READ ME file for 'Dataset for Dolman et al. (2023): Chalk stream restoration: physical and ecological responses to gravel augmentation' READ ME author: Lewis Dolman, University of Southampton. Orcid ID: 0009-0006-0676-2307 This dataset contains: 'Gravel augmentation study dataset - Home Stream' & 'Gravel augmentation study dataset - East Lodge' Tab 1 (Phyical 1): Depth (cm) and flow velocity (m s-1) data collected at five points across each transect prior to and following restoration with gravel augmentation. 'Months' indicates the number of months the data was collected pre- or post-restoration; 'site' indicates whether the data was taken in the restored or control reach; 'period' indicates whether the data was taken pre-restoration or 0-1 years or 1-2 years post-restoration. 'Transect' and 'Point' respectively show the transect number and the point along this at which the data was collected. Tab 2 (Physical 2): Depth Cross Sectional Variability (DCSV; cm) and Velocity Cross Sectional Variability (VCSV; m s-1) across each transect in each data collection period. DCSV and VCSV were calculated by taking the standard deviation of the five depth and velocity measurements across each transect. Tab 3 (Substrate): The number of points across each transect in which silt [0.0039-0.123 mm], sand [0.125-2 mm], gravel [2-64 mm] or cobble [> 64 mm] substrates were dominant in a 0.5 m2 quadrat date. Where multiple sampling dates were taken in a period, the mean of these sampling dates for each transect is shown for each period. Tab 4 (Total macrophyte cover): The percentage cover of macrophytes in a 0.5 m2 quadrat across five points in each transect at each sampling date. Where multiple sampling dates were taken in a period, the mean of these for each transect is shown for each period. Tab 5 (Macrophyte cover): Estimates of the cover (m2) of different macrophyte groups across a 1 m2 area across each transect. Where multiple sampling dates were taken in a period, the mean of these sampling dates for each transect is shown for each period. Tab 6 (Macroinvertebrates): Macroinvertebrate family abundance and metrics (abundance, taxon richness, the percentage of the abundance (EPTA) and taxon richness (EPTN) made up of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, Lotic Index for Flow Evaluation (LIFE) and Proportion of Sediment sensitive Invertebrates (PSI)) for each transect in each sampling period. Tab 7 (Fish): Fish metrics calculated from remote underwater video (RUV) taken at each transect 0-1 and 1-2 years post-restoration (post-restoration only) in restored and control reaches. Metrics calculated: (1) the maximum number of individuals per species observed instantaneously across each 27-minute video (NMax), (2) the mean of the maximum number of individuals observed for each species per minute (NMean), (3) species richness, and (4) the total abundance (sum of all NMax values across all species per video). Data Licence: CC BY Date of file creation: November, 2023