READ ME File For 'Dataset for: Experimental Characterization of an O-band Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1780 Date that the file was created: 24/03/2021 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- ReadMe Author: NATSUPA TAENGNOI, University of Southampton Date of data collection: 1/1/2020-1/5/2020 Information about geographic location of data collection: Building 46 (Physics), University of Southampton, UK Related projects: This research is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) projects AirGuide Photonics (EP/P030181/1) and PHOS (EP/S002871/1). -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse: no restriction This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:NATSUPA TAENGNOI, KYLE R. H. BOTTRILL, YANG HONG, YU WANG, NARESH K. THIPPARAPU, JAYANTA K. SAHU, PERIKLIS PETROPOULOS, AND DAVID J. RICHARDSON. TITLE: Experimental Characterization of an O-band Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier JOURNAL: Optics Express -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- This dataset contains: Sheet 1: Fig. 2. (b) an example of electrical power spectra measured by the RFSA that were used to determine the electrical NF of the BDFA at the wavelength of 1350nm and the input power (Pin) = -20dBm. col(A) = Frequnecy (HZ) col(B) = RFSA_cal (dBm) col(C) = RFSA_meas (dBm) col(D) = RFSA_ther (dBm) Sheet 2: Fig. 3. (a) frequency dependent NF of the BDFA (Pin=-20dBm). col(A) = Frequency (Hz) col(B) = NF_1310nm (dB) col(C) = NF_1330nm (dB) col(D) = NF_1350nm (dB) col(E) = NF_1360nm (dB) Sheet 3: Fig. 3. (b) averaged NF of the BDFA as it varies with wavelength (Pin=-20dBm). (Note - this is a double y-axis plot) col(A) = x1:Wavelength (nm) col(B) = y1:NF (dB) col(C) = x2:Wavelength (nm) col(D) = y2:Gain (dB) Sheet 4: Fig. 3. (c) frequency dependent NF of the SOA (Pin=-20dBm). col(A) = Frequency (Hz) col(B) = NF_1310nm (dB) col(C) = NF_1330nm (dB) col(D) = NF_1350nm (dB) col(E) = NF_1360nm (dB) Sheet 5: Fig. 3. (d) averaged NF of the SOA as it varies with wavelength (Pin=-20dBm). (Note - this is a double y-axis plot) col(A) = x1:Wavelength (nm) col(B) = y1:NF (dB) col(C) = x2:Wavelength (nm) col(D) = y2:Gain (dB) Sheet 6: Fig. 4. Averaged NF of the BDFA at the wavelength of 1350nm as it varies with input power. col(A) = Pin (dBm) col(B) = Avg NF BDFA at 1350nm (dB) Sheet 7: Fig. 5. (b) gain tilt results. col(A) = Wavelength (nm) col(B) = -5dBm-Static (dB/nm) col(C) = 0dBm-Static (dB/nm) col(D) = 5dBm-Static (dB/nm) col(E) = 10dBm-Static (dB/nm) col(F) = -5dBm-Dynamic (dB/nm) col(G) = 0dBm-Dynamic (dB/nm) col(H) = 5dBm-Dynamic (dB/nm) col(I) = 10dBm-Dynamic (dB/nm) Sheet 8: Fig. 6. (b) power excursion of the small probe signal as a function of the modulation frequency. (Note - this is a double y-axis plot) col(A) = x1:BDFA - Mod Freq (kHz) col(B) = y1:BDFA - Power excursion (dB) col(C) = x2:SOA - Mod Freq (kHz) col(D) = y2:SOA - Power excursion (dB) Sheet 9: Fig. 6. (b) inset shows the optical signals modulated at 50kHz, as observed on the OSC. (Note - this is a double y-axis plot) col(A) = x1:Amplified saturating signal - Time (sec) col(B) = y1:Amplified saturating signal - Normalised amplitude col(C) = x2:Probe with x10 magnification and vertical offet - Time (sec) col(D) = y2:Probe with x10 magnification and vertical offet - Amplitude Sheet 10: Fig. 7. (b)PDG results of the BDFA at 1350nm with varied input power. col(A) = Input power (dBm) col(B) = PDG (dB) Sheet 11: Fig. 7. (c) PDG results of the BDFA at 1350nm wavelength dependent PDG at -10-dBm input power. col(A) = Wavelength (nm) col(B) = PDG (dB) -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- References of methods used for collection/generation of data: D. Baney, “Characterization of Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers,” in Fiber-optic Test and Measurement, 519-594 (Prentice Hall, 1998). R. Hui and M. O'Sullivan, “Characterization of Optical Devices,” in Fiber optic measurement techniques, 259-363 (Academic Press/Elsevier, 2009). Environmental/experimental conditions: 25 degree celcius -------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION -------------------------- Abbreviations used: Avg = averaged value BDFA = Bismuth-doped fibre amplifier Mod Freq = Modulated frequency NF = noise figure NF_1310nm = measured noise figure at the wavelength of 1310nm OSC = Oscilloscope PDG = Polarisation dependent gain Pin = input power RFSA = Radio frequency spectrum analyser RFSA_cal = Calibration spectrum measured by RFSA RFSA_meas = Measurement spectrum (amplified signal) measured by RFSA RFSA_ther = Thermal noise spectrum measured by RFSA SOA = semiconductor optical amplifier