxing,Being so restless that it is hard to sit still,Becoming easily annoyed or irritable,Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen,PATIENT HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE 9. Over the last 2 weeks have you been bothered by any of the following problems? ,Little interest or pleasure in doing things,"Feeling down, depressed or hopeless","Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much",Feeling or having little energy,Poor appetite or over eating,Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down,"Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television",Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite — being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual,Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way,"OLDENBURG BURNOUT INVENTORY. In answering these questions consider ""work"" to be any activity related to studying medicine and not paid, or voluntary, work outside of this.",I always find new and interesting aspects of my work,There are days when I feel tired before work,It happens more and more often that I talk about my work in a negative way,"After work, I tend to need more time than in the past in order to relax and feel better",I can tolerate the pressure of my work well,"Lately, I tend to think less while studying and do it automatically",I find my work to be a positive challenge,"During work, I often feel emotionally drained","Over time, one can become disconnected from this type of work","After work, I have enough time for my leisure activities",Sometimes I feel sickened by my work tasks,"After my work, I usually feel worn out and weary",This is the only type of work I can imagine myself doing,"Usually, I can manage the amount of my work well",I feel more and more engaged in my work,"When I work, I usually feel energised" 4280327,10th Nov 2020 1:25 pm,"9 minutes, 30 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM4,2,25,Female,Indian,,Muslim,,Every hour,,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Neutral,Moderately agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,,More than half the days,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree 4280338,10th Nov 2020 1:31 pm,"11 minutes, 7 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every other day,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree 4280342,10th Nov 2020 1:35 pm,"5 minutes, 24 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,999,5,25,Female,Bangladeshi,,Muslim,,Every 24 hours,,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Neutral,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neutral,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Several days,,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree 4280352,10th Nov 2020 1:38 pm,"7 minutes, 34 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,21,Female,Any other Asian background,Tamil,Hindu,,Every 24 hours,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Several days,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,,More than half the days,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,Nearly every day,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree 4280396,10th Nov 2020 2:10 pm,"8 minutes, 45 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM6,4,24,Male,African,,Muslim,,Every week,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Agree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,,,,Moderately disagree,Disagree,Mildly agree,Agree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree 4280411,10th Nov 2020 2:18 pm,"9 minutes, 6 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Prefer not to say,,Every 24 hours,,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,,Strongly disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4280425,10th Nov 2020 2:26 pm,"7 minutes, 48 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,999,6,23,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 2 weeks,,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Mildly disagree,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately disagree,,,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4280426,10th Nov 2020 2:26 pm,"7 minutes, 49 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every week,,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Disagree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Neutral,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,,,,Disagree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Rarely,None of the time,Rarely,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree 4280443,10th Nov 2020 2:40 pm,"7 minutes, 56 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,2,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neutral,Agree,,,,Agree,Moderately disagree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Moderately disagree,Mildly disagree,Agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,More than half the days,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4280506,10th Nov 2020 3:20 pm,"8 minutes, 38 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Male,Pakistani,N/A,Prefer not to say,N/A,Every 6 hours,,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Agree,,,,Strongly disagree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,Rarely,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,Often,Rarely,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4280520,10th Nov 2020 3:26 pm,"16 minutes, 2 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,24,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every other day,,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4280525,10th Nov 2020 3:30 pm,999,Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM6,5,22,Male,Indian,,Hindu,,Every week,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4280582,10th Nov 2020 4:18 pm,999,Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,2,27,Female,Arab,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 2 weeks,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,,,,Neutral,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly agree,,,,Moderately disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4280587,10th Nov 2020 4:26 pm,"10 minutes, 17 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,6,23,Male,African,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every month,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Doing a seminar focus meeting with other medical students to reflect on wellbeing. I think if run correctly these types of sessions where anyone can speak and discuss matters can be beneficial,Agree,,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,,,,Disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Neutral,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,Often,Often,Often,Some of the time,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree 4280598,10th Nov 2020 4:31 pm,"7 minutes, 43 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM6,3,23,Female,Pakistani,,No religion,,Every 12 hours,,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Disagree,Mildly agree,,,,Disagree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree 4280599,10th Nov 2020 4:31 pm,999,Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 6 hours,,Agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Mildly disagree,Neutral,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,,,,Agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,Several days,Nearly everyday,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Nearly every day,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4280618,10th Nov 2020 4:42 pm,"15 minutes, 23 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 12 hours,,Agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,,,,Agree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4280627,10th Nov 2020 4:49 pm,"4 minutes, 27 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every other day,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,Several days,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Several days,Nearly everyday,Several days,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Nearly every day,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4280670,10th Nov 2020 5:28 pm,"9 minutes, 30 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Moderately disagree,Mildly agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,All of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Often,Some of the time,,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Several days,Nearly every day,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree 4280676,10th Nov 2020 5:34 pm,999,Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,20,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4280715,10th Nov 2020 6:05 pm,"14 minutes, 13 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Mildly agree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Several days,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4280716,10th Nov 2020 6:09 pm,99,Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,23,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4280745,10th Nov 2020 6:43 pm,"10 minutes, 27 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,5,23,Female,Any other White background,,No religion,,Every 6 months,,Mildly disagree,Moderately disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Moderately agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly agree,Disagree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,,,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,Several days,Several days,Nearly everyday,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,,More than half the days,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Several days,Nearly every day,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree 4280863,10th Nov 2020 8:41 pm,"7 minutes, 38 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,6,23,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,,,,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,,,,Moderately agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Several days,Several days,Nearly everyday,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree 4280871,10th Nov 2020 8:52 pm,"11 minutes, 31 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Moderately disagree,,Mildly agree,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,Strongly agree,,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Obviously its difficult measuring mental health - quantitative data will be easier to collate for u,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,All of the time,All of the time,Often,All of the time,Often,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,Often,All of the time,All of the time,,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree 4280873,10th Nov 2020 8:53 pm,999,Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,22,Male,Any other Asian background,Sri Lankan ,Hindu,,Every week,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4280953,10th Nov 2020 11:20 pm,"17 minutes, 32 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",,Yes,BM4,2,26,Female,Any other Asian background,,Prefer not to say,,Every 12 hours,,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,,,,Neutral,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Disagree,Mildly agree,Moderately disagree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,A tutor/someone not involved in the faculty that would generally keep disclosed information confidential. ,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,,More than half the days,Several days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree 4280955,10th Nov 2020 11:21 pm,"7 minutes, 25 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM4,2,24,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Neutral,Strongly agree,Agree,,,,Neutral,Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Disagree,Moderately agree,,,,Disagree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Strongly agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Some of the time,Rarely,,Several days,Several days,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Not at all,,Nearly every day,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree 4280967,10th Nov 2020 11:35 pm,"10 minutes, 38 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Prefer not to say,,Every 12 hours,,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly disagree,Agree,Agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Several days,Several days,Several days,,More than half the days,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree 4281103,11th Nov 2020 7:47 am,"10 minutes, 47 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Indian,,Hindu,,Every 4 hours,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neutral,Neutral,Mildly agree,,,,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Mildly disagree,,,,Moderately disagree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4281192,11th Nov 2020 10:03 am,"24 minutes, 39 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,22,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every week,,Mildly disagree,Neutral,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,,,,Moderately disagree,Moderately disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Neutral,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Often,Often,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4281280,11th Nov 2020 12:06 pm,"8 minutes, 6 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Any other White background,English and Polish,Other,Spiritual,Every 4 hours,,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Moderately disagree,,Agree,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,,,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,,Several days,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,More than half the days,More than half the days,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree 4281675,11th Nov 2020 6:38 pm,"19 minutes, 25 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,2,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 2 weeks,,Mildly agree,Disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,Mildly disagree,Agree,,,,Neutral,Agree,Agree,Neutral,Disagree,Neutral,,,,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Moderately disagree,Disagree,Strongly agree,Disagree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Nearly every day,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree 4281701,11th Nov 2020 7:48 pm,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BMEU,4,22,Female,Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background,German/Turkish,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,,Strongly agree,Disagree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly disagree,Agree,,,,Disagree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly agree,Reflective interview (guided reflection),,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4281714,11th Nov 2020 8:05 pm,"13 minutes, 17 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BMEU,4,22,Female,Any other White background,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every other day,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Mildly disagree,Neutral,,,,Neutral,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Neutral,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree 4281717,11th Nov 2020 8:11 pm,"12 minutes, 21 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,2,21,Female,Indian,,No religion,,Every 12 hours,,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Neutral,,,,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,,,,Neutral,Neutral,Agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,GP/Doctor,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Not at all,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Several days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,Not at all,Nearly every day,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree 4282917,13th Nov 2020 1:04 pm,"6 minutes, 35 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Strongly agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4283081,13th Nov 2020 4:55 pm,"7 minutes, 23 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,5,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every month,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Mildly disagree,Disagree,Moderately agree,,,,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,,More than half the days,More than half the days,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4283110,13th Nov 2020 5:19 pm,"8 minutes, 19 