READ ME File For 'Dataset title' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D2806 Date that the file was created: 08/2024 ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- ReadMe Author: Chris Timberlake, University of Southampton Date of data collection: March 2023 Information about geographic location of data collection: B46, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Southampton, UK -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse: CC BY Recommended citation for the data: 10.5258/SOTON/D2806 This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Chris Timberlake, Elliot Simcox and Hendrik Ulbricht TITLE: Linear cooling of a levitated micromagnetic cylinder by vibration JOURNAL: Physical Review Research PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: Links/relationships to ancillary or related data sets: -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- Each individual dataset is a save of voltage vs time in csv format. In each file the time and voltage data has a heading and a unit to signify which is which. Figure 2: (a) Dataset is: Fig2a.csv - File has been compressed in the upload to the repository. (b) Dataset is: Fig2b.csv Figure 3: In this figure, multiple datasets are used to create figures 3 (b) and 3 (c), and have been listed as such. (a) Dataset is: Fid3a.csv - File has been compressed in the upload to the repository. (b) Dataset used for the reference save: Fig3b_ref.csv Dataset used for the equilibrium save: Fig3b_equilibrium.csv (c) Dataset used for the reference save: Fig3c_ref.csv Dataset used for the equilibrium save: Fig3c_equilibrium.csv Figure 4: In this figure, multiple datasets are used to create figures 4 (a) and 4 (b), and have been listed as such. (a) Dataset used for the reference save: Fig4a_ref.csv Dataset used for the uncooled save: Fig4a_uncooled.csv Dataset used for the cooled save: Fig4a_cooled.csv (b) Dataset used for the reference save: Figba_ref.csv Dataset used for the uncooled save: Figba_uncooled.csv Dataset used for the cooled save: Figba_cooled.csv Figure 6: In this figure, the same data is used to create figures 6 (a) and (c), and (b) and (d) respectively. The amplitude at equilibrium and the Q factor are separate datasets, and are listed as such. (a) and (c) Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 1: Fig6ac_amp_1.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 1: Fig6ac_Q_1.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 2: Fig6ac_amp_2.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 2: Fig6ac_Q_2.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 1: Fig6ac_amp_3.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 1: Fig6ac_Q_3.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 2: Fig6ac_amp_4.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 2: Fig2a.csv (b) and (d) Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 1: Fig6bd_amp_1.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 1: Fig6bd_Q_1.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 2: Fig6bd_amp_2.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 2: Fig6bd_Q_2.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 1: Fig6bd_amp_3.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 1: Fig6bd_Q_3.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 2: Fig6bd_amp_4.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 2: Fig2b.csv -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: A ferromagnet is trapped inside a superconducting trap, similar to as detailed in the reference: A. Vinante, P. Falferi, G. Gasbarri, A. Setter, C. Timberlake, and H. Ulbricht, Ultralow mechanical damping with meissner-levitated ferromagnetic microparticles, Physical Review Applied 13, 064027 (2020). Each dataset is a save of the voltage induced in a SQUID by a levitating magnet oscillating in a magnetic trap. The magnet oscillates and induces a flux change in a nearby superconducting pick-up coil, which is coupled to the SQUID. The magnet was then cooled by applying feedback cooling on a piezoelectric actuator. The particle motion was tracked using a Zurich Instruments lock-in-amplifier. Methods for processing the data: Data is obtained as a file with voltage and time data, and is processed to a power spectral density when necessary. Software- or Instrument-specific information needed to interpret the data, including software and hardware version numbers: No specific software or hardware is required, although it is convenient to use the python package optoanalysis ( for analysis. Environmental/experimental conditions: Experiment conducted in a cryostat, ranging from temperatures of 410mK to 4.4K. Vacuum pressures ranged from approximately mbar to 1e-8mbar range People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Chris Timberlake, Elliot Simcox -------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION -------------------------- Number of variables: Each data file has two variables: voltage and time. In this figure, the same data is used to create figures 6 (a) and (c), and (b) and (d) respectively. The amplitude at equilibrium and the Q factor are separate datasets, and are listed as such. (a) and (c) Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 1: Fig6ac_amp_1.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 1: Fig6ac_Q_1.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 2: Fig6ac_amp_2.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 2: Fig6ac_Q_2.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 1: Fig6ac_amp_3.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 1: Fig6ac_Q_3.csv - File compressed Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 2: Fig6ac_amp_4.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 2: Fig2a.csv (b) and (d) Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 1: Fig6bd_amp_1.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 1: Fig6bd_Q_1.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 2: Fig6bd_amp_2.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 2: Fig6bd_Q_2.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 1: Fig6bd_amp_3.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 1: Fig6bd_Q_3.csv Dataset used for the amplitude of datapoint 2: Fig6bd_amp_4.csv Dataset used for the Q factor of datapoint 2: Fig2b.csv