READ ME File For 'Dataset for Machine learning enabled thermoelectric generator design and optimization' ReadMe Author: Yuxiao Zhu, 0000-0003-1867-2297 This dataset supports the thesis entitled 'Machine learning enabled thermoelectric generator design and optimization'. AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2024 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA This dataset contains: The github addresses of the code used in the Thesis. is the code for Chapter 4. The github links include the COMSOL simulation files, the TEG ANN training code, ANN sweep parameter code and the ANN-GA code. Also include the trained file and original dataset of ANN training. is the code for Chapter 5. The github links include the segmented TEG ANN training code, ANN sweep parameter code and the ANN-GA code. Also include the trained file and original dataset of ANN training. is the code for Chapter 7. The github links include the TEG ANN training code, PV ANN training code, ANN sweep parameter code and the ANN-GA code. Also include the trained file and original dataset of ANN training. Meanwhile, chapters 4, 5, and 6 of Thesis have been published as Journal articles, and this dataset links to the dataset contents of these three articles, including the diagrams dataset. Date of data collection: July 2024 Information about geographic location of data collection: Related projects/Funders: Related publication: Yuxiao Zhu, DanielW. Newbrook, Peng Dai, C.H. Kees de Groot, Ruomeng Huang, Artificial neural network enabled accurate geometrical design and optimisation of thermoelectric generator, Applied Energy, 2022, Yuxiao Zhu, Daniel Newbrook, Peng Dai, Jian Liu, Kees de Groot, and Ruomeng Huang, Segmented thermoelectric generator modelling and optimisation using artificial neural networks by iterative training, Energy & AI, vol. 12, no. December 2022, Yuxiao Zhu, Daniel W. Newbrook, C.H. Kees de Groot, Ruomeng Huang, Comprehensive analysis of radiative cooling enabled thermoelectric energy harvesting, JPhys Photonics, vol. 5, 2023, Zhu, Yuxiao and Newbrook, Daniel W. and Peng, Dai and Liu, Jian and Li, Ji-Chao and Wang, Chun-Ming and Chong, Harold M. and de Groot, Kees and Huang, Ruomeng, Artificial Neural Network Enabled Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Generator Modelling and Analysis. Available at SSRN: or Date that the file was created: July, 2024