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,5,23,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 2 weeks,,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Neutral,,,,Agree,Disagree,Strongly agree,Moderately disagree,Neutral,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Not at all,Nearly everyday,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,Several days,Several days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4283407,14th Nov 2020 9:49 am,"8 minutes, 59 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Other,Spiritualist,Every 24 hours,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,Nearly everyday,Not at all,,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Several days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Several days,Not at all,,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree 4283906,15th Nov 2020 12:56 pm,"7 minutes, 53 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 6 hours,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Nearly everyday,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4284664,16th Nov 2020 3:49 pm,"9 minutes, 18 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 12 hours,,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,,,,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4284669,16th Nov 2020 3:51 pm,999,Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM6,4,22,Male,Arab,,Muslim,,Every 4 hours,,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4284802,16th Nov 2020 5:02 pm,"9 minutes, 58 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Arab,,Muslim,,Every 24 hours,,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,Disagree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,,Moderately agree,Neutral,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Agree,Screening for people that may need extra support/are going through a hard time but dont voice it ,Strongly agree,,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Nearly everyday,,More than half the days,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Nearly every day,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree 4285964,17th Nov 2020 3:19 pm,"9 minutes, 53 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every week,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree 4285992,17th Nov 2020 3:32 pm,999,Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM4,4,28,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 4 hours,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4286135,17th Nov 2020 5:22 pm,"7 minutes, 42 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,21,Female,White and Black African,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Disagree,Mildly disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately disagree,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,Often,All of the time,All of the time,Often,Often,Often,Often,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree 4286348,17th Nov 2020 8:09 pm,"11 minutes, 1 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,28,Female,Chinese,,Buddhist,,Every month,,Mildly agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,qualified therapist or counsellor,,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree 4286368,17th Nov 2020 8:35 pm,"19 minutes, 2 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,22,Female,Chinese,,No religion,,Every 2 weeks,,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Agree,Neutral,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4286389,17th Nov 2020 9:20 pm,"9 minutes, 48 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Male,Any other White background,Northern,No religion,Jedi,Every 24 hours,,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Disagree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Nearly every day,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree 4286403,17th Nov 2020 9:32 pm,"8 minutes, 11 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,21,Male,Pakistani,,Muslim,,Every week,,Moderately disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately disagree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree 4286482,17th Nov 2020 10:19 pm,"11 minutes, 53 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every other day,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Identification of specific causes for wellbeing issues amongst medical students,Strongly agree,,Disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,Often,Often,All of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4287887,19th Nov 2020 4:00 pm,"10 minutes, 7 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,2,19,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 6 hours,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree 4288017,19th Nov 2020 6:56 pm,"10 minutes, 46 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,5,23,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Strongly disagree,Mildly disagree,Moderately disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,,Mildly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,All of the time,Often,Rarely,Often,None of the time,Often,All of the time,Often,All of the time,Some of the time,Often,All of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree 4289361,21st Nov 2020 8:20 am,999,Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Moderately agree,Neutral,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,,,,,,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4292156,25th Nov 2020 2:09 pm,"14 minutes, 34 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,23,Female,Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background,,No religion,,Every week,,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Moderately agree,,,,Agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,,More than half the days,Several days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Several days,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Not at all,Several days,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree 4292162,25th Nov 2020 2:15 pm,999,Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every week,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,,,,,,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4292253,25th Nov 2020 3:50 pm,"11 minutes, 55 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,21,Female,African,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every week,,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Agree,,,,Moderately agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,"SUSU Not keen on talking to the faculty",,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree 4293074,26th Nov 2020 4:37 pm,"5 minutes, 40 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,21,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Prefer not to say,,Every year,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Neutral,,,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4293087,26th Nov 2020 4:53 pm,"12 minutes, 55 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,22,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every month,,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Neutral,Agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Neutral,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,,,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4293091,26th Nov 2020 4:58 pm,"17 minutes, 5 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every other day,,Agree,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Agree,Mildly agree,,,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,,,All of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,Often,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,All of the time,Often,Often,,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4293125,26th Nov 2020 5:39 pm,"6 minutes, 18 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM6,4,22,Male,Arab,,Muslim,,Every 24 hours,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree 4293601,27th Nov 2020 11:55 am,"13 minutes, 45 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 6 months,,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Neutral,Disagree,Mildly agree,email ,Neutral,,Mildly agree,Neutral,Neutral,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Neutral,,,,Mildly disagree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Mildly disagree,,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,Often,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,Often,Often,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Nearly every day,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4295109,30th Nov 2020 1:03 pm,"12 minutes, 44 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM6,6,23,Female,African,,Muslim,,Every week,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly agree,,,,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Rarely,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4295669,30th Nov 2020 11:36 pm,"10 minutes, 17 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM6,2,21,Male,African,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 6 hours,,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,,,,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,Often,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Often,Often,Often,Some of the time,Often,All of the time,All of the time,Often,Often,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4295677,1st Dec 2020 12:00 am,"13 minutes, 53 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,21,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every year,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately disagree,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree 4295678,1st Dec 2020 12:00 am,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every month,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4295864,1st Dec 2020 10:46 am,999,Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,22,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 12 hours,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4305942,8th Dec 2020 3:03 pm,"26 minutes, 36 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,1,18,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 2 hours,,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,,,,Mildly agree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,Often,Often,Some of the time,All of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,,Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree 4315585,16th Dec 2020 11:51 am,"49 minutes, 38 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BMEU,3,22,Female,Any other White background,,Prefer not to say,,Every 6 hours,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Moderately disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,All of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4315814,16th Dec 2020 2:51 pm,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM6,3,22,Prefer not to say,African,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every hour,,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4316105,16th Dec 2020 5:11 pm,"9 minutes, 27 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Any other Asian background,,No religion,,Every month,,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Mildly agree,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree 4316238,16th Dec 2020 5:48 pm,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BMEU,3,23,Female,Any other White background,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,Send further support ,Agree,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4316305,16th Dec 2020 6:21 pm,"17 minutes, 25 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Any other White background,,Jewish,,Every month,,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4316392,16th Dec 2020 7:26 pm,"12 minutes, 50 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM6,3,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 2 months,,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,,,,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Strongly disagree,Neutral,,,,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Some of the time,Some of the time,None of the time,Some of the time,None of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,None of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,Not at all,Several days,Nearly every day,Several days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Several days,Not at all,Several days,,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree 4331121,1st Jan 2021 8:32 pm,"15 minutes, 12 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Prefer not to say,,Every 24 hours,,Neutral,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Mildly agree,Neutral,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,Nearly every day,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4333691,5th Jan 2021 4:59 pm,"18 minutes, 52 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Moderately disagree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Disagree,Moderately agree,,,,Mildly agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,All of the time,Often,Often,Some of the time,Often,All of the time,Often,Often,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree 4334958,7th Jan 2021 1:08 pm,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",,Yes,BM6,1,19,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every year,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4334959,7th Jan 2021 1:09 pm,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM6,1,19,Female,Arab,,Muslim,,Every hour,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4335849,8th Jan 2021 10:16 am,"18 minutes, 6 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,21,Male,Indian,,Sikh,,Every week,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Agree,,,,Moderately disagree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Nearly everyday,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree 4335859,8th Jan 2021 10:17 am,"9 minutes, 40 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every week,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,,,,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Disagree,Disagree,Mildly agree,Disagree,'month in pixels' or similar mood diary,,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Rarely,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree 4335868,8th Jan 2021 10:20 am,"10 minutes, 41 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Any other Asian background,,Hindu,,Every month,,Strongly disagree,Mildly disagree,Strongly disagree,Agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,,,,Neutral,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,Agree,Neutral,,,,Moderately disagree,Agree,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately disagree,Mildly disagree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,Often,All of the time,Some of the time,Often,All of the time,Often,Often,,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4335906,8th Jan 2021 11:05 am,"13 minutes, 15 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Any other Asian background,,Hindu,,Every 24 hours,,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree 4341291,15th Jan 2021 2:19 pm,"57 minutes, 25 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM4,1,26,Female,White and Black Caribbean,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,Moderately disagree,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,,Neutral,,Neutral,Moderately disagree,Agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,,Often,Often,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Often,Some of the time,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4341344,15th Jan 2021 3:41 pm,"14 minutes, 48 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every other day,,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Disagree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Rarely,None of the time,Often,Rarely,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Nearly everyday,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree 4341371,15th Jan 2021 4:14 pm,"11 minutes, 0 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Any other White background,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,,Moderately disagree,Moderately disagree,Mildly agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,,,Often,All of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Often,Often,All of the time,Often,Often,All of the time,All of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4341372,15th Jan 2021 4:14 pm,999,Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM4,3,23,Prefer not to say,Do not state,,Prefer