Managing traffic induced emissions in the future Beirut central business district
Managing traffic induced emissions in the future Beirut central business district
The increased urbanization of the Greater Beirut Area (GBA) over the past years has led severe traffic congestion due to a deficient transportation system and significant reliance on private vehicles as the primary passenger transport mode. As a result, air quality is continuously deteriorating particularly in densely populated areas. Beirut Central District (BCD), the center of economic growth in the GBA, is expected to witness adverse air quality impacts in the medium and long-term future. Hence, there is a growing need to couple the efficiency of transport activities with acceptable air quality since both factors affect the welfare of residents. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of selected traffic management alternatives and emission reduction strategies on air quality in the BCD area
American University of Beirut
El-Fadel, M.
Sbayti, H
Kaysi, I.
Baaj, H
El-Fadel, M.
Sbayti, H
Kaysi, I.
Baaj, H
El-Fadel, M., Sbayti, H, Kaysi, I. and Baaj, H
Managing traffic induced emissions in the future Beirut central business district
Beirut, LB.
American University of Beirut
Record type:
(Project Report)
The increased urbanization of the Greater Beirut Area (GBA) over the past years has led severe traffic congestion due to a deficient transportation system and significant reliance on private vehicles as the primary passenger transport mode. As a result, air quality is continuously deteriorating particularly in densely populated areas. Beirut Central District (BCD), the center of economic growth in the GBA, is expected to witness adverse air quality impacts in the medium and long-term future. Hence, there is a growing need to couple the efficiency of transport activities with acceptable air quality since both factors affect the welfare of residents. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of selected traffic management alternatives and emission reduction strategies on air quality in the BCD area
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Published date: 2003
Local EPrints ID: 75948
PURE UUID: 75b4e0f2-6564-4a6c-b843-ef527213e1f3
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Date deposited: 11 Mar 2010
Last modified: 22 Jul 2022 17:16
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M. El-Fadel
H Sbayti
I. Kaysi
H Baaj
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