READ ME File For Dataset for 'Development of a floating element photoelastic force balance' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D3235 ReadMe Author: Bradley McLaughlin, University of Southampton ORCID ID: 0009-0004-4724-0623 This dataset supports the thesis entitled: 'Development of a floating element photoelastic force balance' AWARDED BY: University of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: [2024] DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA [This should include a detailed description of the data, how it was collected/created, any specialist software needed to view the data] This dataset contains the raw data required to produce the figures presented in the MPhil Thesis 'Development of a floating element photoelastic force balance' submitted in 2024. Data was collected using an ATI mini 40 sensor and the photoelastic force balance developed by the authors of the thesis. No specialist software is required to read or view the data as it is presented in an Excel format with each tab presenting data from a different figure. Date of data collection: Data was collected between October 2019 and December 2022 Information about geographic location of data collection: All data was collected at the University of Southampton, in Southampton, UK. Related publication: McLaughlin, B. Lawson J. Ganapathisubramani B. Measuring instantaneous forces with a photoelastic force balance. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, page 1937, 2023. McLaughlin, B. Lawson J. Ganapathisubramani B. Development of a floating element photoelastic force balance. Experiments in Fluids, 64, 2023. Date that the file was created: July, 2024