Commercialization of non-timber forest products: factors influencing success. Lessons learned from Mexico and Bolivia and policy implications for decision-makers
Commercialization of non-timber forest products: factors influencing success. Lessons learned from Mexico and Bolivia and policy implications for decision-makers
This publication arising from a research project, funded by the UK?s Department for International Development through its Forestry Research Programme, has examined the key factors that influence successful NTFP commercialization. This collaborative venture between UK institutions and project partners in Bolivia and Mexico provides a deeper understanding of how marketing networks are structured, and how NTFP commercialisation can contribute to poverty reduction, gender equality, improved resource access and sustainable use. Results of the research indicate that successful NTFP commercialisation can reduce poverty, and can provide women with a greater sense of self-confidence and improved status within the household and the community. However, there remains a need to help the rural poor overcome the various challenges that constrain successful NTFP commercialization, including securing a sustainable resource supply, accessing key market information and developing strategies to overcome inequitable power dynamics and barriers to market entry. This publication summarizes the results of the project, in a way that should provide direct support to decision-making. Our hope is that the findings, recommendations and outputs of this work will help policy makers direct interventions and target resources to help meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goals of poverty alleviation, food security and environmental sustainability.
United Nations Environment Programme: World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Marshall, E.
Schreckenberg, K.
Newton, A.C.
January 2006
Marshall, E.
Schreckenberg, K.
Newton, A.C.
Marshall, E., Schreckenberg, K. and Newton, A.C.
Commercialization of non-timber forest products: factors influencing success. Lessons learned from Mexico and Bolivia and policy implications for decision-makers
(UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series, 23),
Cambridge, GB.
United Nations Environment Programme: World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 136pp.
This publication arising from a research project, funded by the UK?s Department for International Development through its Forestry Research Programme, has examined the key factors that influence successful NTFP commercialization. This collaborative venture between UK institutions and project partners in Bolivia and Mexico provides a deeper understanding of how marketing networks are structured, and how NTFP commercialisation can contribute to poverty reduction, gender equality, improved resource access and sustainable use. Results of the research indicate that successful NTFP commercialisation can reduce poverty, and can provide women with a greater sense of self-confidence and improved status within the household and the community. However, there remains a need to help the rural poor overcome the various challenges that constrain successful NTFP commercialization, including securing a sustainable resource supply, accessing key market information and developing strategies to overcome inequitable power dynamics and barriers to market entry. This publication summarizes the results of the project, in a way that should provide direct support to decision-making. Our hope is that the findings, recommendations and outputs of this work will help policy makers direct interventions and target resources to help meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goals of poverty alleviation, food security and environmental sustainability.
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Published date: January 2006
Local EPrints ID: 73824
ISBN: 9280726773
PURE UUID: e855d38a-18b2-4ce1-b291-639a3de7a556
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Date deposited: 11 Mar 2010
Last modified: 22 Jul 2022 17:14
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E. Marshall
K. Schreckenberg
A.C. Newton
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