READ ME File For 'A Droplet Microfluidic Redox Sensor Thesis Dataset' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Liam Carter, University of Southampton, ORCID ID:0000-0003-0138-3384 This dataset supports the thesis entitled 'A Droplet Microfluidic Redox Sensor' AWARDED BY: Univeristy of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2024 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA This dataset contains CSV files with the key results presented in the thesis along with the necesary python and or matlab code required to extract the data. Key results included are: Cysteine Calibration - Data showing the calibration of the microfluidic sensor with cysteine standards. Droplet Mixing - Data showing the mixing performance of the microfluidic system for sample with and without protein. TFT Reaction Rate Optimisation - Data showing the optimisation of the total Free thiol (TFT) reaction for a fast reaction rate. Plasma Comparison - Data showing the relative performance of the developed microfluidic system and traditional lab analysis of TFT concentration in human plasma samples. Fingerprick sample verification - Data showing the relative sample absorbance and TFT concentration in human plasma samples collected via venepuncture and fingerprick. TFT Monitoring - Data showing the TFT concentration in human plasma samples monitored over the course of a day by the developed TFT microfluidic sensor. Also included are blank copies of the participant information sheet and consent form for study participants. All data included in this dataset is full anonymised. Date of data collection: September-2021 to March-2024 Information about geographic location of data collection: All data collected at The University of Southampton, or Southampton General Hospital Licence: CC-BY Related projects/Funders: We thank EPSRC for a PhD studentship via the University of Southampton, funding from British Skin Foundation: Minimally invasive and non-invasive tools to optimise management of atopic dermatitis, UKRI: NE/T010584/1 and the generosity of the study participants for donating blood. Date that the file was created: October 2024