READ ME File For 'Dataset for Doctoral Thesis, Connecting the dots: exploring the relationship between the arrangement of cortical porosity and the development of sex-specific whole bone Phenotypes in cystine string protein alpha deficient mice' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D3106 ReadMe Author: Jacob Trend, University of Southampton ORCID ID 0000-0003-0394-7665 This dataset supports the thesis entitled 'Connecting the dots: exploring the relationship between the arrangement of cortical porosity and the development of sex-specific whole bone Phenotypes in cystine string protein alpha deficient mice' AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2024 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA Results 1 - Chapter This folder contains both raw and processed cranial and tibial scans from WT and CSPa-/- mic, alongside analysis and data used during this chapter. Results 2 - Chapter This folder contains both raw and processed data for synchrotorn radiation computed tomography scans of WT (C57BL6) and OcnVEGFKO murine tibia used in this thesis. Results 3 - Chapter This folder contains the processed data for synchrotorn radiation computed tomography scans of WT (C57BL6) and CSPa-/- murine tibia used in this thesis. The raw data is approximately 8TB in size, and is in depulicate in Dr Clarkins office in building 85. Results 4 - Chapter This folder contains the analysis supporting results chapter 6, relating the correlative assessment of bone porosity using SR CT. This dataset contains: Results 1 - Chapter Results 2 - Chapter Results 3 - Chapter Results 4 - Chapter Date of data collection: 2019 - 2023 Related projects/Funders: PhD project funded by The Gerald Kerkut Charitable Trust, and the University of Southampton. Related publication: Trend, Jacob, Sharma, Alisha, Michels, Lysanne, Goggin, Patricia, Schneider, Philipp, Deinhardt, Katrin, and Clarkin, Claire. Regional assessment of male murine bone exposes spatial heterogeneity in osteocyte lacunar volume associated with intracortical canals and regulation by VEGF, 2023. Date that the file was created: June, 2024