READ ME File For 'Dataset supporting the publication "Advancing All Silicon MOSCAP Ring Modulators With Ultra-Thin sub-5 nm Insulator"' DOI 10.5258/SOTON/D3196 Date that the file was created: August, 2024 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- ReadMe Author: Tzu-Yun Chang, University of Southampton Date of data collection: 2018 - 2024 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse: CC BY This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Tzu-Yun Chang, Martin Ebert, Ke Li, Junbo Zhu, Xingzhao Yan, Han Du, Mehdi Banakar, Dehn T. Tran, Callum G. Littlejohns, Adam Scofield, Guomin Yu, Roshanak Shafiiha, Aaron Zilkie, Graham T. Reed, David J. Thomson, and Weiwei Zhang TITLE: Advancing All Silicon MOSCAP Ring Modulators With Ultra-Thin sub-5 nm Insulator DOI 10.1109/JLT.2024.3440040 -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- Data types in this dataset: images(.pdf), data(.csv, .mat, .npy (python dump), .txt) This dataset contains: This dataset contains the FIB-SEM images, a fabrication step image, and simulation data used to generate the figures included in the main text. This dataset contain four main folders. The first folder (moscap_and_dep) contains simulation data obtained for Lumerical CHARGE and MODE and is imported into INTERCONNECT for the simulation. The second folder (fom) contains the figure of merit for each device after the simulation from INTERCONNECT. The third folder (images) contains all the figures from the maxin text. The files are presented in PDF files for images and CSV, NPY, MAT, and TXT for simulations