READ ME File For 'KSA-HPVP survey March 2024' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D3150 Date that the file was created: June 2024 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- ReadMe Author: Patrick James, University of Southampton, Date of data collection: March 2024 Information about geographic location of data collection: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse: CC-BY Recommended citation for the data: Alshehri, A. A. D., James, P. & Bahaj, A., (2024) KSA-HPVP survey March 2024 [dataset], University of Southampton, DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D3150 This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:Alshehri, A.; James, P.; Bahaj, A TITLE: Pathways to Large Scale Adoption of Residential Photovoltaics in Saudi Arabia JOURNAL:Energies -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- This dataset contains: KSA-HPVP-dataset_selected-march2024.csv [put in a brief description of all content] KSA-HPVP_Survey_march2024.pdf This file contains the questions in the survey -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: The survey consisted of 58 questions, using a tree structure to guide households to questions relevant to their specific circumstances. An initial pilot of the survey (n = 15, 12 responses) was undertaken which led to minor changes to the survey to aid clarity. The survey included questions concerning location, education, income, and dwelling type/household appliances, alongside an assessment of the respondent’s perspectives and understanding of PV. The survey was deployed online using the Qualtrics XM platform. The KSA-HPVP survey was released online to 50 households in mid-March 2024. Participants were asked to forward it to friends and relatives to create a snowballing re-cruitment effect. The snowballing (also known as chain-referral sampling) approach taken was one of exponential, non-discriminative snowball sampling, where the initial 50 households could each create multiple referrals, which could then lead to subsequent referrals. The sample seed used in this study comprised contacts of the researcher, which limited the diversity of the sample [35], and so this survey should not be considered as representative of the entire KSA population. The aim of this study was to specifically look at households living in villas or apartments, and so the seed sample used is considered ap-propriate. Methods for processing the data: Excel conversion to csv file Software- or Instrument-specific information needed to interpret the data, including software and hardware version numbers: Sigmaplot Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data:In the KSA-HPVP survey, households were asked to state their annual electricity bill (in Saudi Riyal), alongside an estimate of their typical winter and summer monthly bills (in both kWh and Saudi Riyal). This approach enabled us to check the annual electricity usage for consistency across the responses. For example, the estimated annual kWh de-mand from the seasonal values should be close to the reported annual value entered. Of the n = 124 responses, there were 5 annual kWh responses which were observed to be 10 times too high in comparison to the estimate from the monthly values aggregated for a year. We attributed this to householder input error (the input of an additional zero, e.g., 800,000 kWh instead of the intended 80,000 kWh) and so divided these annual values by 10. There were an additional 15 entries where a monthly electricity value had clearly been entered when the annual value had been requested; we therefore multiplied these values by 12. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Alshehri, A.; James, P.; -------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION -------------------------- Number of variables:21 Number of cases/rows: 279 UserLanguage, User Language Q1 please write which City - Selected Choice Q2 Number of household members Q4 What is the age of the head of the household? Q5 What is the highest level of education for the head of the household? Q6 Please state your household monthly income band Q7 What type of house do you live in currently? - Selected Choice Q7_5_TEXT What type of house do you live in currently? - Other, please state - Text Q9 Please state whether you own, rent or provided your home by your employer - Selected Choice Q10 "Please approximate the total area of your home?" Q23 As a household are you interested in reducing your household electricity consumption? Q25 Would you consider using solar energy (Photovoltaic) generating electricity to your home? Q32 What would you be prepared to purchase a PV system that could on average meet half of your monthly electricity demand? Q33 What financial payback time would you expect in order for you to seriously consider purchasing such a PV system? - Selected Choice Q33_8_TEXT What financial payback time would you expect in order for you to seriously consider purchasing such a PV system? - Other, please state - Text Q34 Would you be prepared to pay more per month on your electricity bill to help address the climate change impact of electricity generation? Q36 Please estimate your monthly electricity usage in terms of kWh in winter period (when you use the Heating devices AC or Others). Q37 Please estimate your monthly electricity bill in terms of cost (in Saudi Riyal) during winter period (when you use the Heating devices AC or Others). Q38 Estimate your monthly electricity usage in terms of kWh during the rest of year period (April - November),when you use the cooling devices AC or Others. Q39 Estimate your monthly electricity bill in terms of cost (in Saudi Riyal) during the rest of the year period (April - November),when you use the Heating devices AC or Others. Q42 Please estimate the annual electricity bill price in Saudi Riyal (the total months electricity bills in the year)