A randomised controlled trial to compare the effects of labouring in water with the standard management of augmentation on epidural analgesia and operative delivery in nullipararae with dystocia in the first stage of labour
A randomised controlled trial to compare the effects of labouring in water with the standard management of augmentation on epidural analgesia and operative delivery in nullipararae with dystocia in the first stage of labour
Dystocia refers to slow progress in the first stage of labour. The incidence in nulliparae is
20% and if untreated can lead to maternal and neonatal morbidity. Augmentation of
labour to prevent and treat dystocia includes amniotomy and intravenous syntocinon.
However, the optimal timing of such intervention is controversial, and leaves little scope
for maternal choice, which underpins current maternity care.
The literature on the physiology of labour indicates that it is a complex process,
which is not fully understood. The onset and progress of labour is defined in terms of
precise cervical dilations, however it is likely that there is a range of dilations consistent
with 'normal' labour. The current definition of dystocia may be too restrictive and a
management option, which delays obstetric intervention, might facilitate greater
opportunity for normal progress. The hormonal pathways that regulate labour have some
commonality with those of the stress response. This thesis presents a study designed to
examine whether labouring in water, a management option that may alleviate some of the
stress of labour, in particular that due to pain, might also facilitate labour progress, and
affect the key labour outcomes of epidural analgesia and operative delivery.
The limited literature on labouring in water suggests it is an appropriate care
option for nulliparae who are at low risk of complications. Labouring in water has been
associated with a reduction in pharmacological analgesia, however there were no studies
involving women with dystocia. Prior to initiating a full randomised controlled trial to
test the effect of labouring in water on labour outcomes for women with dystocia, a two
part feasibility study was undertaken. A pilot randomised controlled trial indicated that it
was feasible to conduct the planned study in the clinical area but with two trial arms
(water and augmentation), instead of the proposed three arms, (water, conservative, and
augmentation). A case audit formed the second part of the feasibility study. Data were
used to estimate the incidence of dystocia, likely accrual rates, the potential magnitude of
any change in epidural analgesia and operative delivery rates, and the required sample
size for the main study.
The main RCT was conducted during 1999 and 2000. A case audit over the same
timeframe provided comparative data and monitored concurrent changes in practice. The
epidural analgesia rate was 47% in women allocated to labour in water compared to 66%
in women in the augmentation arm (OR 0.46, 95%CI 0.20 to 1.03. P=0.56). There was
no difference in the operative delivery rates for women allocated to labour in water
compared to those who were not. There was a significant reduction in obstetric
interventions (OR 0.10 , 95% CI 0.22 to 0.49, P=0.000). The main limitation of the trial
was a lower than expected recruitment rate, with 99 women being randomised compared
to the intended 220. This was partially due to changes in practice during the second year
of the trial. Despite the small sample, the implications for practice include the need for
further consideration of more flexible definitions for labour onset and progress, and the
use of labour in water for women as a supportive management option where a delay in
obstetric intervention is advocated.
Cluett, Elizabeth Ruth
February 2002
Cluett, Elizabeth Ruth
Cluett, Elizabeth Ruth
A randomised controlled trial to compare the effects of labouring in water with the standard management of augmentation on epidural analgesia and operative delivery in nullipararae with dystocia in the first stage of labour.
University of Southampton, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Doctoral Thesis, 370pp.
Record type:
Dystocia refers to slow progress in the first stage of labour. The incidence in nulliparae is
20% and if untreated can lead to maternal and neonatal morbidity. Augmentation of
labour to prevent and treat dystocia includes amniotomy and intravenous syntocinon.
However, the optimal timing of such intervention is controversial, and leaves little scope
for maternal choice, which underpins current maternity care.
The literature on the physiology of labour indicates that it is a complex process,
which is not fully understood. The onset and progress of labour is defined in terms of
precise cervical dilations, however it is likely that there is a range of dilations consistent
with 'normal' labour. The current definition of dystocia may be too restrictive and a
management option, which delays obstetric intervention, might facilitate greater
opportunity for normal progress. The hormonal pathways that regulate labour have some
commonality with those of the stress response. This thesis presents a study designed to
examine whether labouring in water, a management option that may alleviate some of the
stress of labour, in particular that due to pain, might also facilitate labour progress, and
affect the key labour outcomes of epidural analgesia and operative delivery.
The limited literature on labouring in water suggests it is an appropriate care
option for nulliparae who are at low risk of complications. Labouring in water has been
associated with a reduction in pharmacological analgesia, however there were no studies
involving women with dystocia. Prior to initiating a full randomised controlled trial to
test the effect of labouring in water on labour outcomes for women with dystocia, a two
part feasibility study was undertaken. A pilot randomised controlled trial indicated that it
was feasible to conduct the planned study in the clinical area but with two trial arms
(water and augmentation), instead of the proposed three arms, (water, conservative, and
augmentation). A case audit formed the second part of the feasibility study. Data were
used to estimate the incidence of dystocia, likely accrual rates, the potential magnitude of
any change in epidural analgesia and operative delivery rates, and the required sample
size for the main study.
The main RCT was conducted during 1999 and 2000. A case audit over the same
timeframe provided comparative data and monitored concurrent changes in practice. The
epidural analgesia rate was 47% in women allocated to labour in water compared to 66%
in women in the augmentation arm (OR 0.46, 95%CI 0.20 to 1.03. P=0.56). There was
no difference in the operative delivery rates for women allocated to labour in water
compared to those who were not. There was a significant reduction in obstetric
interventions (OR 0.10 , 95% CI 0.22 to 0.49, P=0.000). The main limitation of the trial
was a lower than expected recruitment rate, with 99 women being randomised compared
to the intended 220. This was partially due to changes in practice during the second year
of the trial. Despite the small sample, the implications for practice include the need for
further consideration of more flexible definitions for labour onset and progress, and the
use of labour in water for women as a supportive management option where a delay in
obstetric intervention is advocated.
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Published date: February 2002
University of Southampton
Local EPrints ID: 50622
URI: http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/id/eprint/50622
PURE UUID: cd0d9034-af6a-4727-b4f6-a1f0080dc229
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Date deposited: 19 Mar 2008
Last modified: 15 Mar 2024 10:09
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Elizabeth Ruth Cluett
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