READ ME File For 'Data supporting a publication "Physics informed neural networks for solving flow problems modelled by the Shallow Water Equations" by Xin Qi' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2645 Date that the file was created: April, 2024 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- ReadMe Author: Xin Qi, University of Southampton Related projects: PhD project: "Machine learning models for solving free-surface flow problems" -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse: CC BY This dataset supports the publication: "Physics informed neural networks for solving flow problems modelled by the Shallow Water Equations" by Xin Qi' Journal of Hydrology -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- This dataset contains: The data are stored in CSV or txt.file, which can be proceed though Python or Matlab. The information for each folder: 1. “database_wave”: The result for the test case “Flood wave propagation over a horizontal plane” . 2. “database_mac”: The result for the test case “Subcritical steady flow over an undulating bed”. 3. “database_Tiber”: The result for the test case “Simulation of real-world river flooding” . 4. “Appendix_spatial_analysis”: The result for the Appendix “Further Spatial Analysis For Test 3”. 5. “Appendix_model_design_experiment”: The result for the Appendix “PINN Design Ecxperiments”. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- All data are generated from Python or Matlab programming -------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION This dataset contains: 1.“database_wave”: The result for the test case “Flood wave propagation over a horizontal plane” . 2.“database_mac”: The result for the test case “Subcritical steady flow over an undulating bed”. 3.“database_Tiber”: The result for the test case “Simulation of real-world river flooding” . 4.“Appendix_spatial_analysis”: The result for the Appendix “Further Spatial Analysis For Test 3”. 5.“Appendix_model_design_experiment”: The result for the Appendix “PINN Design Ecxperiments”. -------------------------- Number of variables: water depth, water discharge, computation time Number of cases: 3 Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: txt or csv --------------------------