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Group sequential clinical trials with triangular continuation regions.

Group sequential clinical trials with triangular continuation regions.
Group sequential clinical trials with triangular continuation regions.

In this paper a new class of group sequential procedures for clinical trials is introduced, and the use of these procedures is illustrated by reference to a recently completed comparative study. In a group sequential trial the decision to stop or to continue is made at regular intervals throughout the trial, but not as frequently as after every patient response. This more practical formulation retains most of the advantages of sequential analysis, particularly the economy in sample size. Comparisons are made with group sequential designs derived from the repeated significance test.

Whitehead, John
Stratton, Irene
Whitehead, John
Stratton, Irene

Whitehead, John and Stratton, Irene (1983) Group sequential clinical trials with triangular continuation regions. Biometrics, 39 (1), 227-236. (doi:10.2307/2530822).

Record type: Article


In this paper a new class of group sequential procedures for clinical trials is introduced, and the use of these procedures is illustrated by reference to a recently completed comparative study. In a group sequential trial the decision to stop or to continue is made at regular intervals throughout the trial, but not as frequently as after every patient response. This more practical formulation retains most of the advantages of sequential analysis, particularly the economy in sample size. Comparisons are made with group sequential designs derived from the repeated significance test.

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Published date: March 1983


Local EPrints ID: 486998
ISSN: 0006-341X
PURE UUID: 6d31f7d1-a4b9-4c12-9b34-4070fa6e8646
ORCID for Irene Stratton: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 09 Feb 2024 17:36
Last modified: 06 Jun 2024 02:10

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Author: John Whitehead
Author: Irene Stratton ORCID iD

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