not to say,,Every week,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4343018,18th Jan 2021 3:44 pm,"18 minutes, 7 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM4,1,25,Female,Pakistani,,Muslim,,Every 2 weeks,,Mildly disagree,Agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,Rarely,None of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,None of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,None of the time,Some of the time,None of the time,All of the time,Often,Rarely,Some of the time,,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree 4347899,23rd Jan 2021 4:06 pm,"10 minutes, 34 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,23,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Often,None of the time,Rarely,All of the time,Rarely,Often,Often,Some of the time,Often,Rarely,Often,All of the time,Often,Some of the time,,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Several days,,Nearly every day,Several days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Several days,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4349869,25th Jan 2021 12:41 pm,"17 minutes, 46 seconds",Virtual Learning Environment,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,1,19,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Disagree,Strongly disagree,Disagree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Neutral,,,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Agree,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,Neutral,No,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,A qualified counsellor or therapist.,,None of the time,None of the time,None of the time,None of the time,None of the time,None of the time,Some of the time,None of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,None of the time,Some of the time,None of the time,None of the time,,Nearly everyday,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Nearly everyday,,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,Nearly every day,Not at all,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree 4350310,25th Jan 2021 4:59 pm,999,Virtual Learning Environment,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,1,27,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every four days,,Disagree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Agree,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4358794,26th Jan 2021 3:10 pm,"1 hours, 50 minutes, 55 seconds",Virtual Learning Environment,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,1,19,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every other day,,Strongly agree,Disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,None of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,,Nearly everyday,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree 4360648,27th Jan 2021 8:56 am,"8 minutes, 55 seconds",Virtual Learning Environment,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM4,1,22,Female,White and Asian,,Muslim,,Every 24 hours,,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Some of the time,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4360891,27th Jan 2021 12:20 pm,999,Virtual Learning Environment,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,21,Female,Do not state,,Prefer not to say,,Every week,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4361336,27th Jan 2021 6:56 pm,"17 minutes, 13 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM4,1,24,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every week,,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,,,,Moderately disagree,Neutral,Agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately agree,An app where you simply click on a happy or sad face each day and maybe explain why to reflect on,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree 4361337,27th Jan 2021 6:56 pm,"11 minutes, 57 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,1,18,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 2 hours,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Moderately agree,,,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,To help understand and act on the level of need for local NHS services such as counselling/therapy,Agree,,Moderately agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,Nearly everyday,,Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree 4361339,27th Jan 2021 6:57 pm,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every other day,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4389761,17th Feb 2021 2:47 pm,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,2,19,Female,Indian,,Sikh,,Every week,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4389824,17th Feb 2021 3:53 pm,"11 minutes, 51 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BMEU,1,21,Female,Any other White background,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every other day,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Neutral,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Agree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,,,,Mildly agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,All of the time,Rarely,Often,All of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,All of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,Often,,Nearly everyday,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Nearly everyday,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Not at all,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4392157,19th Feb 2021 12:48 pm,"6 minutes, 24 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM4,4,25,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Mildly disagree,Agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,,,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,,Nearly every day,Several days,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,Nearly every day,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4392161,19th Feb 2021 12:52 pm,999,Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",,Yes,BM6,4,24,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 12 hours,,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,,,,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Neutral,Mildly disagree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,,,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Rarely,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Often,Rarely,Rarely,,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4392269,19th Feb 2021 2:34 pm,999,Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,23,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4393401,20th Feb 2021 3:55 pm,"6 minutes, 39 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every hour,,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Disagree,Moderately disagree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly disagree,Neutral,Agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Often,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,All of the time,Often,,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Not at all,More than half the days,Several days,,Not at all,More than half the days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4395574,22nd Feb 2021 2:58 pm,"8 minutes, 25 seconds",,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,2,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Disagree,Moderately agree,Strongly agree,Moderately disagree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Some of the time,None of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,Often,Some of the time,,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Nearly everyday,Several days,Several days,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4395732,22nd Feb 2021 4:25 pm,"6 minutes, 5 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,5,24,Male,Chinese,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,,,,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,,,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,Rarely,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4395953,22nd Feb 2021 6:35 pm,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,2,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 2 weeks,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Strongly agree,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4395954,22nd Feb 2021 6:36 pm,"29 minutes, 15 