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A simple comparative test for bituminous samples

A simple comparative test for bituminous samples
A simple comparative test for bituminous samples
This paper presents details of a bending test method used to firstly identify whether a brittle layer exists in a bituminous road surface and secondly to determine the depth of such a layer. The test is basically a smaller version of the modulus of rigidity test for concrete. It applies 4 point bending to the specimen, with a constant bending moment in the middle third of the span. The top surface of the specimen is placed so that it is in tension under load. Testing is carried out in an instron test machine located in a temperature and humidity controlled room. The average curvature of the specimen in the constant bending moment region is measured by a specially fabricated spherometer. Tensile strain of the specimen in calculated from this measurement. 50 mm x 50 mm x 250 mm specimens are used and great care is required to prepare these. Deformation is applied to the specimen until the application load has just peaked and is starting to fall. In all, 65 specimens taken from 14 sites have been tested, and results are presented from 8 sites. The test has proved to be simple and quick to use and is an effective method of comparing the flexibility of different mixes
Moy, S.S.
Smith, H.
Moy, S.S.
Smith, H.

Moy, S.S. and Smith, H. (1989) A simple comparative test for bituminous samples. Conference on the Durability and Performance of Bituminous Highway Materials, Hertfordshire, UK. 02 - 03 Apr 1989. 10 pp .

Record type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)


This paper presents details of a bending test method used to firstly identify whether a brittle layer exists in a bituminous road surface and secondly to determine the depth of such a layer. The test is basically a smaller version of the modulus of rigidity test for concrete. It applies 4 point bending to the specimen, with a constant bending moment in the middle third of the span. The top surface of the specimen is placed so that it is in tension under load. Testing is carried out in an instron test machine located in a temperature and humidity controlled room. The average curvature of the specimen in the constant bending moment region is measured by a specially fabricated spherometer. Tensile strain of the specimen in calculated from this measurement. 50 mm x 50 mm x 250 mm specimens are used and great care is required to prepare these. Deformation is applied to the specimen until the application load has just peaked and is starting to fall. In all, 65 specimens taken from 14 sites have been tested, and results are presented from 8 sites. The test has proved to be simple and quick to use and is an effective method of comparing the flexibility of different mixes

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Published date: April 1989
Venue - Dates: Conference on the Durability and Performance of Bituminous Highway Materials, Hertfordshire, UK, 1989-04-02 - 1989-04-03


Local EPrints ID: 75724
PURE UUID: 7b3b0a10-d569-4ba0-addb-2326596f6473

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Date deposited: 11 Mar 2010
Last modified: 10 Dec 2021 16:58

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Author: S.S. Moy
Author: H. Smith

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