READ ME File For 'Dataset in support of the University of Southampton Doctoral Thesis 'Does cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance and metacognition mediate the relationship between worry and experiences of paranoia and insomnia? A longitudinal study' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2815 ReadMe Author: JAMES PITTMAN, University of Southampton ORCID ID 0009-0008-3195-1649 This dataset supports the thesis entitled: Does cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance and metacognition mediate the relationship between worry and experiences of paranoia and insomnia? A longitudinal study AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2023 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA This dataset contains: This dataset is supporting the University of Southampton Doctoral Thesis 'Does cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance and metacognition mediate the relationship between worry and experiences of paranoia and insomnia? A longitudinal study'. The data is a SPSS dataset for the above empirical study. Longitudinal data was collected at three time points via Qualtrics with a two month interval between each time point. Additional sample was recruited via Prolific and participants also completed the questionnaire at three time points with two month intervals. Incomplete data from time point 1 has been removed from the dataset. PROCESS macro for SPSS version 4.2 was used for the longitudinal mediation analysis. Entered into mediation analysis were worry scores from time point 1 entered as a predictor variable, scores from serial mediator variables (cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance) and parallel mediator (metacognitive beliefs) taken at time point 2, and outcome variables paranoia and insomnia taken at time point 3. Custom model was inputted using the following syntax commands: y=ISI3/m=CFQ2 BEAQ2 MCQ2/x=Worry1/total=1/stand=1/bmatrix=1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1 y=RGPTS3/m=CFQ2 BEAQ2 MCQ2/x=Worry1/total=1/stand=1/bmatrix=1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1 Date of data collection: 17/06/2022-14/02/2023 Licence: CC BY Date that the file was created: October, 2023