School of Education Research Centre Projects

Lifelong and Work-Related Learning

Leadership, School Improvement and Effectiveness

Mathematics and Science Education

Social Justice and Inclusive Education

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Lifelong and Work-Related Learning

Current and Recent Projects

A Critical Evaluation of a Course Module : Theoretical and Practical Implications
Computer Clubs for Girls:Project Evaluation
Creating an Expansive Learning Environment
Expansive Apprenticeships
DialogPlus: Digital Libraries in Support of Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning in G...
Employer Engagement Initiative
Finding their way?Advanced apprenticeship as a route to HE
HECSU Longitudinal Programme - Career Making Curriculum Development and Decision-Making in HE
Hybrid Qualifications
New Spaces in Education
Non-participation in HE: Decision-making as an embedded social practice
POLIS (Politics on-line learning and citizenship skills)
Youth & Community Develeopment in Zambia
ReStore: Sustaining Online Research Methods Resources
The Influence of the School on post-16 education and training choices. A national study for th...
Use of Synchronous Digital Video for Remote Observation and Feedback on Teaching Performance
UK-Sino e-China programme


Leadership, School Improvement and Effectiveness

Current and Recent Projects

Data Dictatorship and Data Democracy: understanding professional attitudes to the use of perfor...
Education and Vocational Training: A Biographical Study of Women's War Time Work with the Women...
Evaluating a course to teach emotional literacy to ITE student
Evaluation of the effectiveness of play provision in Sure Start Central
Evidence-based programmes for promotion and prevention in mental health
How children learn in history: Researching what History ITT providers do
ITT History Subject Induction Pack
Integrating Diversity in Leadership in the Learning and Skills Sector
MINT Mentoring in Teacher Education
Strengthening Training and Regional Networks in Demography (STARND)
The use of performance data for school improvement
Understanding non-participation in education and training in one local authority
What can schools teach CAMHS?
What works in developing children’s emotional and social competence and wellbeing?


Mathematics and Science Education

Current and Recent Projects

21st Century Science - Evaluation of teaching for scientific enquiry
CalGeo: Teaching Calculus using dynamic geometric tools
Children Moving Beyond Initial Success in Problem Solving
Cross-national Study of the Generation of Geometrical Knowledge in Lower Secondary School Mathe...
Cross-phase sustainable development education
Developing Mathematics through Contexts (DMtC) Project
Development of Criticality among Undergraduates in Two Academic Disciplines
Evaluation of RSC Chemistry at Work Programme
Knowledge Domains and Teacher Effectiveness in Mathematics
Making Informed Decisions about Sustainability (MIDAS)
Primary Trainee Teachers' Knowledge of Geometrical Concepts and their Classroom Performance
Teaching controversial environmental issues
The Effectiveness of using Interactive Whiteboards in Promoting Mathematical Thinking
The Role of Friendship Groups as Mediators of Effective Mathematics Learning in Secondary Schools
Approaches to teaching Darwin-related topics
Teachers' views on teaching Darwin-related science
Nature of the conceptual understanding of single-digit addition held by children with mathemati...
Towards evidence-based practice in science education ESRC TLRP network


Social Justice and Inclusive Education

Current and Recent Projects

'Race', diversity and educational inclusion
A pilot study to investigate reasons for elective home education for Gypsy and Traveller parent...
Concepts of access for people with learning disabilities: Towards a shared understanding
Evidence-based programmes for promotion and prevention in mental health
Gypsy Traveller Pupils in Schools in the London Borough of Greenwich: A Report on Good Practice
How can we raise awareness of the value of the trainee in a school?
Parents choice of special and inclusive early years settings
Parents choosing to combine special and inclusive early years settings
Pedagogical approaches for including pupils with special educational needs in mainstream classrooms
Barriers to educational inclusion for gypsy and traveller children in West Susex
Serendipity Centre KTP
The experiences of young children with learning disabilities attending both special and inclusi...
Educational aims of Modern Foreign Language Teaching in Primary schools in England?