READ ME File For 'DATASET - Novel Fibres for Next-Generation Fibre-Optic Gyroscopes' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D3066 ReadMe Author: AUSTIN TARANTA, University of Southampton ORCID ID 0000-0002-5666-6800 This dataset supports the thesis entitled "Novel Fibres for Next-Generation Fibre-Optic Gyroscopes" AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2024 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA The data is given in several zip files. These are data collected from the MCIFOG and benchmark IFOG instruments discussed in the thesis. Different gyro test runs are grouped into individual folders. Each test run has multiple "Stream.mat" files. Each Stream.mat file is a MATLAB variable file which is the output from the Zurich Instruments Lock-In Amplifier used to acquire signals. The signals of interest are the first and second harmonic demodulator signals. Data folders which contain text files of the format "20180605_073445_Temperature_Log.txt" where the filename gives the date of the temperatur log. All data can be processed via the MATLAB scripts contained in the folder "Gyro Data Analysis". Process data by updating the "main_dir" variable in the main script, "analyze_gyro_data_v8.m", to match the data folder which is to be processed. The temperature log for a given run can be processed simultaneously by enabling the "use_thermal_data" option. Descriptions of processing options and other analysis features is given in the comments of the MATLAB code. A detailed description of the test configuration for each gyro run is given in the excel files: "MCIFOG 1 Test Log.xlsx" and "PM Gyro Test Log.xlsx" This dataset contains: - All acquired data from MCIFOG 1 - All Acquired data from the benchmark IFOG - All temperature monitor data - All data processing codes - Run Logsheets giving the precise details of each gyro run Date of data collection: 2018 to 2023 Information about geographic location of data collection: All data were acquired in Building 46, Lab 3065 of the University of Southampton Highfield Campus. Unless otherwise noted, data were acquired with the gyro input acis oriented vertical at Latitude 50.937615° North Related projects/Funders: Sponsored by Fibercore Ltd. Licence: CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution licence)