READ ME File For 'Open Hands: An Open-Source Statistical Shape Model of the Finger Bones; Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2894 ReadMe Author: Tinashe Munyebvu, University of Southampton [ORCID ID - 0009-0000-2952-3487] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS - T.A. Munyebvu; C.D. Metcalf; C.B. Burson-Thomas; D. Warwick; C. Everitt; L. King; A. Darekar; M. Browne; M.O.W. Heller; A.S. Dickinson TITLE - Open Hands: An Open-Source Statistical Shape Model of the Finger Bones JOURNAL Annals of Biomedical Engineering PAPER DOI - This dataset contains: A simple Excel spreadsheet containing the raw data behind the figures in the linked journal paper. Raw data cited in the Journal paper describes: 1. Mesh volume calculation for the target shape (pre) and the registered shape (post) generated by non-rigid registration. 2. Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) of the Euclidean distances between the target shape and the registered shape vertices. - Figure 2: Raw data behind rows 3 (compactness) and 4 (accuracy) of the chart illustrating the impact on pose neutralisation and normalising scale on resultant principal components. - Figure 3: Raw data between Box and Whisker Plots from Leave-One-Out-Tests performed to compute the deviation between the mean and mode extreme shapes generated using n = 10 (Full Shape) and the mean and mode extreme shapes generated when one dataset is removed (n = 9, LOO SSM Shape) : suffix -p represents minimum shape and suffix -m represents maximum shape for PC1 – PC9 - Figure 4: Raw data for chart presenting the variance and cumulative variance captured by all principal components for the index, middle, ring and little finger. - Figure 5: Raw data describing the gross measures (bone length and joint space) of the mode score instances (modes 1 - 4) for the index finger presented in the figure. - Figures 6 and 7: Raw data behind charts describing average and 5th and 95th percentile range (error bars) for finger length, DIP and PIP joint space in mm across training datasets and PC1 shape instances for each finger (index, middle, ring and little). Date of data collection: 01/2021-04/2024 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: CC-BY Date that the file was created: 26/06/2024