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,27,Female,Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every 24 hours,,Moderately disagree,Neutral,Mildly disagree,Disagree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,,,,Moderately agree,Neutral,Moderately agree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Agree,,,,Moderately disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,Rarely,Some of the time,None of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,,Nearly everyday,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,Nearly everyday,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,,Several days,More than half the days,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree 4395958,22nd Feb 2021 6:37 pm,"5 minutes, 47 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every week,,Moderately disagree,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Neutral,Moderately agree,Agree,,,,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly agree,,,,,Disagree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,,,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,Often,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,Often,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree 4395960,22nd Feb 2021 6:40 pm,"8 minutes, 48 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,4,26,Female,Irish,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every other day,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Moderately agree,Neutral,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Nutrition,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Often,All of the time,Often,,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4395968,22nd Feb 2021 6:47 pm,999,999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,2,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every week,,Disagree,Moderately disagree,Neutral,Mildly disagree,Agree,Agree,,,,Neutral,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly disagree,Strongly disagree,Mildly disagree,Moderately disagree,Strongly disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,"Maybe the university's counselling service, especially if they could provide CBT",,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,None of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,None of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4396003,22nd Feb 2021 7:26 pm,"13 minutes, 25 seconds",,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,20,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every 24 hours,,Moderately disagree,Moderately disagree,Mildly agree,Moderately disagree,Agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,Agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,,,Often,Often,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Often,Often,Often,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,Often,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Agree 4396146,22nd Feb 2021 9:25 pm,"5 minutes, 28 seconds",Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM4,4,26,Female,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every month,,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,An email from my personal tutor has been the best way for me to feel checked up on,Strongly agree,,Moderately agree,Agree,Agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,,,Often,Often,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4399339,24th Feb 2021 6:38 pm,"34 minutes, 57 seconds",Twitter,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",,Yes,BM5,4,22,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,Christian (including Church of England Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations),,Every week,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,,,,Agree,Neutral,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Moderately disagree,Mildly disagree,,,,Neutral,Neutral,Neutral,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,Often,Often,Often,Often,Some of the time,All of the time,All of the time,All of the time,Often,Often,All of the time,Often,Often,Often,,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Totally disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree 4402271,26th Feb 2021 3:29 pm,"7 minutes, 29 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM6,6,25,Female,African,,Muslim,,Every other day,,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Mildly disagree,Mildly disagree,Strongly agree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,Agree,Strongly agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Often,Often,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,,Not at all,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Disagree 4402316,26th Feb 2021 3:52 pm,"13 minutes, 43 seconds",Instagram,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,22,Male,Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British,,No religion,,Every week,,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,,Moderately agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly agree,Neutral,Mildly agree,Neutral,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,,,Often,Often,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,Often,Some of the time,Rarely,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,Often,,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Several days,More than half the days,Not at all,Not at all,,Several days,Not at all,More than half the days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree 4403033,27th Feb 2021 10:30 am,999,Facebook,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",No,Yes,BM5,4,22,Female,Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background,,No religion,,Every month,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 4418891,9th Mar 2021 4:12 pm,"10 minutes, 51 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Any other Asian background,,Hindu,,Every 2 months,,Agree,Agree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,Neutral,Mildly agree,,,,Strongly agree,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Mildly agree,Neutral,,,,Disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly agree,Strongly disagree,Moderately agree,Agree,Mildly agree,,,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,All of the time,Often,Often,All of the time,Often,All of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,All of the time,Some of the time,All of the time,,Several days,More than half the days,Nearly everyday,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,More than half the days,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Totally agree,Agree,Totally agree,Agree,Disagree 4432326,19th Mar 2021 8:16 am,"13 minutes, 44 seconds",999,"Yes. I have read and understood the information page and have had the opportunity to ask questions about the study. I agree to take part in this research project and agree for my data to be used for the purpose of this study. I understand my participation is voluntary and I may withdraw at any time for any reason without my participation rights being affected. I understand that if I withdraw from the study that it will not be possible to remove the data once my personal information is no longer linked to the data. In the case of this online survey once participants submit their anonymous answers, they are no longer able to withdraw their data.",Yes. I agree to be contacted about taking part in further surveys in this study (optional),Yes,BM5,3,21,Female,Any other Asian background,Tamil,Hindu,,Every 24 hours,,Moderately disagree,Moderately agree,Mildly disagree,Moderately disagree,Strongly agree,Agree,,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Neutral,Agree,,,,Disagree,Disagree,Mildly agree,Mildly disagree,Disagree,Moderately agree,Moderately agree,,,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,,,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,,,Some of the time,Rarely,Often,Often,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Some of the time,Often,Some of the time,Often,All of the time,Often,Often,,Several days,Several days,Several days,Not at all,Not at all,Several days,Not at all,,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,Not at all,,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Totally agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Agree,Disagree,Agree,Agree