READ ME File For 'Dataset Surfactant phospholipid kinetics in ventilated children after therapeutic surfactant supplementation Dataset DOI: Date that the file was created: August, 2024 ReadMe Author: Ahilanandan Dushianthan, University of Southampton [ORCID ID0000-0002-0165-3359] Related projects: Pulmonary surfactant (S) biology in ventilated children on a paediatric intensive care unit with acute (A) hypoxic respiratory (R) failure- a pilot (P) study (S)- Part II - (SARPS II) Recommended citation for the data: This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Goss VM, Dushianthan A, McCorkell J, Morton K, Goss KCW, Marsh MJ, Pappachan JV, Postle AD. TITLE: Surfactant Phospholipid kinetics in ventilated children after therapuetic surfactant supplementation JOURNAL: International Journal of Molecular Sciences PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. --------------------------