READ ME File For 'dataset is supporting the University of Southampton Doctoral Thesis "A novel sensitive coherent Raman imaging method for cellular imaging of photodynamic agents' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2793 ReadMe Author: James Read, University of Southampton This dataset supports the thesis entitled 'A novel sensitive coherent Raman imaging method for cellular imaging of photodynamic agents' AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2023 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA [This should include a detailed description of the data, how it was collected/created, any specialist software needed to view the data] This dataset contains: Data used in creation of the figures in the thesis Date of data collection: 28/09/2017- 30/03/23 Licence: CC-BY Related projects/Funders: Prosperity Partnership with industry partners, Astra Zeneca and M Squared Life. Date that the file was created: January, 2024 -------------- Notes: