The engineering properties of Victorian structural wrought iron
The engineering properties of Victorian structural wrought iron
This paper presents results, which are of general interest and relevance to the structural engineering community, from a comprehensive investigation of the mechanical properties of the wrought iron from a bridge in mid-Wales, together with data from tests over the last 125 years on wrought iron from various locations. The paper discusses the variability of wrought iron in terms of material from a single source and from different sources throughout the UK. It is shown that wrought iron is a very variable material and that assessment of wrought-iron structures needs to take account of that variability and the condition of the wrought iron. The results reported were obtained as part of a research project into the strengthening of wrought-iron structures using carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer composites.
history, strength and testing of materials
Moy, S.S.J.
Clarke, H.
Bright, S.R.
Moy, S.S.J.
Clarke, H.
Bright, S.R.
Moy, S.S.J., Clarke, H. and Bright, S.R.
The engineering properties of Victorian structural wrought iron.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials, 162 (1), .
This paper presents results, which are of general interest and relevance to the structural engineering community, from a comprehensive investigation of the mechanical properties of the wrought iron from a bridge in mid-Wales, together with data from tests over the last 125 years on wrought iron from various locations. The paper discusses the variability of wrought iron in terms of material from a single source and from different sources throughout the UK. It is shown that wrought iron is a very variable material and that assessment of wrought-iron structures needs to take account of that variability and the condition of the wrought iron. The results reported were obtained as part of a research project into the strengthening of wrought-iron structures using carbon-fibre-reinforced polymer composites.
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Published date: 2009
history, strength and testing of materials
Local EPrints ID: 73905
ISSN: 1747-650X
PURE UUID: 16d6f546-1a16-42e3-82c8-de3901941c14
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Date deposited: 11 Mar 2010
Last modified: 13 Mar 2024 22:20
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S.S.J. Moy
H. Clarke
S.R. Bright
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